latin to UNDERSTANDING THIS Flashcards
Aphanomyces astani
crayfish plague
egg fungi
Renibacterium salmoninarum
BKD - bacteria.
Mycobacterium chelonae, M. salmoniphilum
Fish TB - bacteria
aquariests finger
exophalmia, emaciation, culcers, dropsy, pale color, nodules
V. tubiashi + v. alginolyticus
oysters clams scallops,
Aeromonas salmonicida
Furunculosis - Bacteria
blisters. furuncles.
Aeromonas hydrophia
Motile aeromonad septicemia. bacteria
has flagella, can move. hatcheries.
poor hygene, stress. TSA
V. anguillarum, V. ordalli.
- bacterial - vibriosis typical. TSA + 1.5% salt.
Flagellated, CURVED, bacillus.
Flavobacterium branchiophylum
BKD. CA, TA, MHS, FMM. Those wide yellow dots.
poor husbandry. tufts of bacteria. long filaments.
BACTERICIDINS= kills good bacteria
Flavobacterium psychrophilum
Coldwater disease - Bacteria
Flavobacterium columnare
Fin rot - Bacteria
Yersinia ruckeri
Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM) - Bacteria
Pusciricksettia salmonis
Salmon Rickettsial Disease - bacteria
Saprolegnia - Protist
mostly eggs, white filamentous tufts. good husbandry. Aseptate, FW
Aphanomyces astaci
Crayfish Plague - Protist
hyphal spread throughout body
Ichthyophonus hoferi
same name. variable pathology. protist. ‘secondary fungus’. deuteromycetes. Wtf is this thing.
burn spot; black gill disease - fungus
lobsters crab shrimp,
tissue invasion, inflammatory reaction, local
Trichomaris invadens
black mat disease - fungus
black spots on carapace and limbs, spreads and forms mats
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
White spot disease. “ICH” - protozoan
small grey-white spots on skin and gills, fish at surface, ‘flash’, listless
change salinity 5-7 days
Trichodina spp
trichodiniosis -protozoan mexican hat frayed gills, eroded fins, blue slime on body FORMALIN 1% salt bath
Cyptobia salmostica
cryptobiosis - protozoan
anemia, exophthalmia, splenomegaly, dropsy, swollen abdomen, skin ulcers
Ichythyobodo (costia)
Costiosis - protozoan spiral swimming flagellates formalin impares osmoregulation Phylum sarcomastigophora= fleshy whiplike