Lecture 18: Male Reproductive System Flashcards
4 functions of male reproductive organs
- Production of male sex cells
- Production of the male sex hormone testosterone
- Introduction of male gametes into the female reproductive organs
- Production of other hormones such as PMDH/AMH in male embryo and inhibin in adult
Where is the site of spermatogenesis
Where is the site of the production of sex hormones
Parenchyma of testes is composed of
Seminiferous tubules with sertoli cells
Interstitium of testes contains
Interstitial cells of leydig
Two testicular tunics
- Tunicae vaginalis
2. Tunica albuinea
Tunica vaginalis is composed of
Mesothelium and a connective layer
Two components of the tunica vaginalis
- Parietal, which blends and is attached to the CT of the scrotum
- Visceral, surrounds the testis and the epididymis
Tunica albuginea
A capsule of dense connective tissue composed to collagen fibers, a few elastic fibers and myofibroblasts
Tunica albuginea is continuous with
Connective tissue trabeculae named septule testis
What separates the seminiferous tubules
Septule testis
Seminiferous tubules are lined by
spermatogenic epithelium
What are located between seminiferous tubules
Spermatogenic epithelium is surrounded by
Lamina propria of collagen and elastic fibers
What are the most immature spermatogenic cells
Spermatogonia lies next to
the basement membrane
Spermatic pathway
- Seminiferous tubules
- Tubuli recti
- Rete testis
- Efferent ductules
- Epididymal duct
- Ductus Vas deferens
- Pelvic urethra
- Penile urethra
Composed of intratubular neoplastic cells with characteristics of seminiferous cells, which are compressing adjacent tubules
Sertoli cells are characterized by
Presence of tight junctions that divide the seminiferous epithelium into a basal and adluminal compartment
Six functions of sertoli cells
- Support, protect, nourish spermatogenic cells
- Secrete supporting testicular fluid
- Protect (via tight junctions) spermatids from the immune system
- Have receptors for SH, which results in a release of androgen binding protein, which binds to androgens and influences germ cell differentiation
- Synthesizes anti-Mulleriuan hormone in the embryo and prevents the formation of the mullerian duct and oviduct
- Releases hormone inhibin which suppresses secretion of FSH
Nucleus of Leydig cells
small, round, euchromatic, and eccentric
Cytoplasm of Leydig cells
Acidophilic and foamy due to lipid presence
What do Leydig cells secrete
What are Leydg cells controlled by
Interstitial cells stimulating hormone (ICSH)
Testosterone is produced by
Leydig cells
Three androgenic responsibilities of testosterone
- Responsible for secondary male sex characteristics
- Sex drive
- Stimulates development and secretory activity of male sex accessory glands
Anabolic effect of testosterone
Stimulates growth of skeletal muscles and bones
4 things the spermatic cord is composed of
- Testicular artery
- Testicular vein
- Lymphatics
- Ductus deferens
Seminiferous tubules terminate…
As straight testicular tubules that empty into the anastomising channels of the rete testis
What lines the rete testis
Simple squamous to cuboidal
Rete testis empties into
efferent ductules which lead to the epipidymal duct
Epididymal ductis lined by
Psuedostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia
Three main functions of epididymal duct
- Fluid resorption (90%)
- Secretion of glycerophosphocholine
- Site of sperm storage (in the tail)
What is the ductus deferens lined by
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia
Ductus deferens is characterized by
Prominent muscularis = peristaltic contractions that propel spermatozoa
Terminal portion of the ductus deferens
ejaculatory duct
A male accessory gland located near the junction of the urethra and the ductus deferens in ruminants
4 Accessory sex glands
- Bulbourethral glands
- Prostate gland
- Ampullary gland
- Vesicular gland (seminal vesicles)
Accessory glands are lined by
simple or psuedostratified epithelium
What accessory glands are tubuloalveolar
All of them
Seminal vesicles are lined by
psuedostratified epithelium with tall columnar cells and basal cells
Are vesicular glands present in carnivores?
Purpose of seminal vesicles
Produce fructose which is the source of energy for sperm cells
Multilobulated gland that surrounds the prostatic urethra
Prostate is surrounded by
a fibroelastic capsule
Prostate is lined by
simple cuboidal to columnar, sometimes psuedostratified epithelium
What is often seen in the lumen of the prostate gland
corpora amylacea
What kind of muscle surrounds the prostate gland
Bulbourethral glands empty into the
pelvic urethra
Bulbourethral glands are lined by
tall simple cuboidal/columnar epithelium
What acts as a lubricant in the urethra?
Mucous secretion
Three portions of the male urethra
- Prostatic
- Pelvic
- Penile