lecture 13: autonomic ns Flashcards
this deep cerebellar nucleus is involved in coordinating the most basic./fundemental aspect of balance and upright posture
fastigial mucleis
through which structure do afferent signals to the lateral cerebellar hemispheres pass
middle cerebellar peduncles
through which structure to afferent signals to the floculonodular lobe pass
inferior cerebellar peduncle
through which structure to afferent signals to the vermel and paranormals lobe pass
superior or inferior cerebellar peduncle
through which structure to efferent signals out of floculonodular lobe pass
inferior cerebellar peduncle
through which structure do efferent signals out of vermal and paravermal lobes pass
superior cerebellar
through which structure to efferent signals out of lateral hemispheres of posterior lobe pass
superior cerebellar
short pre and long post is para or sympa
intramural ganglio in target organs or tissues is para or sympa
craniosacrail outflow is para or symp
adrenergic fibers are from para or sympa system
cervical ganglia is sympa or para
increase HR and bloodd pressure is sympa or para
increases secretion of lacrimal, salivary and digestive juices is para or sympa
does para or sympa innervate blood vessels
which is most active if you are sleeping in hammock, para or sympa
PNS is broadly divided into what
somatic (voluntary) and autonomic (involuntary=visceral)
where are cell bodies of LMN in somatic system
anterior horn
doe the somatic PNS release acetylcholinne or norepinephrine at the neuromuscular junction
what does the somatic ns inner (what type of muscle)
true or false: in the somatic there is a single axon that goes from CNS to periphere
true or false: in the visceral there is a single axon that goes from CNS to periphere
false, it is a 2 neuron pathways
where are the cell bodies located in autonomic ns (general, what part of SC)
lateral horn
are preganglionic neurons of the ANS myelinated for not
are postgnaglionic neurons of the ANS myelinated for not
are axons of the somatic NS myelinated for not
what does the ANS innervate
innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands
what does the preganglionic neuron release at the autonomic ganglion in the ANS
what does the postganglioninc neuron release at the muscle in the ANS
true or false: postganglioninc neuron releases only Act at the muscle in the ANS
false, or NE
what NT is released at the autonomic ganglion in the ANS
true or false, there are cell bodies for the Ans in the ventral horn
where are the cell bodies located for the sympathetic ns (spinal location and levels)
from T1-l2 in lateral horns
where are the cell bodies located for the parasympathetic ns (spinal location and levels)
s2-s4 in lateral horns
true or false, cell bodies for ANS are ONLY located in the lateral horns
false, there is also some cell bodies in brainstem nuclei
which of these two is unmyleniated: pre or post ganglionic
true or false: there are two divisions of the ANS that go to mostly the same targets
what is the general function of the sympathetic (saying)
fight or flight
what is the general function of the para (saying)
rest and digest
short pre and long post is associated with parasympathetic or sympathetic
long pre and short post is associated with parasympathetic or sympathetic
true or false: in the sympathtic NS, the first synapse of the preganglionic to post ganglionic happens near the target organ,
false, near the CNS
what are the 2 NT of the sympathetic system
what is the 1 NT of the parasympathetic system
true or false, i the parasympathetic, the only NT involved in norepinephrine
false, only ACH
in what system of the ANS does the synapse happen close to the target organ
what is the NT released from the post ganglionic cell to the target tissue in sympathetic
what is the NT released from the post ganglionic cell to the target tissue in parasympathetic
what is the NT released from the pre ganglionic cell to the post ganglinonc e in sympathetic
what is the NT released from the pre ganglionic cell to the post ganglinonc e in parasympathetic
true or false: the ANS(parasym division) is a cholinergic sysem
what is another name for sympathetic outflow
thoracolumbar outfow
thoracolumbar outfow is from what spinal levels
The axons of the preganglionic neurons that leave the spinal cord continue their path into the chain as BLANK
white rami communicantes
white rami communicants get info from pre or post ganglionic neurons
white rami communicants get info from myelinated or unmeylinated fibers
where do most of the synapses of the sympathetic NS happen
in the paravertebral ganglion (in the sympathetic chain)
what are the two main locations for synapse in the sympathetic ns
in the paravertebral ganglion (in the sympathetic chain)
in the pre vertebral ganglion
what is the sympathetic trunk
interconnected sympathetic ganglia adjacent to the spinal cord
