Lecture 19: Modeling Competition. Flashcards
What dose (alpha)12 represent?
The effect of one individual of species 2 on rate of
population growth of species 1
What dose Alpha represent?
Alpha represents the competition coefficient, the magnitude of negative effects of individuals of one species on individuals of a second species
What dose the Competition Coefficient describe?
The competition coefficient describes the per capita
effects of one species on the other
What dose it mean when (alpha)12 = 5?
that one individual of species
two has the same effect on one individual of species
1 as five individuals of species one.
How do you measure the effect of size of population one population on another?
(alpha) 12 x N2 = effect of size of population 2 on population 1
(alpha) 21 x N1 = effect of size of population one on population two.
What is the Isoclines of zero population growth (ZNGI)?
When population
size of a species and its competitor where population
growth of the species in competition is zero
Coexistence of two species possible if the two
isoclines cross, but will be ____ or ______