Lecture 12 Flashcards
What is life history?
Adaptations of organisms that influence aspects of their biology such as the following:
- Body size
- Survival
- Age at reproduction maturity
- number of offspring being produced.
What is the principle of allocation?
The amount of every available to each organism is limited
And when it is allocated to one function, it reduces the energy available for other functions.
What is an Energy Budget?
The need to allocate energy between and within parts of the energy budget.
(understand the Pie graph on slide 5 - lecture 13)
Trade offs within reproductive budget could include….
Offspring size and number
Trade offs between reproduction and other activities could include….
Survival and reproductive effort.
What is Maturity?
The age of 1st reproduction.
What is Parity?
The number of reproductive episodes an organism has
What is a Semelparity?
Only reproduces once
What is Iteroperity?
Reproduces annually.
What is Fecundity?
The number of offspring produced per reproductive episode.
What is Aging/senescence?
The organisms survival and lifespans
True or false
Not all combinations of life history are possiable.
What is Fecundity?
Number of offspring produced by organisums.
If you have very low likelihood of dying in a year, what could we expect the Fecundity of this organisum to be?
We can expect it to lower, as you can have more offspring over a long period of time.
What is the relationship between offspring and Fecundity
You always want to have the highest Fecundity as per your expected lifespand
What is Allometry?
The study of scaling between body size and various biological functions including but nit limited to:
- Shape
- Anatomy
- physiology
- behavior
What is the most understood allometric relationship?
Body size & body weight.
What is a well researched allometic relationship
The trade-off of offspring size & number of offspring.
True or false:
The bigger the female fish, the more eggs they can produce. Although those eggs will be much smaller.
There is a trade off between number of eggs and the size of the egg.
What is Gene flow?
The transfer of genetic variation from one population to another.
Within Darter fish, what influences gene flow?
The degree of gene flow.
Smaller eggs have a longer larval phase, and thus physically drift further. interacting with other communities.
Trade off within plants for offspring size and number
With a number of flowering plants, the number of seeds produced is negatively affected by the mass of the seed.
The more seeds, the smaller they are.
What are the major trade-offs between survival and reproduction?
The relationship is allometric.
If you have survival you have low rates of dying and vis versa
As your level of survival increase, what happens to your age of maturity?
It drifts to a older age.
If you are likely to live, you will reproduce later.
If you are likely to die, you will reproduce sooner.
Coho salmon males have a variety of life history strategies, whereas females have a very set pattern.
What are the strategies of the males?
- (hooknose) Males cold mature after 18 months in the ocean and then travel up river and spawn
- They could be a “jack” being a much smaller fish. Having only spent 6 months in the ocean then traveling up river. This allows them to interact with females from the previos year.
Know the chart on Slide 14 of this lecture (13 om eclass)
Know this Graph, for K and R selcetions
What is a R?
Rate of population growth.
What is a K?
How large of a population that can be sustained.
R-selected species would live in hat kind of environment?
Destructive environments
- High population turn around
- get in fast and reproduce
- high early population growth rate
K-Selected species would live in what kind of enviorment?
- high competitive ability
- in for the long run, and want to stay.
reproduce later, over many episodes within life-cycle.
What is Grime’s triangle?
life history within a plants cycle.
It goes off of the relationship between the level of stress and the level of disturbance and the volume of competition around them.
What are the four categories within Grime’s triangle?
(Slide 15 please review)
What is the last Life history chart?
Relationship between
- Fecundity
- surviorship of juvinials