lecture 19 - organisation of the cranial nerves Flashcards
Which of the motor and sensory nuclei of the brainstem are found more medially?
What divides the motor and sensory nuclei of the brain stem?
Sulcus limitans
What are the 3 types of brain stem motor nuclei, found medial to lateral?
General somatic, branchial efferent, general visceral
What are the 3 types of brain stem sensory nuclei, found medial to lateral?
general visceral, general somatic, special somatic
Which cranial nerve is found at the level of the superior colliculus in the midbrain?
Oculomotor nerve
Which nuclei are found at the level of the superior colliculus in the midbrain?
Oculomotor, Edinger Westphal
Where do fibres of the trochlear nerve exit the midbrain?
They cross over then exit dorsally
Which brainstem nucleus is found at the level of the inferior colliculus in the midbrain?
Trochlear nucleus
Which brain stem nuclei are found at the level of the mid pons?
Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve, chief/pontine/main nucleus of trigeminal nerve (sensory)
Where is the motor nucleus of CNV found in relation to the sensory nuclei of CNV?
Found in the mid pons, medial to where the pontine/chief sensory nucleus of V is also found
Which cranial nerves exit the brain stem at the caudal pons?
Which brainstem nuclei are found at the level of the caudal pons? (medial to lateral)?
Abducens nucleus, facial motor nucleus, vestibulocochlear nucleus
What is the path of the facial nerve from its nucleus to exiting the brain stem?
It wraps around the abducens nucleus medially at the dorsal part of the caudal pons, before travelling laterally to the abducens and facial nuclei to exit the brain stem ventrally
What features of a cross section of the medulla are useful in identifying it?
The olives and pyramids
What features of a cross section of the midbrain are useful in identifying it?
‘Mickey mouse’ shape - with ears representing the cerebral peduncles
What features of a cross section of the pons are useful in identifying it?
horse shoe/arch shape
Which cranial nerve nuclei are found at the open/upper medulla? (medial to lateral)?
hypoglossal nucleus, motor vagal nucleus, vestibulocochlear nucleus, nucleus ambiguous, nucleus of tractus solitarius
What is the location of the median longitudinal fasciculus in the brain stem?
travels medially down the midline of the brain stem
What are the 3 sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve? (superior to inferior)
Mesencephalic nucleus, pontine/chief nucleus, spinal tract nucleus
Which arteries supply the midbrain?
Posterior cerebral
Which arteries supply the pons?
Superior cerebellar artery, anterior inferior cerebellar artery, basilar artery (via pontine arteries)
Which arteries supply the open medulla?
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery, vertebral artery, anterior spinal artery
What are some of the general signs and symptoms of a brain stem stroke?
Cranial nerve disturbance (visual disturbance, vertigo, dysphagia, facial numbness, etc.), hemiparesis, hemi or bilateral sensory loss, ataxia
What are signs/symptoms of a stroke/lesion to the medial midbrain at the superior-colliculus level of the brainstem?
ipsilateral CNIII dysfunction (ptosis, dilated pupil, eye turned down/out), contralateral hemiparesis, contralateral lower face weakness due to damage to CNVII fibres of the corticobulbar tract.
What are signs/symptoms of a stroke/lesion to the lateral midbrain at the superior-colliculus level of the brainstem?
contralateral hemiparesis, loss of contralateral discriminative sensation (medial leminscus), loss of contralateral pain/temperature (spinothalamic tract), loss contralateral VTTT sensory modalities to the face
What are signs/symptoms of a stroke/lesion to the medial zone of the mid pons of the brainstem?
contralateral hemiparesis, loss of contralateral discriminative sensation and pain/temperature, loss of contralateral VTTT pain/temperature facial sensation
What are signs/symptoms of a stroke/lesion to the lateral zone of the mid pons of the of the brainstem?
contralateral pain/temperature sensory loss, ipsilateral ataxia, ispilateral CNV palsy (paralysis of muscles of mastication), ipsilateral CNV sensory loss
What are signs/symptoms of a stroke/lesion to the medial zone of the caudal pons of the brainstem?
contralateral hemiparesis, contralateral discriminative sensation loss, contralateral pain/temperature sensory loss, contralateral VTTT pain/temperature sensory loss to the face, ipsilateral CNVI damage (medially deviating eyes), ipsilateral CNVII palsy (paralysis of muscles of facial expression)
What are signs/symptoms of a stroke/lesion to the medial medulla of the brainstem?
contralateral hemiparesis, contralateral discriminative sensation loss, ipsilateral CNXII palsy (deviating tongue)
What are signs/symptoms of a stroke/lesion to the lateral medulla of the brainstem?
contralateral pain-temperature sensory loss, ipsilateral spinal trigeminal tract damage (Loss of pain/temperature to the face), ipsilateral nucleus ambiguus damage (CNIX, X, XI signs), cerebellar dysfunction, ipsilateral vestibular nucleus dysfunction (vertigo, nausea, nystagmus)
What vessel is occluded in a lesion of the medial zone of the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus?
Posterior cerebral artery (medial branch)
What vessel is occluded in a lesion of the lateral zone of the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus?
Posterior cerebral artery, lateral branch
What vessel is occluded in a lesion of the medial zone of the mid pons?
Medial pontine artery
What vessel is occluded in a lesion of the lateral zone of the mid pons?
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
What vessel is occluded in a lesion of the caudal pons?
Medial pontine artery
What vessel is occluded in a lesion of the medial medulla?
Anterior spinal artery
What vessel is occluded in a lesion of the lateral medulla?
PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery)