Lecture 16 Flashcards
short soft needles
Balsam fir
long prickly needles
used to be grey, now there are red and coyotes. Came with the deer population from the south.
Eastern Wolves
travel in packs, dominant pair controls the group, are the only ones allowed to breed. Mate in late february. Gestation is 9 weeks, pups are born in May
Rendezvous sites
Wolves’ summer homes
Black backed ‘woodpeckers
reach their southern limit in algonquin park, along with many northern plants and animals.
Lake stratification
Epilimneon layer is the top layer, hypolimneon is the bottom later which is typically 4* celcius, and the thermoclein is the middle layer. Lakes do not freeze to the bottom. The top layer freezes, the coldest temp of water in winter is directly under the ice, near the surface. The density of water is unusual, allows the water to be 4* at the bottom and 0 at the top. Turnover occurs twice a year.
Speckled Alder
likes nutrient poor areas, and has root nodules for fixing nitrogen.
common on the lakeshore, feed along rocky shorelines, but only in the summer.
Have partially webbed feet with hairs, long and narrow bodies, they are semi aquatic.
Georgian Bay
a UNESCO site, the worldest largest freshwater archipelago, which is a collection of islands. Stretches from Severn River to the French River
Eastern fox snake, hog nosed snake
occurs along the shores of Georgian bay
Five lined skink
were not endangered in Georgian Bay, but are endangered here.
Frontenac Axis/Arch
Canadian shield rock, but as it approached st Lawrence its limestone with lowlands on either side. white pine are found here.