Lecture 5: cont Flashcards
Where are the climbing fibers coming from and which neurotransmitters are used for communication?
Contralateral inferior olivary nuclei
glutamate or aspartate
Parallel fibers are axons of _________ cells
Inhibition vs. Disinhibition:
Parallel fibers activate Purkinje cell and _________/______ cell
Negatively regulated by ________ cell: ______ aspect of signal processing
Golgi; temporal
Inhibition vs. Disinhibition:
Purkinje cells in flanking zones will be ________ by basket and stellate cells: ______ aspect
Selectively inhibit/dishinbit of nuclei both _______ &______ aspect
inhibited; spatial
temporal and spatial
Regulating Firing Rate of Purkinje cells:
_________ only from inferior olivary nuclei
-complex spike, “calcium spike”
_________synaspe with granule cells —> activate target cells through _______ fibers
Climbing fibers
Mossy fibers; parallel fibers
Climbing and Multilayered fibers are only temporal effects? True or False
False: both temporal and spatial
Regulating Firing Rate of Purkinje cells:
Purkinje cells integrate the spatial and temporal patterns of excitatory and inhibitory inputs from parallel fibers, climbing fibers, and interneurons. This is known as ____________
Spatiotemporal summation
Motor Functions of Vestibulocerebellum:
_______ pathway: Purkinje cells project to vestibular nuclei directly
________descending motor pathway that maintains posture and balance controlling extensor mm. in limbs
________neural pathway involved in coordinating eye movements, gaze and tracking
lateral vestibulospinaltract (LVST)
medial longitudinal fascicules (MLF)
Motor Functions of Vestibulocerebellum:
_________ pathway: Purkinje cells project to fastigial nuclei
__________ does not directly innervate distal limbs like ________
Directly project to the ________
bilateral medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST) ; LVST
spinal cord
Primary function of the Vestibulocerebellum:
postural control/balance/coordination of eye movement
How do mossy fibers modulate Purkinje cell functions?
Synapse with granule cells which activate target cells through parallel fibers
Vestibulocerebellum impairment:
What pathway in the brainstem is responsible for coordinating eye movements, specifically CN IiI, IV, and VI?
-Loss of function:
Medial Longitudinal Fascicles (MLF)
loss of smooth pursuit (saccades), nystagmus, diplopia
Vestibulocerebellum impairment:
Vestibulospinal tract (CNS) plays a key role in ___________.
Loss of function can leads to:
Postural control
truncal ataxia, titubation (truncal tremor)
*refer to jeopardy image
Motor function of the spinocerebellum and pathway:
position and movement proximal joints and extremities
afferent through sup. and inf. cerebellar peduncle
Motor function of the cerebrocerebellum and pathway:
-motor planning, initial activation pf primary cortex
-timing of muscle contraction
-precise dexterous movement of extremities
afferent through middle cerebellar peduncle to contralat. hemisphere