Lecture 11: Territorial North Flashcards
Where do the majority of people in the Territorial North Live?
Yellowknife, Whitehorse, Iqaluit
What are the indigenous population percentages in Nunavut, NWT, and Yukon?
85%, 50%, 22.8%
What are reasons for the high indigenous populations in the Territorial north? (3 reasons)
- They tend not to leave
- High rates of natural increase
- Very few southern Canadians choose to go north
How is the population concentration in Territorial north?
Most live in the capitals (77% for Whitehorse)
What is population growth like in territorial north?
Very fast
How does in-migration impact TN population
Economic expansion creates jobs, and draws people in, however when the economy contracts, these same people leave
True or False: More and more indigenous people are leaving the north for jobs and education
True: but not increasing at a fast rate
How much attention did the government pay to the TN before WW2?
Not very much attention, a laissez fair approach
Why did the TN become a strategic region?
The Canadian government built military bases, highways landing fields, radar stations in WW2 → was also a buffer zone between USA and SU until 1991
What did PM John Diefenbaker’s “Northern Vision” in the late 50s Roads to Resources aim to do?
Build highways and encourage resource development in TN
What makes building highways in the TN so expenesive
Permafrost and distance between places
Which province is not connected to the national highway system?
What are winter roads?
Temporary ice roads over muskeg, lakes, and rivers
What are the best ways to ship low-grade ore?
- Ship 2. Railway
What was a major flaw in the Northern Vision?
Resource towns were non-sustainable as they had no economic prowess once the mines closed
How did companies avoid the problems associated with non-sustainable towns apart in the Northern Vision?
Air commuting (flying in workers for a period of time)
Why was air commuting bad for the territorial north?
- workers would earn money and spend it at home - stimulating the provincial economies and not territorial ones
- workers would pay personal income tax to the province and not the territory
Why was air commuting good for Indigenous peoples?
Provided access to work while allowing them to reside in their communities
How does arctic transportation take advantage of nature?
In late summer when ice melts along the western arctic, a narrow stretch of water opens between the shore and the polar pack ice allowing small ships to bring supplies along the coast of the Beaufort sea
How do ships get through the arctic pack (ice) in winter?
In the winter, ice ranging from 1m (one year) to 5m (older) requires ice breakersto allow voyages
Why were arctic cruise goers surprised?
Lack of ice
How do residents of small arctic communities benefit from the arctic cruise tourists?
The wealthy visitors
What was a major issue with whalers, fur traders, and missionaries coming to arctic?
They brought diseases that the Inuit had little immunity such as measles, small pox, and tuberculosis
What happened to the Saldermiut and Mackenzie Delta Inuit?
They were exposed to European diseases, the Saldermiut were completely wiped out and the Mackenzie Delat Inuit were down to 100
Who had the highest flu mortality rates in the world?
What was the goal of Sir John Franklin’s british naval expedition?
To search for the elusive Northwest Passage, they never returned, igniting one of the world’s greatest rescue operations
What were the conclusions of the Sir John Franklin’s Naval Expedition’s rescue missions? (3 conclusions)
- Evidents of the loss of the ships, and the deaths of the crews
- One rescue ship (Robert McClure) almost completed it
- Missions resulted in greater knowledge and mapping of the numerous islands and various routes to the north and west of Baffin Island in the Arctic Ocean
What is a possible cause for the tragedy of Sir John Franklin’s expedition?
Led poisioning from the tin cans in the ships
What was the desperate decision that survivors of Franklin’s expedition made?
March south to the Back River and to follow it down to a Hudson’ Bay Company fur-trading outpost → nobody made it
What is the difference between a province and a territory?
Provinces have powers that cannot be interfered with by federal government
Territories have delagated powers but remain under supervision of federal government
Territories do not have control/ownership of their natural resources and heavily depend on federal government for trasnfer payments
What are the 4 physiographic regions extending over the territorial north?
Canadian Shield, Interior Plains, Cordillera, and Arctic Archipelago