Lecture 13: Pregnancy Diagnosis & Gestational Problems (Galvao) Flashcards
Reasons to perform pregnancy diagnosis
- detecting nonpregnant/pregnant animals
- economics (milk producation, replacements)
- purchase or sale of animals
- evaluation of repro management (CR, PR)
- confirmation of pregnancy
direct methods of pregnancy dx in cattle
- ballottement of the fetus transabdominally or per rectum
- palp. per rectum (membrane slip, amniotic vesicle, fetus, placentomes)
- US
indirect (presumptive) methods of pregnancy dx in cattle
- Hx of non-return to estrus; anestrus
- mammary development (could also be due to ovarian tumor!)
- endocrine (P4) changes in milk or blood (luteal cysts can also produce progesterone, or a pyometra can maintain CL)
- palpation per rectum (assymetry, fluctuance, fremitus)
- preg. specific proteins
- interferon-tao stimulated genes
when can pregnancy first be dx with US in cows?**
~day 27/28 (as early as 21d in ideal conditions)
4 main positive signs of pregnancy**
fetal membrane slip
amniotic vesicle
fetal membrane slip feels:
chorioallantois membrane (opposed to endometrium)
- the other memb. is the amniotic sac, which envelops the fetus
- earliest felt around 35d
difference b/w embryo and fetus
fetus has completed organogenesis
types of fluctuance
- pregnancy
- pyometra (most common in cows)
- hydrometra (most common in goats)
- mucometra
implantation occurs when in cattle?
~day 16/17
when are placentomes first formed?
day 40-45 (can’t feel until >3mo.)
placentomes composed of
caruncles and cotyledons
fluctuation time detected**
> 30d
membrane slip time detected**
> 30d
amniotic vesicle time detected**
fetus time detected**
> 65d
placentomes time detected**
> 3mo.