are the paravertebral or pre vertebral ganglion closer to the SC
what are the ganglion not part of the sympathetic chain called
collateral ganglia (pre vertebral ganglion)
true or false, less synapses happen in the collateral ganglion (most is in the paravertebral)
what are the 3 important prevertberla ganglion
celiac ganglion
superior mesenteric ganglion
inferior mesenteric ganglion
what does the celiac ganglion supply (general)
what does the superior mesenteric c ganglion supply (general)
what does the inferior mesenteric c ganglion supply (general)
celiac ganglion
superior mesenteric ganglion
inferior mesenteric ganglion
are associated with what nerves
splanchnic nerves
what are the two weird exceptions of the sympathetic NS
the splanchnic nerves (very long preganglion)
adrenal medulla (does not have a post ganglionic n)
explain how the adrenal medulla innervation is an exception to the sympathetic NS
it gets direct innervation from preganglionic sympathetic NS
true or false, the thalamus gets direct innervation from preganglionic sympathetic NS
false, the adrenal medulla
what are the 2 reasons the adrenal direct innervation from preganglionic sympathetic NS
1) the adrenal medulla produces its own NE (takes over the role of a post ganglionic)
2) derived from same tissue embryologically as the post ganglionic n)
preganglionic n enter thru grey or white communicants
postagnglionic n exit thru grey or white communicants
is grey communicants associated with myelinated or unmyelinated fibers
is grey communicants associated with pre or post ganglionic fibers
true or false and give an example or explain
just because info comes from a certain spinal level, does not mean it will synapse at that level
ex: synaptic innervation to some components of the eye, it will pass thru all the way up to superior cervical ganglion before synapsing
what is another name for parasympathetic outflow
craniosacral outflow
what spinal levels is craniosacral outflow from
brainstem and s2-s4
is the brainstem associated with parasympathetic division or sympathtic
what are the two ganglia associated with the para system
cranial ganglia in the head/neck (associated with cranial n(
visceral ganglia (near or within target organs/tissues)
where is visceral ganglia located
near or within target organs/tissue
what is the mnemonic for some of the prim functions of the parasymp
true or false; all organs/tissues receive both types of ANS input
false, there are some organs/tissues that are only receiving one type
what are some structures/organs/tissues that only receive innervation from sympathetic
cutaneous structures (blood vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles
radial eye muscle (dilate pupil)
pupil dilation is only associated with para or sympa
cutaneous structures (blood vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles is only associated with sympa or para
what are some structures/organs/tissues that only receive innervation from parasympathetic
circular/sphincter muscle (constrict pupil_
circular/sphincter muscle (constrict pupil_ is associated with sympa or para
true or false: radial muscles and circular/sphincter muscles are only innervated by sympathetic ns
false: radial = sympa
what muscle dilates pupil
what muscle constricts pupil
multiple connections, widespread influence is sympa or para
explain the number and spread of connections of the sympa system
multiple connections, widespread influence is sympa or para
one or two connections, locations actions is para or sympa
explain the number and spread of connections of the para system
one or two connections, localized actions is para or sympa
true or false: one or two connections, localized actions is parasympathetic
in addition to somatic innervation the skin has what other type of innervation
sympathetic cutaneous innervation
is skin innervation sympathetic or para
how are the ways to regulate body temperature thru autonomic control
sweat gland stem (symp)
arrestor pili stimulation (symp)
vasoconstriction (opposite effect everywhere else on the body ex: skeletal where blood vessels dilate)
true or false, in the skin, there is vasodilation to regulate body temp
false, vasoconstrictor
what is raynauds
excessive vasoconstriction in extremities (often in response to cold temperatures)
true or false: raynauds is excessive vasodilation in extremities (often in response to cold temperatures)
false, vasoconstriction
since autonomic nervous system is involuntary control, there is no descending control from higher brain centers
false, there is descending hypothalamic control
what are the 3 major pathways connecting the hypothalamus to other central autonomic network structures involved in regulation symp or para outflow
1) dorsal longitudinal fasciulus
2) medial forebrain bundle
3) mammilotegmental tract
what is the general general function of hypothalamus
