Lecture 7 Cranial Nerves Flashcards
How many cranial nerves are there
Somatic motor fibres supply what
Striated muscle (skeletal)
Autonomic motor fibres supply what
Cranial division of parasympathetic innervates smooth muscle and glands
Cranial nerves may contain
Somatic motor fibres Autonomic motor fibres Visceral sensory General sensory Special sensory fibres
Visceral sensory fibres are
Afferent inputs from pharynx, larynx, heart, lung, gut
General sensory fibres are
Afferent inputs (touch, temp, pain) from skin & mucous membranes
Special sensory fibre are
Taste, smell, vision, hearing & balance
What is the pathway of the olfactory nerve
nerve fibres pass through foraminifera in cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and enter olfactory bulb in the anterior cranial fossa
What is the consequence of a fractured cribriform plate
May tear olfactory nerve fibres causing anosmia
What is the pathway of the optic nerve
– enters via optic canal, nerves join to form optic chiasm, fibres from medial (nasal) half of each retina cross to form optic tract
Increase in CSF pressure can lead to what
Papilloedema (optic disc swelling)
Section of optic chiasma cut causes what
bitemporal hemianopsia
What is the pathway of the oculomotor nerve
Emerges from midbrain and exits via superior orbital fissure
Damage to the oculomotor nerve can cause what
– drooping of upper eyelid (ptosis)
– eyeball abducted and pointing down (Lateral deviation of the eye)
– no pupillary reflex
– no accommodation of the lens
What is the pathway of the Trochlear
– emerges from dorsal surface of the mid brain and exits via the superior orbital fissure
What does the trochlear nerve control
Superior oblique muscle
What is the pathway of the trigeminal nerve V1
Emerges from the pons, travels through the trigeminal ganglion and exits via the superior orbital fissure
What is the pathway of the trigeminal branch V2
– emerges from the pons, travels through the trigeminal ganglion and exits via the superior orbital fissure
What is the pathway for the trigeminal branch V3
– emerges from the pons, travels through the trigeminal ganglion and exits via the foramen ovale
What is the pathway of the abducent nerve
– emerges between pons and medulla and exits exits via the superior orbital fissure
What happens when the abducent nerve is abnormal
Medial deviation of the affected eye causing double vision
What is the pathway of the facial nerve
Emerges between pons and medulla and exits via internal acoustic meatus, facial canal and stylomastoid foramen
What is the pathway of the vestibulocochlear nerve
– emerges from between pons and medulla and exits via internal acoustic meatus, dividing into vestibular & cochlear nerves
What is the pathway of the glossopharyngeal nerve
Emerges from medulla and exits via jugular foramen