Bones of the Hand Flashcards
Carpal Bones
8 in the wrist
Metacarpal Bones
5 in the palm
Phalangial bones
14 in the fingers
The hand (# of bones)
27 bones total
Radio-Ulnar Joint
Location: Formed by the distal ends of the radius and ulna
Function: Permits pronation and supination movements of the hand
Styloid processes of the radius and ulna
Location: Pen like projections of bone
Function: Are attached to ligaments of the wrist that extend to the proximal row of carpal bones
Carpal Bones arrangement
Arranged in two rows of four bones
Proximal row of bones
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
Scaphoid (Navicular) bone
Lateral most bone, Boat shaped
Moon shaped
Triangular shaped
Small - pea shaped
Example of sesamoid bone
Location: found suspened in the tendon of the flxor carpi ulnaris muscle
Distal row of carpal bones
Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, Hamate
(a little table) Lateral most bone
Four sided
Shaped like a head
Hook like process (Hamlus of the hamate)
Distal Carpal bones
Form the joints with the 5 bones of the palm
Metacarpal bones
Meta = beyond
Location: just beyond the carpal bones of the wrist
Located 1 - 5, beginning with the thumb
Function: articulates with the most proximal of the phalangeal bones of each digit (Forming the knucles)
First Metacarpal
The shortest, in the thumb
Metacarpo-phalangeal Joints
MP Joints
Formed by the metacarpal and proximal bones
Three phalanges of the fingers
Proximal, middle and distal
Phalange bones of the thumb
Proximal and Distal
Proximal Interphalangeal Joints
(PIP) Proximal and middle phalanges
Distal Interphalangeal joints
(DIP) btwn middle and distal phalanges
Interphalangeal Joint
(IP) only in the thumb, btwn proximal and distal