Lecture 15 Flashcards
How many grass species occur in Ireland
135 species
Name the common agricultural grasses
Perennial ryegrass
Sweet vernal
Meadow foxtail
Italian ryegrass
Crested dogstail
Red fescue
Rough meadow grass
Sheep’s fescue
Yorkshire fog
Smooth meadow grass
Creeping bent
Annual meadow grass
Flote grass
Common bent
Marsh foxtail
Where does leaf blade grow from
Base of the blade
What is the Sheath
The lower part of the leaf that hugs the stem
Example of leaf tip shapes
•Canoe shaped (hooded)
Write short note on Culm
•Flowering stem
•Flower shape
What are nodes (internode)
•Elbows along the culm that add strength
•Allow change in direction for growth
Example of flower structures
• Rachis
• Palea
• Lemma
• Glumes
Grass rooting terminology
• Cespitose / tufted
• Rhizomatous
• Stoloniferous
Name the grass inflorescence types