Lecture 15 - Liver, Bile, Portal System Flashcards
Blood supply to liver?
1/4 Hepatic artery, 3/4 portal vein
What things are on the posterior surface of the liver?
Oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, right colic flexure, right kidney, supra-renal gland, gallbladder
Between lobes of liver?
Falciform ligament
Lobes of liver?
Left, right, caudal (sup. post, IVC seperates from right lobe) and quadrate lobe (inf. ant. gallbladder seperates from right lobe)
Bare area?
Post. sup. right, retroperitoneal due to contact with body wall
Porta hepatis contents (left to right)?
Hepatic artery proper (ant.), portal vein (post.) and bile duct (ant.)
Ligaments of liver?
left and right triangular, coronary ligament, falciform ligament, ligamentum teres
Blood pathway through liver?
Hepatic artery proper and portal vein enter liver, branch off heaps, conducted into central vein of each lobule by sinusoids, central veins drain into right, central and left hepatic vein, all immediately draining into inferior vena cava
Lymphatic drainage of liver?
Nodes at porta hepatis to coelic nodes @T12
ANS supply to liver?
Parasympatheic: Vagus nerve; sympathetic: greater splanchic nerves (T5-9); pain referred to epigastric region
Gallbladder: 3 parts and location?
Fundus (hangs below liver), Body (contacts visceral surface of liver), Neck (joins cystic duct) - all intraperitoneal
Gallbladder emulsifying fat?
Presence of fat in duodenum causes cholecystokinin release which causes GB to contract, smooth muscle at distal end of bile duct and ampulla relax, moving bile into duodenum to emulsify fat
Biliary tree passage?
Left and right hepatic duct join to form common hepatic duct, cystic duct from gallbladder joins to form bile duct, passes behind duodenum, joins w pancreatic duct forming ampulla of vater, ampulla opens into duodenum via sphincter of Oddi
Arterial supply of gallbladder?
Cystic artery (from R hepatic artery) which passes through triangle of calot
Venous drainage of gallbladder?
Cystic vein into portal vein
Nerve supply of gallbladder?
ANS coeliac plexus, pain to epigastric region (same as liver)
Portal system?
Inferior mesenteric vein branches onto plenic vein, splenic and sup. mesenteric vein form the portal vein behind the neck of the pancreas
Porto-systemic shutdown?
Portal hypertension forces blood to find another path via systemic shutdown
Oesophageal varices?
bottom 1/3 oesophagus route to rest of oesophagus
Caput medusae?
shunt in umbilical region causing umbilical vein to flow into superficial veins
Anorectal varices?
Superior rectal veins into Inf. and Mid. rectal veins