Lecture 12 Flashcards
lake Barlow/Ojibway
Fresh water lake left behind the clay resulting in the cattail marsh habitat
Plants that like basic ph soils
birds eye primrose, wood lily
Eastern white cedar
Coniferous, retains needles year round. likes moist habitats, more decomposition so not a peatland. Likes to grow in wetlands, generally in basic conditions
Showy lady slipper
Many orchids like these conditions. They reach their northern limits in the clay belt boreal.
Great Lakes St Lawrence Forest Region
mixture of northern and southern flora and fauna
GLSL Trees
tamaracks, balsam firs, black spruce, poplars, maples
Jack Pine
Serotinous Cones, two needles in a group
Red Pine
two needles in a cluster, very long needles compared to jack pine needles. Needles grow in clumps, bark is pinkish in color, evergreen needles
White Pine
sweeping branches, needles are groups of five, found on hilltops, pond edges ect
Snapping turtles
Dont go farther north than the great lakes st lawrence forest region
Spruce grouse
This region is their southern limit
Non native species found in the grlsl
Algonquin Highlands
lies on elevated land. Oldest provincial park in Ontario, third largest. Exposed Canadian Shield. 20-30km higher than it is now, the mountains that were there were originally higher than the Himilayas. It lies on top of an ancient mountain claim
East side of Algonquin park
lower elevation, mostly pine, has great beds of sand which do not retain moisture, due to glacial rivers which left sorted deposited materials, heavy pine cover
West side of Algonquin park
hardwood forest. Sugar maple is dominant