Lecture 23- Epilepsy Flashcards
“Transient occurrence of signs or symptoms due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain, leading to a disturbance of consciousness, behaviour, emotion, motor function or sensation
Pathology of seizures
- The brain is a complicated network of neurones
- These are either excitatory, inhibitory or interneurons
- The most important excitatory neurotransmitter is glutamate via the NMDA receptor
- The most important inhibitory neurotransmitter is GABA, via the GABAa receptor
- In a normal brain the inhibitory and excitatory sides are in balance
Therefore in a seizure..
- Abnormal and excessive excitation and synchronisation (all neurones acting at once) of a group of neurones within the brain
- Loss of inhibitory (GABA mediated) signals
- Or too strong an excitatory (NMDA/glutamate) one
- This imbalance can happen in any part of the brain, and local changes can lead to generalised effects
- In a normal brain the inhibitory and excitatory sides are in balance
Seizures: What causes the imbalance?
- Genetic differences in brain chemistry/receptor structure – genetic epilepsy syndromes
- By exogenous activation of receptors- drugs
- Acquired changes in brain chemistry- drug withdrawal, metabolic changes
- Damage to any of these networks- strokes, tumours
Signs and symptoms of seizure
signs of generalised seizure
loss of consciousness often with changes in muscle tone and tongue biting
signs of tonic clonic seizure
initial hypertonic phase, followed by rapid clonus (shaking/jerking) of the limbs
what is post-ictal period
less alert and more vacant after seizure
Defining epilepsy
- Epilepsy is a tendency toward recurrent seizures unprovoked by a systemic or neurological insult
- Not everyone who has a seizure has epilepsy
- An epilepsy diagnosis is life changing, and therefore should only be made by a specialist, in an epilepsy or first fit clinic
- Note not just a disease of the young, over 60s almost as common and incidence increases with age
epilepsy diagnosis
- At least two unprovoked (or reflex) seizures occurring more than 24 hours apart
- One unprovoked (or reflex) seizure and a probability of further seizures similar to the general recurrence risk after two unprovoked seizures (at least 60% over the next 10 years)
Types of Reflex Seizure
Seizure brought on by a particular stimulus (not provoked e.g. taking drugs )
- Photogenic (strobe lights)
- Musicogenic
- Thinking
- Eating
- Hot water immersion
- Reading
- Orgasm
- Movement
grand mal
generalised seizure
petit mal
absence seizure
partial seizure
focal seizure
clinical classification of seizure
Classification of seizure
Focal onset
- Aware
- Impaired awareness
- Motor onset
- Non motor onset
Generalised onset
- Always lose consciousness
- E.g. tonic-clonic, myoclonic, atonic, nonmotor
Unknown onset
- Motor
- unclassified
generalised seizure
- Originate at a specific place in the brain and rapidly engage both hemispheres
Focal seizures
- Originate within networks limited to one hemisphere
- May be discretely localized or more widely distributed….
- Usually don’t lose consciousness due to usually affecting one side of the brain
why dont focal seizure make you lose consciousness
Usually don’t lose consciousness due to usually affecting one side of the brain
Provoked Seizures
- Seizure as a result of another medical condition
- Examples include:
- Drug use or withdrawal
- Alcohol withdrawal
- Head trauma and intracranial bleeding
- Metabolic disturbances e.g hyponatraemia, hypoglycaemia
- CNS Infections: meningitis and encephalitis
- Febrile seizures in infants
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- Key is to treat both the seizure and the underlying condition. Unlikely to need ongoing AED treatment if cause treated
Differential diagnosis of seizures
- Syncopal episodes e.g vasovagal syncope
- Cardiac issues including reflex anoxic seizures, arrythmias
- Movement disorders e.g Parkinsons, Huntingtons
- TIAs
- Migraines
- Non-epileptic attack disorders (formerly pseudo-seizures)
case - outline intiial management of a seizure
- Primary Survey/A to E assessment
- Airway- Is it patent? Can you do anything about it it?/Adjuncts
- Breathing- Sats reading, Apply Oxygen
- Circulation- Expect a high HR, wary of BP
- Disability- Will have reduced consciousness in generalised seizures, may be awake in partial. Check GLUCOSE
- Everything else- May want to get them into recovery position if able
- Do something for the ABC problems if you can
- Look at a clock/start a timer
- Get some help
status epilepticus
a seizur eof any variety lasdting more than 5 minures or more or multiple seizures without a compelte recovery between them
20% mortality
treatment of most seizures doesnt include
- The majority of seizures will self terminate without the use of drugs
- Wait for 5 minutes and if still going then give seizure terminating drugs à this is called Status Epilepticus (also series of seizures that take place for more than 5 minutes)
- Be aware of how long it takes to get and prepare drugs
Pharmacological treatment for status
1) Full dose of benzodiazepine (5 mins)
2) Full 2nd dose of “ (0-15 mins)
3) Consider IV thiamine if alcohol use
4) 2nd line anti-epileptic if still in seizure (15-45) e.g. phenytoin, levetiracetam
5) 45+ = thiopentone/anaesthesia (will need ventilating)
benzodiazepines drug class
GABAa agonists