Lecture 5: Muscles of the lower limbs and the Knee Joint Flashcards
Attaches to the lesser trochanter of the femur
Pulls the femur up, flexes the thigh and hip joint lines the iliac fossa
Psoas Major
Attaches at the trochanter
Comes from the flank
Contracts with the iliacs, does the same as the ilacus, Often called the same muscles but with two segments
Psosa Minor
Ends at the pelivs Not a sigfig muscle Not responsible for walking only in 60% of people Very eep in the pevlic region
Tailor muslce
Used it when you sit down and cross legs,
Longest muscle of the the body
Flex hip and knee joint
Rectus Femoris
Straight portion
Only one of four quadriceps that originates at the pelvis
Others originate at the femur,
Flexes the hip joint
Large, wide, thick and strong Lateralis and medialis Muscles fibers run toward the knee Intermedius much deeper Quads move the patella Tendon and ligament pull and extend the knee joint
Fascia Lata
Embrace the buttox and thigh, and first portion of the leg
Wraps around the legs
Holds the components of muscles together
Iliotibial band
Can be cut and rotated into the knee joint, replace torn ligaments
5 muscles on the inside of the thigh
Act to adduct the limb, back into anatomical postion
Tensor facia Lata
Stabilization of the knee, weight bearing, flexes when weight is put on it
Groin pulled this muscle
Can rip in awkward falls
Pelvis to groin
Adductor Brevis
Deep to longus and magmus can be torn/ ripped
Gluteus Maximus
Powerful extensor
used when jumping, important to proper walking
protects the ischial tuberosity
Will effect the gluteal muscles and effect walking
Hamstring muscles
Butchers noticed that other side was long and stringy
All these muscles originate at the ischial tuberosity
Walking on heels, uses the tibialis anterior lifts toes
Big toes has two tendons
Extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum brevis
Walking on toes Push off in walking phase
Calf Muscles
Gastrocneumis and soleus
High heels
Shorten the achilleus
Plantar fassa
Thicker than the palm by A LOT
Muscles of the foot are the same as hands
Torn = joint will lock, cannot be repaired only removed
Medial is torn more.