Lecture 21: Immune Deficiencies Flashcards
In general patients with primary phagocytic defects are idnetified at a young age on the basis of
their susceptibility to normally nonpathogenic bacteria or fungi
infections by Catalase-positive microorganisms and Asperigillosis species are characteristic of
- Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Infection by Atypical mycobacteria suggest a defect in the
IFN gamma- IL12 Axis
Nearly all primary defects of phagocytes result form a mutation that affects
the innate immune system
Severe Chronic Neutropenia
- Definition:
- Absolute neutrophil count <500 cells per cubic millimeter
- Suppresses inflammation and increases susceptibilty to recurrent and severe bacterial and fungal infections
- Cause:
- Mutations in neutrophil elastase gene (ELA2)
Chronic Granulomatous Disease
- Chacterized by:
- Tendency to form granulomas (masses of immune cells that form at sites of infection or inflammation)
- Biochemical cause:
- Enzymatic Deficiency of NADPH oxidase in phagocytes
- which results in failure to generate superoxide anion and other O2 Radicals
- Enzymatic Deficiency of NADPH oxidase in phagocytes
- Susceptibility:
- to recurrent infection with catalase-positive organisms (e.g. Staphylococci)
- More common in males and is most frequent phagocytic primary immunodeficiency

G6PD deficiency
- Manifestation:
- same as chronic granulomatous disease and leads to a tendency to form granulomas
- Associated with Anemia because G6P is especially important in red blood cell metabolism
- The lack of substrate for NADPH
- X-linked recessive disease

Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
- Autosomal Recessive disorder
- Diagnostic criteria
- Patial albinism (defect in growth of melanocytes)
- no NK activity
- Moleculular defect:
- in granule structure (Abnormal Giant Granules in Neutrophils)
- Granules contain NO cathepsin G and Elastase
- Defects in:
- Chemotaxis and degranulation
- Biphasic immunodeficiency:
- First phase
- Susceptibilty to infection (usually staphylococci and streptococci) (this makes since because Neutrophils no Cathepsin G and Elastase)
- Second phase
- An accelerated Lymphoproliferative syndrome with hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy
- First phase
- Diagnostics:
- Demonstration of giant azurophilic cytoplasmic inclusions in blood cells
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (LAD)
- Workup:
- flow cytometic assessment of the neutrophil adhesion molecules CD11 and CD18, the expression of which is absent or decreased on neutrophils (and other leukocytes)
- Even with no infection neutrophil count in blood is about twice the normal limit
- clinical features:
- history of recurrent infections of the oral and genital mucosa, skin, intestinal and respiratory tracts
- Delayed detachment of the umbilical cord
- Slow wound healing
- Severe bacterial infefctions ( pneumonia, skin infections, otitis media)
- Failure to form pus
- no neutrophil aggregation
- thus no binding to intercellular adhesion molecules on endothelial cells
- Resuling in infected foci containing few neutrophils, healing slowly, with enlarged borders and dysplastic scars
- Causes
- Mutation resulting in Lack of expression of LFA-1 (Lympocyte function-association antigen 1)
- (note LFA-1 binds to ICAM-1 (CD54), ICAM-2 (CD102), and ICAM-3 (CD50)
- Mutation resulting in Lack of expression of LFA-1 (Lympocyte function-association antigen 1)
Abnormalities in the early components of the classical complement pathway (C1,C4, and C2) typically manifest as
systemic lupus erythematosus-like autoimmunity, but reccurrent sinopulmonary infections are also seen, especially in C2 deficiency
Defects in ___ produce a clinical phenotype that is indistuishable from an antibody defect, although this complement deficiency is markedly less frequent than humoral immunodeficiencies.
Alternative complement pathway defects, including Properdin, Factor B and Factor D deficiences also present with
severe neisserial and other bacterial infections
Defects in the Late components of complement producing defects in the generation of the membrane attack complex (C5-C9) present with increased susceptibility to _______ that might not manifest until adolescence or young adulthood.
infections with Neisseria species
Factor H deficiency is associated with
atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome or glomerulonephritis
C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency causes
hereditary angiondema
Decay-accelerating factor defects are seen in patients with
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
The best screeening test for defects in the classical complement pathway is
- total hemolytic complement activity (CH50) assay
- a classical complement component deficiency will result in virtual absence of hemolysis on CH50 testing
- In contrast, SLE shows the markedly decreased but not absent results
The best screening test for defects in the alternative complement pathway is the
- AH50 assay
- a decreased AH50 test result suggest a deficiency in Factor B, Factor D, or Properdin
A decrease in both CH50 and AH50 test results suggests deficiency in
a shared complement component (from C3 to C9)