Lecture 15 Flashcards
Cells Types of the Alveoli:
Type I alveolar cells
Type II alveolar cells (septal cells)
Alveolar dust cells
Type I alveolar cells:
simple squamous cells where gas exchange occurs
Type II alveolar cells (septal cells):
free surface has microvilli
secrete alveolar fluid containing surfactant
Alveolar dust cells:
wandering macrophages remove debris
Alveolar-Capillary Membrane:
Respiratory membrane = 1/2 micron thick
Exchange of gas from alveoli to blood
4 Layers of membrane to cross
Vast surface area = handball court
4 Layers of membrane to cross:
- alveolar epithelial wall of type I cells
- alveolar epithelial basement membrane
- capillary basement membrane
- endothelial cells of capillary
Breathing or Pulmonary Ventilation:
- Air moves into lungs when pressure inside lungs is less than atmospheric pressure
- Air moves out of the lungs when pressure inside lungs is greater than atmospheric pressure
Boyle’s Law:
- As the size of closed container decreases, pressure inside is increased
- The molecules have less wall area to strike so the pressure on each inch of area increases.
Quiet Inspiration:
- Diaphragm moves 1 cm & ribs lifted by muscles
- Intrathoracic pressure falls and 2-3 liters inhaled
Quiet Expiration:
- Passive process with no muscle action
- Elastic recoil & surface tension in alveoli pulls inward
- Alveolar pressure increases & air is pushed out
Labored Breathing:
Forced expiration and inspiration
Forced expiration:
abdominal mm force diaphragm up
internal intercostals depress ribs
Forced inspiration:
sternocleidomastoid, scalenes & pectoralis minor lift chest upwards as you gasp for air
Summary of Breathing:
- Alveolar pressure decreases & air rushes in
2. Alveolar pressure increases & air rushes out
Alveolar Surface Tension:
Thin layer of fluid in alveoli causes inwardly directed force
-water molecules strongly attach to each other
Injuries to the chest wall that let air enter the intrapleural space
Pleural cavities are
sealed cavities not open to the outside
Compliance of the Lungs:
- Ease with which lungs & chest wall expand depends upon elasticity of lungs & surface tension
2, Some diseases reduce compliance ex. TB and paralysis
Airway Resistance:
- Resistance to airflow depends upon airway size
-increase size of chest:
airways increase in diameter
-contract smooth muscles in airways:
decreases in diameter