Lecture 10 Flashcards
What are the 4 major changes in reorganization of social life?
Increase peer interaction, peer interaction is apart from adult control, gender reorientation, increase in size of peer group, intensity of friendships
What are the important factors fro adolescent friendships?
Common interest, loyalty, intimacy, self-disclosing conversations
What are the gender differences in friendships?
Girls friendships are more intense, girls want friends they can confide, boys friendships are more numerous, boys want friends to support them when they need help
Group of several young people that remains small enough so members can regularly interact
Groups whose members may or may not be friends but who are perceived to share common behavior, interest, beliefs, values
Reputation based crowds
The search for true self, creating a unified sense of self
Identity formation
Unique and consistent self definition
What are the 2 factors that are essential to a mature identity?
Crisis/exploration, commitment
actively exam future opportunities in life
Process by which adolescents commit to the goals, values, and beliefs they have adopted
What are the 4 patterns of identity formation?
Identity achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, identity diffusion
Crisis and commitment are present, person understands who they are as a unique individual, reconsider goals set by parents and culture, actively pursue goals
Identity achievement
Adolescent never goes through identity crisis yet commits to an identity, adopts parents or culture view wholeheartedly without question, premature identity formation
Adolescent has identity crisis but does not arrive at a decision, exploring alternatives without making final identity choices
Adolescent tries out several identities without being able to settle on one, does not seem to know or care about identity, cynical attitude towards whole process
Identity diffusion