maintaining homeostasis
what are the two decending hypothalamic control pathways that actually go down to spinal cord
dorsal longitudinal fasciulus
medial forebrain bundle
what is the decending hypothalamic control pathway that doesn’t actually go down to spinal cord
explain the connection of the dorsal longitudinal fascicles
direct connections of the hypothalamus down to the SC
direct connections of the hypothalamus down to the SC is what descending hypothalamic pathways
dorsal longitudinal fasculcus
explain the connection of the medial forebrain bundle
connection of the associated brainstem structures (not directly hypo) that project down to spinal cord
connection of the associated brainstem structures (not directly hypo) that project down to spinal cord is what descending hypothalamic pathway
medial forebrain bundle
explain the function of the mamillotegmental tract
contains the interconnections between the hypothalamus and other important brain stem nuclei/structures
contains the interconnections between the hypothalamus and other important brain stem nuclei/structures is associated with what hypothalamic descending pathways
mammilotegmental tract
do the pathways in the SC from the hypothalamus area have a diffuse (withoutt dinstinc tracts) or focused arrangement (with distinct tracts)
how do we get information about heart rate and blood pressure
from sensory input=
baroreceptors and chemoreceptors in major arteries
what are chemoreceptors for
receptors for dissolved gases in the blood
heart is sympathetically innervated by what
preganglionic cells in the lateral horns of T1-t4-5
what are the two medulla centres important for regulating BP and HR
cardioacceletaroy system
cardioinhibitory system
cardioacceploratory center is associated wth para or sympathetic
cardioinhibitory center is associated wth para or sympathetic
where are the cardioinhibitory and cardioacceletory centres located
in medulla oblongated
what provides parasympathetic cinneravmion of the heart
vagus n
true or false, heart rate and bp is a visceral reflex
what are the pacemakers of the heart
sinoatrial nodes and atrioventricular nodes
would we release NE or acetylcholine at the sinoatrial and atrioventrical nodes if we wanted to increase HR
would we release NE or acetylcholine at the sinoatrial and atrioventrical nodes if we wanted to decreased HR
explain the visceral response if you want to increase HR
1) you get sensory information that your BP or HR is too low
2) if decreased BP, send information to cardioacceletarory system
3) CA system sends its signals (descending control) to the lateral horns of t1-t4-5 for sympathetic innervation of the heart
4) preganglionic cells synapse with post ganglionic cells in the sympathetic ganglia (cervical and thoracic)
5) sympathetic info gets sent to the sinoatrial and atrioventrical nodes to increase the HR and BP
explain the visceral response if you want to decrease HR
1) you get sensory information that your BP or HR is high low
2) if increased BP, send information to cardioinhibitory system
3) CI system sends its signals (descending control) to the vagus nucleus for parasympathetic innervation of the heart
4) vagus n cells synapse in cardiac plexus and send short post ganglionic cells
5) parasympathetic info gets sent to the sinoatrial and atrioventrical nodes to decrease the HR and BP
what cranial n number is vagus
cranial n X (10)
what are the types of innervation involved in micruition
somatic and visceral sensory
somatic motor
central control (cortex, periaquecutal grey in midbrain, pointing micrution and storage s=centers)
where is the periaqueducal grey lcoated
why is the periaqeuectal grey being involved in mictruition
is there is pain associated with peeing
where are the pontine micrution and storage centers located
true or false, micruition is purely a visceral relgex
false, it is under autonomic control but we do have concious control and awareness of it q
what is the important bladder muscles
internal and external urethral sphincter
why is the somatic motor innervation needed in micrution
for voluntary control over our external urethral scpincter
is urine storage controlled by symp or parasymp
explain the somatic and visceral sensory information involved in urine storagae
stretch, pain and temperature from the detrusor muscle
what are the 3 places that your somatic and visceral sensory send info to (general)
sacral region(for para)
thoracic and upper lumbar (for sympa)
and brain/cortex
explain sympathetic innervation/ information involved in urine storage
=info coming from hypogastric n (t11-l2)
preganglionic neurons synapse with post ganglionic neurons in inferior mesenteritc ganglion
sympa is activtated during storage
detrusor muscle relaxes
internal urethral scpinther contracts
sympathetic innervation for urine storage is sent via what nerves and where cell bodies located
via hypogastric n (t11-l2)
