Lecture 7: Quebec Flashcards
Who settled Quebec City?
Samuel de Champlain
What is Bill 21 in Quebec?
Restricts individuals from wearing religious symbols such as hijabs, kippers, and turbans, in public.
Who are the feelings of french pride most common among?
Old stock - the decenddants of around 10,000 settlers who migrated from France in the 17th and 18th centuries
Where do most Québécois place their loyalty?
To Quebec, but within Confederation
What is an anglophone and an allophone?
An anglophone is someone whose mother tounge is English and an allophone is an immigrant whose mother tongue is neither English or French
Where are most anglophones and allophones in Quebec located?
Along the Ottawa River, mostly in Gatineau and Montreal
What is happening to the percentage of French speaking Canadians?
It’s shrinking
Who are the remainder of the Quebecers apart from the english and french speakers? What languages do they speak?
The Indigenous peoples - Cree, Inuktitut, Innu-aimun
What are the three major indigenous people groups in Quebec?
Cree, Inuit, Innu (Naskapi) → they speak theitr native language, English, and French, in that order
Why do social tensions surface between the French-speaking majority and Quebec minority groups?
Because the Québecois assert their desire to be “Maîtres chez nous”
Describe the population growth rate of Quebec?
The second lowest in Canada, behind atlantic Canada
What is the political consequence of Quebecs slow population growth rate?
Less political power; more seats but a lower propertion of seats in the House of Commons
When was Canadian confederation?
What were the three benefits of federation for Quebec?
- Economic union with ON, NS, and NB
- Catholisim and, to a lesser degree, French are protected by Ottawa
- Provincial control over education and language
Why did Quebec’s size increase because of Confederation?
Canada aquired more territory from GB, parts of Rupert’s land north of St.Lawrence drainage basin were assigned to Quebec. They were given to Quebec in 1898 and 1912
How did confederation help the economic growth of Montreal
At the time, Montreal was the major metropolis and financial capital of Canada. Therefore many of national institutions were situated there and Montreal served as the main port of trade with Britain
What natural geographical feauture played a key role in the history of New France?
The St Lawrence River
How do ocean cargo ships sail into the Great Lakes?
By passing through the St Lawrence Seaway for example, the locks of the Welland canal
What cities benefit the most from the St Lawrence river?
Cities along its shores from Sept-Îles to Montreal, Montreal’s favourable location on the St Lawrence gives it an economic advantage and fuels the city’s growth
Where is Quebec’s population and economic activities mostly concentrated in?
St. Lawrence Lowland
Where is Quebec’s core?
From Quebec City to Montreal - 80% of industrial output, and 70% of population
Where do most exports from Quebec’s core go to?
Mostly west to Ontario and south to USA
What are the main economic pursuits of Northern Quebec?
Forestry and mining - similar to northern Ontario
Where do the Inuit and Cree live in Quebec
The Inuit live further north in the artic lands of Nunavik, and the Cree live further south
Where does most population growth occur in Quebec?
In the core
Where do most newcomers in Quebec go?
Where do most anglophones and allophones in Quebec live?
What is the population growth like in the northern hinterland?
Very high → because of high Indigenous fertility rates
Where does quebec rank in terms of population and economic output?
What is the largest province by area?
What does quebec mean in indigenous language?
Where the river narrows
What does Québecois (Quebecers) mean?
Any resident of quebec regardless of mother tounge
What are the main Indigenous populations in quebec
Cree and Inuit in the north
What is the point of language law in quebec?
requires businesses to use french → goal is to preseve french
What do 3/4 of non english and french speaking immigrants to Quebec choose to speak?
Describe Quebec’s population growth rate vs rest of Canada?
slightly slower (declining portion of Canadian population)
Describe birth rate in northern quebec
describe immigration rate in Quebec
low (except for MTL CMA)
What caused Quebec’s decline in population share?
- Growth in Western Canada
- relocation of business HQs from Quebec to Ontario
Why did many buisness leave quebec in the 70s?
Speratism movements
What is the majority of quebecs phyisography?
Canadian Shield
What is the best agricultural land in Quebec used for?
Dairy farming (between Montreal and Quebec City)
Describe gaspé penninsula
Appalachian uplands - very rugged
small settlements on coastline
lots of rain due to Atlantic Ocean
How did they prevent large freight ships from running aground?
How did quebec avoid ships to pass around waterfalls and rapids?
Canals that become of St Lawrence Seaway in 1959
How did mining impact environemtn of Quebec?
Mining wastes are evident within Canadian Shield from aspetos and nickel mines → parts of St Lawrence River still contain high levels of toxic chemicals
What invasive species in quebec hurts the ecosystem and blocks many pipelines?
Zebra mussels
How did zebra mussels come from Europe
Attatched to ships
Where does 100% of energy in Quebec come from?
Renewable hydroelectric
What are the two lowest per capita emitter provinces of greenhouse gases?
PEI and Quebec
Describe gasoline tax in Quebec
Very high → used to fund maintenance of hydroelectric energy system
Deifinition: Greenhouse Gas
Gas that allows solar radiation to pass through but absorbs infrared radiation from earth → major contributers to climate change (ex: carbon dioxide)
What was Quebec originally known as?
