Lecture 22: MM of F, J, E INSERTIONS Flashcards
What is the insertion of Frontalis?
Galea aponeurotica
Dense fibrous C/T covering superior frontal & parietal bones
What is the insertion of Occipitalis?
Galea aponeurotica
What is the insertion of Auriculares?
cartilage of the ear
What is the insertion of Orbicularis Oculi?
Orbital: Circular path around orbit to the medial wall of orbit and the medial palpebral ligament.
Palpebral: Lateral palpebral ligament
What is the insertion of Corrugator Supercilii?
Skin of the eyebrow (medial part)
Deep to frontalis
What is the insertion of Procerus?
Skin between the eyebrows
What is the insertion of Levator Palpebrae Superioris?
Skin of the upper eyelid (tarsal plate)
What is the insertion of Nasalis?
Skin over bridge of nose and alar of the nose
What is the insertion of Levator Labii Superioris?
Skin just medial to the angle mouth and orbicularis oris
What is the insertion of Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi?
Skin just medial to the angle mouth and orbicularis oris
What is the insertion of Zygomaticus Minor?
Skin of the upper lip
What is the insertion of Zygomaticus Major?
Skin at the angle of the mouth and orbicularis oris
*note muscular insertion
What is the insertion of Orbicularis Oris?
Skin and mucous membranes around the mouth (lips)
What is the insertion of Risorius?
Skin at the angle of the mouth
What is the insertion of Buccinator?
orbicularis oris
What is the insertion of Depressor Anguli Oris?
Angle of the mouth and blends into the orbicularis oris
What is the insertion of Mentalis?
Skin of chin and lower lip
What is the insertion of Platysma?
Body of mandible, muscles, fascia and skin around the mouth.
Passes superficial to clavicle
What is the insertion of Superior Rectus?
Superior surface of the eyeball just posterior to the corneoscleral junction
What is the insertion of Inferior Rectus?
Inferior surface of the eyeball just inferior to the corneoscleral junction
What is the insertion of Medial Rectus?
Medial surface of the eyeball just inferior to the corneoscleral junction
What is the insertion of Lateral Rectus?
Lateral surface of the eyeball just inferior to the corneoscleral junction
What is the insertion of Superior Oblique?
Passes through fascial pulley and is attached to the superior surface of the eyeball beneath the Superior Rectus (deep to)
What is the insertion of Inferior Oblique?
Lateral surface of the eyeball deep to the lateral rectus