Lecture 77 Flashcards
This neuron branches from ventral roots and its branches (motor unit)
The LMN uses _______ and bind to nicotinic receptors
This neuron uses a motor end plates (junction b/t nerve and muscles)
EXCITATION only which leads to contraction
If there is damage to a LMN _______ might occur?
Muscle deficits, paresis (muscle weakness), Atrophy, and paralysis
This neuron has pathways from cerebrum/brainstem and the spinal cord projects don to control this neuron.
UMN has _______ type of output?
Excitatory and inhibitory
if the LMN are damaged can we observe UMN damage?
Frontal cortex of cerebrum plans, strategizes and provides impulse control
Cerebral motor control
Cerebral motor control: Primary motor area initiates
voluntary motor and movements
Cerebral motor control has output to?
Brainstem UMNs and Spinal cord LMNs
Cerebral motor control has association areas for complex integration planning and?
T/F: All three descending motor tracts of the vertebral motor control are associated with the pyramidal tract
_______ are the three descending motor tracts of the cerebral motor control
Corticonuclear, Corticopontine and Corticospinal
This descending motor tract is associated with the brainstem nuclei and is ipsilateral
This descending motor tract is associated with pontine nuclei and contains pontocerebellar fibers to contralateral cerebellum
This descending motor tract of cerebral motor control dessusates to contralateral lateral corticospinal tract and has a few fibers that stay ipsilateral in ventral corticospinal tract and decussate before termination
Descending tracts are associated with?
Pyramidal tract
Descending tracts of corticospinal are in direct communication between ?
Cerebral cortex UMN and LMNs
Descending tracts of Corticospinal has _______ fine motor control, skilled movement
Brainstem upper motor neurons have _______ movements and are discriminatory
Red nucleus, pontine, medullary reticular nuclei and vestibular nuclei
Brainstem UMN
UMN some go to cranial motor nuclei (LMN) and most go to?
spinal ventral horn (LMNS) via long descending tracts
Extrapyramidal tract is _______
UMN control LMN
_______ are examples of descending tracts associated with extrapyramidal tracts
Rubrospinal tract, pontine reticulospinal tract, medullary reticulospinal tract and vestibulospinal tracts
Extrapyramidal descending tract: Key tract for voluntary movement in animals and facilitate UMN of flexors muscles
Rubrospinal tract
Extrapyramidal descending tract: Facilitate LMN of extensor muscles and INHIBIT LMU of flexor muscles
Pontine reticulospinal tract
Extrapyramidal descending tract: INHIBIT LMN of extensors and facilitate LMN of flexors
Medullary reticulospinal tract
Extrapyramidal descending tract: Facilitate LMN of extensors and inhibit flexors
Vestibulospinal tracts
Motor neuron disease (UMN and LMN)
Paresis, paralysis, hyporeflexia, areflexia, hypotonia, atonia, neurogenic atrophy
Withdrawal; righting
Cutaneous trunci reflex
_______ is the complete absence of volitional movement
An involuntary, predictable, graded, patterned response that occurs when anadequate stimulus is applied (activates) to an appropriate receptor
Reflex ARC all about the relays
Adequate stimulus, Appropriate receptor, Afferent fibers, CNS, Efferent fibers, Response tissue (effector), Response, Off-signal
Tap tendon reflex
Adequate stimulus
_______ is a receptor on the tendon
Appropriate receptor
_______ is an example of a myotatic reflex?
Tendon reflex
_______ is monosynaptic
Myotatic reflex
During the myotatic reflex: Sensory neuron terminates on GSE neuron in grey column
Two neurons
The femoral nerve has a myotatic reflex and is located where?
L4, L5, L6
_______ nerve during a myotatic reflex activates flexors
Peripheral nerve
During a flexor reflex the magnitude of the stimulus can trigger?
More than 1 neuron
Reflex arc involves _______, peroneal, tibial nerves + spinal cord segments (L6 -S1)
If i pinch the toe of a dog _______ reflex would u expect?
Flexor reflex (withdrawal)
_______ is a major reflex associated with the flexor reflex
flexion of all joints (‘remove from stimulus”)sciatic nerve deficit (attenuated or no reflex)
The flexor reflex also test?
Flexor reflex involves?
Segmental and neocortex
Interneurons (grey matter) of the flex (withdrawal) reflex can inhibit or stimulate flexors or extensors. In this case the opposite leg _______
Cutaneous afferent fibers from nociceptor in flexion reflex is located in _______ root?
Cutaneous afferent fibers from nociceptor in flexion reflex is located in dorsal root and effects flexors and extensors so the stimulated leg _______
Cutaneous truni reflex is _______
_______ involves a large portion of spinal cord
Panniculus: Used to help localize _______ lesion
thoracolumbar spinal cord
Panniculus: Sensory stimulation is _______
compression of skin
Panniculus: motor is brief contraction of _______ muscle?
Cutaneous trunci muscle
Panniculus reflex sends information to the _______
white matter of the lateral funiculus