lecture 17 Flashcards
parietal damage/disorders
balint syndrome
can move eyes but not fixate on a target, simultagnosia, optic ataxia, and cant reach specific target even with visual guidance
rare becase its caused by bilateral parietal lesions
contralateral neglect
neglect spatial info on the opposite side of your body to the hemi lesioned, typically right parietal lesion caused by stroke
do patients with contralateral neglect know there is anything wrong (typically)?
no not usually
where else can damage occur that causes neglect
frontal lobes, congulate cortex, or subcortical regions
due to impaired sensation and perception or attention
most overlap in contralateral neglect damage is where?
the right inferior parietal lobe
how might posterior parietal damage affect object recognition
impair ability to recognize objects from unfamiliar angles and trouble mentally rotating objects
loss of skilled movement
ideomotor apraxia
unable to copy movements made by others
associated with left parietal lobe lesions and dorsal stream
construction apraxia
issues with spatial organization like doing puzzles, drawing, copying facial movements
associated with damage to posterior parietal lobe in left or right side
drawing and left parietal damage
simple and often unrecognizable
drawing and right parietal damage
tend to neglect left side of image, but good drawing otherwise
shifting attention involves what
resetting visuomotor guidance system
dorsal stream from one thing to another
attention gives ____ to things
left parietal lobe damage and mental image
impair formation of image
right parietal lobe damage and mental image
impair manipulation of the image
a higher deficit in right/left discrimination and Weigl’s sorting test are due to damage to which side of the parietal lobe
the left
damage to the right parietal lobe mean sa higher deficit in ______ (5 things)
unilateral neglect, dressing ability, cube counting, paper cutting, and topographical loss
lesions in areas 1,2,3
disorders of tactile functions
lesion in area PE
tactile agnosia, misreaching
lesions in areas PE,PF
deficits in eye movement
deficit in manipulation of objects, R/L differentiation, and apraxia are lesions of which area(s)
areas PF,PG, the last two on the left side
constructional apraxia, drawing disorders, contralateral neglect, impaired object recognition are all caused by legions where?
area PG, last two are right side
acalculia and impaired cross-modal matching is due to lesions where
Area PG and STS
lesions at the TPJ cause what
disorders of body image