Lecture 31 11/8/23 Flashcards
What is a gland?
a cell/group of cells that secrete a chemical substance
What are the two possible fates for gland secretions?
-use within the body
-discharged into the surroundings
Where do endocrine glands secrete their products?
directly into the bloodstream
What are examples of endocrine glands?
-endocrine pancreas
Where do exocrine glands secrete their products?
into ducts
What are examples of exocrine glands?
-exocrine pancreas
-sweat glands
-sebaceous glands
What are unicellular glands?
glands comprised of only a single cell
What are examples of unicellular glands?
-goblet cells (exocrine)
-enterochromaffin cells (endocrine)
What are multicellular glands?
secretory unit comprised of many cells
What is an example of a multicellular gland?
What are the potential gland shapes?
What does the shape classification of the gland depend on?
the shape of the secretory component
What are the two types of tubular glands?
What is merocrine secretion?
membrane of the secretory droplet fuses with plasma membrane
Which glands undergo merocrine secretion?
-eccrine sweat glands
What is apocrine secretion?
piece of apical/top cytoplasm pinches off
Which glands undergo apocrine secretion?
-mammary glands
-apocrine sweat glands
-ceruminous glands
What is holocrine secretion?
entire cell becomes secretory product
Which glands undergo holocrine secretion?
sebaceous glands
Which type of secretion can be visualized microscopically?
What are the characteristics of serous secretion?
-high protein
-appear as eosinophilic apical cytoplasmic granules
Which glands produce serous secretions?
-exocrine pancreas
-salivary glands
-gastric glands
What are the characteristics of mucus secretion?
-high glycoprotein
-foamy cytoplasm with flattened basal nuclei
Which glands produce mucus secretions?
-salivary glands (some)
-gastric glands
What is the function of myoepithelium?
contractile; moves secretions towards duct/surface
Which glands have myoepithelium?
What are the characteristics of colonic glands?
-merocrine secretion
What are the characteristics of salivary glands?
-merocrine secretion
-serous and mucus secretions
What are the characteristics of sebaceous glands?
-throughout haired skin
-lipid droplets in cytoplasm/foamy appearance
-holocrine secretion
What are the characteristics of apocrine glands?
-dump secretions into hair follicle
-apocrine secretion
-coiled tubular glands
What are the characteristics of eccrine glands?
-found on footpads
-similar appearance to apocrine glands but not near hair follicles
-merocrine secretion
-serous secretions
-coiled tubular glands
What are the characteristics of mammary glands?
modified apocrine gland
-combination of tubular and acinar
What are the characteristics of ceruminous glands?
-modified apocrine gland
-located in external ear
What are the characteristics of the apocrine glands of the anal sacs?
-specialized apocrine glands
-open onto skin or into anal sacs
What are the characteristics of hepatoid glands?
-modified sebaceous glands
-found in perianal skin, proximal tail, and lateral to prepuce
-look like liver microscopically