New France
Who first sailed into Chaleur Bay and discovered mouth of St Lawrence in 1534?
When was a trading post founded in current Quebec City? By who?
1608 - Champlain
Who established Montreal in 1642? What was it called?
Maisonneuve established Ville-Marrie
What happened on the Plains of abraham in 1759?
British defeated the French → they ruled quebec for 100 years until confederation
Why did Quebec agree to join confederation? 4 reasons
- union with other colonies would strengthen economically and prevent US annexation
- French was an offical language of federal government and religion was a right
- Provinces were given control over education
- working close with Ontario, Quebec could influence politics and shape the future of Canada as it expanded west
When and how did Quebec double in size?
In 1912, when Inuit land of Nunavik was added
What did the court decide the boundary between Quebec and Labrador was?
Drainage basin divide
Describe growing season in Quebec?
relatively shrot
What is Quebec’s leading export?
Bombardier aircrafts and parts (also trains, subways, streetcars, ATVs, and snowmobiles)
How is the quternary sector in Quebec?
Growing with heavy investment, especially in universities in MTL
Why is tourism an important part of Quebec’s tertiary sector? (Why do ppl want to visit)
history and francophone culture
When and who caused Hydro Quebec to become a major force?
Premier Jean Lesage in 1944
What is a possible expansion for Hydro Quebec?
Aquiring electrical utilities in NB and NS → to gain complete control of energy in the area along with a share in NY state and all 6 New England States
What does hydroelectricity depend on? (3 things)
- Precipitation
- Topography
- Access to markets
What are the advantages of hydroelectric developments? (5)
- renewable
- facilities have long lifespan
- low operating costs
- job creation during contruction
- no greenhouse gas emissions
Why does hydroelectricity attract large-scale industry?
Hydro Quebec can offer energy to industrial firms at a greatly discounted cost
What are the 3 reasons allowing Quebec to offer low energy prices?
- Northern Quebec can produce large volume (more than provincial need)
- Long term contract to buy power from Churchill Falls at 1969 prices
- Monopoly can set prices without concern of competition
What is the James Bay project?
Production of hydroelectricity from all 20 James Bay rivers
Who was against the James Bay project?
Indigenous peoples (mostly Cree) and environmental organizations
What were main argumentrs agianst James Bay project?
Animals (habitat, migration patterns)
Indigenous food (chemicals in waters fished by indigenous, hunting grounds)
Environmental (flooding, loss of timber)
What does Nunavik mean in Inuktitut?
Great land
Where do almost all residents in Nunavik live?
One of 15 small villages along the coast
What are current negotions about in Nunavik?
Establish a regional government that is controlled by inuit → they would be responsible for healthcare, education, social services → Quebec would provide funding
Why is Quebec’s softwood timber in high demand comapred to US softwood?
Colder so grows slower and creates harder wood
What is mined primarily in Quebec?
Iron Ore
What city is the commerical, cultural, and industrial centre of Quebec?
What is the only walled city in NA featuring 300 year old buildings?
Quebec City
What is Estrie?
sceanic area in apalachian uplands - Sherbrooke is there
What was Premier Robert Bourassa referring to when he stated that he feels like a conqueror?
How did task force coordinator Matthew Mukash suggest the Cree fight the project if Quebec did not listen to them?
They will take the fight outside of Quebec and get Hydro Quebec to lose their customers in USA (especially NY) in order to stop them from taking over Cree territory
How did Richard Le Hir of the Quebec Manufacturers’ Association describe the actions of the Cree?
They are holding the provinces economical developments hostage
How did the La Grande River and the village of Chisasibi change after contruction of the La Grande project in 1975?
The river was destroyed and turned to a wasteland, in Chisasibi there is social disorder, deaths, flooded graves, and total destruction of the land
How did Hydro-Quebec’s U.S. representative Jacques Guevremont respond to Robert Kennedy’s words?
He said that the Native people in Canada are trated better than those in USA
How did French journalist Francine Pelletier describe the importance of Hydro-Quebec to the province
She said that Hydro-Quebec brough Quebec out of an age of darkness andf saved their independance
There is an estimated amount of $225 million to be turned into profit. She descived Hydro-Quebec as sacred, “It’s the way Quebec went from darkness to light”
On the bill to cancel their contract with Hydro-Quebec, how did the government of NY State vote?
Voted to cancel the contract because the state can meet its power needs. They could also supply this power by employing New Yorkers
In the Massachusetts state legislature, how did Grand Chief Matthew Coon-Come respond when pressed further to explain why the Cree gave approval to Hydro-Quebec to expand a previous project?
Earn the best interest for the people.
He responded that the Cree approved Hydro Quebec to expand to expand a previous project because they’re not making enough money in the community sp the $50 million they afforded could really help the community
What change came to the Quebec legislature in 1994?
Land is reserved for indigenous people.
Quebec needs their own country their own land to run their economy.
Cree people would not support an independent quebec
How did Cree activist Dianne Reid describe what the fight against Hydro-Quebec was about?
About brining back the pride, unity, and strength of the nation