Lecture 6 Flashcards
Largest organ in the abdomen
What covers the liver and what is it made of
Glisson’s capsule
Thin connective layer
Where is the glissons capsule thickets
Around the IVC
Live is intra or retro
Intra except around bare area
Where does margin does the majority of the liver lie beneath
Right costal margin
2 main surfaces of the liver
Anterior (parietal)
Posterior/inferior (visceral)
What landmarks do we use to divide the liver into different parts
3 fissures of the liver
Main lobar fissure
Left intersegmental fissure
Right intersegmental fissure
7 liver ligaments
Falciform Teres/ round Ligamentum venosum Hepatodoudenal Gastroheptic Coronary Right and left triangular
Falciform ligament divides…
Liver into L and R lobe
Ligamentum teres divides …
Medial and lateral portion of left lobe
What covers the porta hepatic enterance to the liver
Hepatoduodenal ligament
What connets lesser stomach to liver
Gastohepatic ligament
What connects anterior liver to diaphragm
Coronary ligament
What connects liver to body wall
R and L triangular