Lecture 18 9/21/23 Flashcards
What is a motor unit?
one alpha neuron and all the striated muscle fibers it innervates
What are the characteristics of a motor unit?
-muscle fibers are all the same type
-muscle fibers all contract at same time
How can contraction strength be increased?
-increased number of motor neurons firing (spatial)
-increased frequency of activation (temporal)
What are the characteristics of myocardial cells?
-single nucleus
-connected via intercalated discs
What is the role of intercalated discs?
to allow for rapid transmission of neural signals from cell to cell
What structure allows for passage of ions between myocardial cells?
gap junction
What are the four main differences in cardiac muscle compared to skeletal muscle?
-branching cell networks
-single, central nucleus
-autonomic control
-intercalated discs
What are the characteristics of smooth muscle?
-smaller and shorter cells
-no visible striations
-no T tubules
-less developed sarc. reticulum
-can receive input from multiple neurons
-can receive stimulatory and inhibitory signals
How do multiunit and single unit smooth muscle cells differ?
-multiunit cells are separate cells with varicosity between them all
-single unit cells have gap junctions connecting them; only some cells interact with varicosity
What is a varicosity?
structure that holds neurotransmitters and diffusely releases them to act on multiple cells at once
What are the characteristics of single unit movement?
-contractile force of one fiber affects the neighboring fiber
-gap junctions allow for ion flow between fibers
-action potentials travel from one fiber to the next for one large, coordinated contraction
What is the role of the dense body?
hold actin filaments together in smooth muscle
How does innervation differ between single unit and multiunit smooth muscle?
-one innervation is enough for single unit due to the cells being connected
-each muscle fiber in multiunit must have its own innervation
What are caveolae?
-structures in smooth muscle similar to T tubules
-allow for deeper propagation of signals
What are the additional stimuli that are possible for smooth muscle?
-mechanical pressure
-blood pH
-extracellular ion conc.
What are the steps of smooth muscle contraction?
-Ca2+ conc. increase in the cell when Ca2+ is released into cytoplasm
-Ca2+ binds to calmodulin
-Ca2+-calmodulin activates myosin light chain kinase
-MLCK phosphorylates light chains in myosin heads and increases myosin ATPase activity
What is the role of calmodulin?
to control actin and myosin cross-bridging
What is the role of myosin light chain kinase?
to stimulate phosphorylation of myosin, allowing for actin/myosin binding