lecture 23 - motor functions of head/face Flashcards
Which brain stem nuclei are involved with muscles of the face (mastication and expression)?
Trigeminal motor nucleus, facial motor nucleus
What is the equivelant of the corticospinal tract for facial movement?
The corticobulbar tract
What type of motor information is relayed through the trigeminal motor nucleus?
Branchial motor
Which muscles are supplied by trigeminal nerve?
Muscles of mastication (temporalis, medial/lateral pterygoid, masseter)
A lower motor neuron lesion of trigeminal nerve would cause chin deviation to which side?
The side of the lesion (towards atrophied muscle)
Which muscle group is supplied by the facial nerve?
Muscles of facial expression
Where does the facial nerve exit the skull on the exteriuor surface?
Exits petrous temporal bone through the stylomastoid foramen
What are the 5 key branches of the facial nerve (superior to inferior)?
Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Mandibular, Cervical
Which nerve wraps around the abducens nucleus?
Facial nerve
What is the name for a lower motor neuron lesion of the facial nerve?
Bell’s Palsy
Why is the upper face not affected by lower motor neuron lesions of the facial nerve?
Because the nucleus innervating the upper face receives input from the ipsilateral and contraleteral cortices
What are the secretomotor functions of the facial nerve?
secretion of submandibular and sublingual glands, secretion of lacrimal gland
What are the 2 roots of the accessory nerve?
Spinal, Cranial
Which part of the accessory nerve supplies trapezius and sternocleidomastoid?
The spinal part (external ramus)
Which brainstem nucleus is involved in motor function of trapezius and sternocleidomastoid?
Spinal accessory nucleus
A lower motor neuron lesion of the hypoglossal nerve will need to tongue deviation to which side?
The side of the lesion, towards muscle wasting