Lecture 3 Flashcards
Immune System, Stress and Disease
Define stress in two points
The response of a organism to maintain normal function as a result of a chemical or physical force.
This response often places a high demand(energetically) on the organism, resulting in a weakened state.
What is the optimal ranges for salmonids for O2 pH Total co2 NH3 Nitrite Nitrate Temperature
02- min 5-9mg/L best at 9-10mg/L (100% sat) pH 6.5-8.5 Marine(7.6-8.2) CO2 less than 10mg/l NH3-less than 0.02 Marine 0.01mg/L nitrite- 0.1mgél nitrate- less than 1.0 mg/L Temp: DO NOT EXCEED 2 degrees per day Salmon- 3 to 20 best 10-14 oysters 4-25 Scallops 4-15 degrees
What is gas supersaturation?
nitrogen level is too high and causes gas bubble disease
What is Total Dissolved Solids and what is the optimal range?
All dissolved minerals in water and the optimal range is 80-110 ppm
Which heavy metals are harmful to fish?
Zn, Cu, Hg often more toxic at a lower pH
What is flow and exchange rate in a net pen and a tank?
TANK-.5 exchanges per min
Net pen- 10 to 60 cm per second
Name 4 types of Culture procedure that can cause stress
- Biosecurity awareness and protocols
- Feeding mechanism( point source or uniform spreaders)
- Stocking Density
- Species differences
Name 4 sources of stress from behavioral interactions?
- Aggregate, solitary culture species
- size grading
- sexual maturation
- Predators
Name 4 sources of stress from Parasites and Pathogens?
1 Infection consumes energy
2 some fish do not feed when sick
3some pathogens and parasites are immunosuppressive
4Cortisol and their impairment to the immune system
Mitigation of stress-( to reduce stress), Name 4 categories?
- Avoidance- bad husbandry, feed quality, selection
- Anaesthetics
- Vaccine, immunostimulants
- Broodstock management- resistant strains
Name 2 immunity response types?
Non-specific - Not related to identity of invader
and Specific
- Depends upon RECOGNITION of an invader
-May be based upon prior exposure, results in an adatptive change
Both types work together
How does cortisol effect the fish?
Impairs immune system function and uses considerable amount of energy
Name 3 sources of immunity?
- Innate(natural) immunity- Born with it -genetic
- Acquired immunity-develop reisistance after exposure
- artificial immunity- induced by vaccine or immunostimulant
Difference between obligate and facultative?
Obligate- need a host to survive
Facultative-opportunistic -majority
Difference between virulence and pathogenicity?
Patho- ability of an organism to produce disease
Virulence- severity of disease
To cause diseases among a population a pathogen must ???
5 things
- attach
- Penetrate
- Reproduce
- Spread throughout host
- Disperse to new hosts
Describe obligate?
Need a host to survive
Define Pathogenicity and virulence?
Ability of an organism to induce disease
Severity of disease