Lecture 4 and 5: Immune Compromised Individuals and Risks Flashcards
What components of the immune system are important defenses against pathogens?
physical, innate (neutrophils and macrophages), Acquired immunity (cell mediated T and B cells)
List some individuals that are potentially immune compromised.
Pregnant females, children, elderly, stressed, malnourished, chemotherapy patients, transplant recipients, individuals with HIV/AIDS, patients with chronic disease
Why are reptiles and amphibians bad for kids?
because they are natural carriers of salmonella (normal flora of the GI tract) that kids can get from inproper hand washing and lack of supervision
When are HIV/AIDs patients more at risk with coming down with severe disease?
when HIV turns into AIDS
How many people in the United States have HIV/AIDS and how many do not know they have it?
11 million have it, 1.7 million don’t know they have it
Why are pregnant females more susceptible to infection from pathogens?
because they have decreased CD4 and increased CD8
What percentage of miscarriages are due to infectious causes?
What pathogens are of great concern to pregnant females?
Toxoplasma gondii, Listeria monocytogenes, Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydia, Brucella, Lyme/Lepto, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
How can pregnant women get infected with Toxoplasma gondii?
cats, vegetables, sheep, soil, meat (undercooked pork and beef), water
True or False: The risk of getting Toxoplasma gondii from cats is low.
True because they only shed once
Will a pregnant female be at more of risk for negative effects of Toxoplasma gondii before or after conception?
after conception
What can Toxoplasma gondii cause in pregnant females?
miscarriage, congenital defects, premature delivery
How is Toxoplasma gondii infection prevented?
Clean litter box every 24 hours, wash your hands, cook your meat, wear gloves, keep cat indoors, don’t let cats hunt
How can pregnant females get Listeria monocytogenes?
raw milk, raw cheese, soft cheese, deli meats, and hot dogs
What can Listeria monocytogenes cause in pregnant females?
miscarriage, premature delivery, fetal death, and death for the pregnant female
How can pregnant females get Coxiella burnetii?
livestock, cats, aerosol, splashes, aiding birthing of animals
What can Coxiella burnetii cause in pregnant females?
miscarriage, premature delivery
What does Chlamydia cause in pregnant females?
miscarriage, premature delivery, pregnant female’s death
How can pregnant females get Brucella?
consuming unpasteurized dairy products
What is a common sign of a Brucella infection?
undulate fever
What can Brucella cause in pregnant females?
What can Leptospirosis cause in pregnant females?
miscarriage and fetal death
What can Lyme disease cause in pregnant females?
miscarriage and premature delivery
What is the source of Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus?
feces, saliva, and urine from the house mouse and pet rodents
What can Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in pregnant females?
congenital defects and miscarriage
How can the spread of pathogens to pregnant females be prevented?
- Don’t adopt young animals, they should be older than a year of age
- Reconsider eating deli meats, hot dogs, or soft cheeses
- cut nails of animals to prevent injury
- routine fecals
- bring animal to vet if there are problems