lecture 21 Flashcards
temporal lobe cont
core system of face perception
visual analysis
core system structures
inferior occipital gyri, fusiform face area, STS
extended system
further processing in concert with other neural systems
core system perception stuff
early perception of facial features, perception of invariant unique identity, changeable aspects of faces
extended system stuff
personal identity (name and biography), speech, spatially directed attention, emotion
extended system structures
anterior temportal cortex, intraparietal sulcus, auditory cortex, amygdala/insula/limbic system
speech sounds largley restricted to
specific ranges of frequnecy
specific ranges of frequency also known as
vowels has a ____ frequency
consonants have a ____ frequency
constant, rapidly changing
nonlinguistic sounds are perceived as ____
a buzz, if presented above 5 segments per second
typical speech rate
8-10 segments per second
maximum comprehensible speech speed
30 segments per second
perceived speech is processed how and why
in parallel pathways, to extract menaing and plan articulatory movements
a rules based system that enables the exchange of info
rules of grammar
meaning of words
language can be any form of info exchange
example sinclude, written, braille, sign
receptive language
taking in and comprehending info
expressive language
the ability to produce language
language is based on ____ sound elements
music perception requires what
the interaction of multiple sound elements and their relationship
subjective magnitiude of the sound
deistinct qualities or complexities of the sound
subjective position of the sound on the musical scale and related to frequency
the fundamental frequency
lowest frequency of a note
higher frequencies included in a sound
what are generally multiples of the fundamental frequency
without the fundamental frequency, the auditory system cannot identify it
False, it can use overtones
temporal regularity of the music
left temporal lobe is predominant for what in music
temporal grouping for rhythm
right temporal lobe is predominant for what in music
perceiving meter
increases in gray matter are associated with musical ability
true, brains of musicians tend to have a greater volume of gray matter in Heschl’s gyrus
the ____ portion of the pyriform cortex is ocntained within the ___
posterior, temporal lobe
what does the posterior pyriform cortex connect with
entorhinal and perihinal cortices and amygdala
(connects olfactory to emotion and memory)
temporal lobe language network structures
left inferior temporal gyrus
left supplementary motor area
left thalamus
left posterior temporal cortex
what structures does face perception involve
inferior occipital cortex and fusiform gyrus
look at slide 34
symptoms of temporal lobe lesions
damage to the primary auditory cortex does what
impairs ability to discriminate rapidly presented and complex patterns of stimuli
temporal lobe damage could mean
difficulty discriminating speech, report that people are talking too quickly
normal vs damages sound identification speeds
normal - can discrimante between sounds presented 50-60 milliseconds apart
damaged - need up to 500 miliseconds
damage to right temporal lobe auditorily
impaired discrimintaion between sounds of different pitch
congenital amusica
tone deaf
damage to right temporal lobe visually
can describe a scene accurately but not notice things that are out of place, trouble discriminating complex patterns, and perceive or understand subtle social cues
which lobe damage results in bilateral deficits in attention shifting
the right lobe, left is unilateral
which lobe damage results in impairment in categorization
the left, unable to place words into categories
temporal lobe seizures are often associated with what type of aura
damage to which lobe results in impaired ability to interpret info from context
the right
what results in aterograde amnesia (inability to form new memories)
removal of the medial temporal lobe (hippocampus and adjacent cortex)
damage to where leads to bad conscious recall of info
left for verbal material
right for nonverbal
feelings of ____ from stimulation of the ____ temporal cortex
fear, medial
temporal lobe epilepsy is associated with what personality wise
personality changes that emphasize trivia and details in daily life
bilateral damage to the amygdala results in
increased sexual behaviours
standardized tests to characterize temporal lobe function
dichotic listening, visual object, and space perception battery (audiotry and visual processing)
weschler memory scale (verbal memory)
rey complex figure test (nonverbal memory)
token test (language comprehension)