in urine storage, is symp innervation up or down regulated
during urine storage, is NE or Act released to detrusor and internal urethral sphincter
NE (sympa)
where do pre ganglionic neurons synapse with post ganglion neurons for sympathtic system in urine storage
in interior mesenteric ganglion
during urine storage, does the detrusor muscle relax or contract
relaxes (to expand)
during urine storage, does the internal urethral muscle relax or contract
explain parasympathetic innervation/ information involved in urine storage
=carried by pelvic splanchnic nerves
preganglionic neurons synapse with post ganglionic bergson in walls of bladder
inhibited during storage
sympathetic innervation for urine storage is sent via what nerves
splanchnic n
in urine storage, is parasymp innervation up or down regulated
where do pre ganglionic neurons synapse with post ganglion neurons for parasympathtic system in urine storage
in walls of bladder
somatic motor control of urine storage is done by what n
pudendal nerves
true or false: sympathetic info for urine storage is sent by pudendal nerves
false,those are for somatic motor
sympa is by hypogastric n
explain somatic motor aspect of urine storage
=via pedundal n
cell bodies in Onuf nucleus (s2-s4 anterior horns)
voluntary control of the external urethral sphincter
where is the onuf nucleus
in s2-s4 anterior horns
what is the function of somatic motor in urine storage
voluntary control og external urethral sphincter
explain the central control of the urine storage
reinforces the activation of sympathtic innervation and inhibition of parasymp innervation
true or false, during urine storage central control reinforces the activation of parasympathtic innervation and inhibition of symp innervation
false, oppositie
be able to know control/pathway of urine storage
mictrution is controlled by parasymp or symp innervation
explain the somatic and visceral sensory information involved in mictrutiion
stretch, pain and temperature from the detrusor muscle (stronger signals than for storage)
explain sympathetic innervation/ information involved in micrutition
=info coming from hypogastric n (t11-l2)
preganglionic neurons synapse with post ganglionic neurons in inferior mesenteritc ganglion
sympa is INHIBITED during micrution
sympathetic innervation for mictrution is sent via what nerves and where cell bodies located
hypogastric n (t11-l2)
in mictrutuion, is symp innervation up or down regulated
during micrution, is NE or Act released to detrusor and internal urethral sphincter
during micturition, does the detrusor muscle relax or contract
during mictrutuon, does the internal urethral muscle relax or contract
explain parasympathetic innervation/ information involved in micrution
=carried by pelvic splanchnic nerves
preganglionic neurons synapse with post ganglionic bergson in walls of bladder
activated during mictrution
detrusor contracts
internal urethral relaxes
if you have to pee really bad, is somatic motor control of bladder inhibited or actvitatied
explain central control during micrution
reinforces the inhibition of sympathtic innervation and activation of parasymp innervation
central control centre for micrution??
pontine micturition center
what is the central control centre for storage??
pontine storage center
what are the 3 types of urinate incontinence
atonic bladder
autonomic reflex bladder
autonomous bladder
what type of bladder incotnience is associated with acute phase of spinal shock
atonic bladder
what type of bladder is associated with recovered of spinal shock
autonomic reflex bladder
explain atonic bladder
acute phase of spinal shock (lesion above s2)
detrusor muscle relaxed
internal sphincter contracted
external spinchter relaxed
=bladder becomes distended and eventually overflows
xdetrusor muscle relaxed
internal sphincter contracted
external spinchter relaxed
=bladder becomes distended and eventually overflows
associated with what urinary incontinence
atonic bladder is a lesion above what lesion
where is lesion for the automatic reflex bladder
above around s2
explain automatic reflex bladder
after spinal shockk recovery
lesion above s2
same as incontinency in infancy
voluntary control of external spinchter is lost
bladder fills and empties reflexively (every 1-4 hours)
same as incontinency in infancy
voluntary control of external spinchter is lost
bladder fills and empties reflexively (every 1-4 hours)
associated with what type of urinary incontinence
automatic reflex bladder
“bladder doesn’t empty complete” is what urinary incontinence
atonic bladder
“bladder has spasms at low urine volume” is what urinary incontinence
automatic reflex bladder
explain autonomous bladder
lesion to sacral segment of spinal cord or caudal equine
no reflexive or voluntary control
detrusor is flaccid (becomes distended and eventually overflows)
bladder may be partially emptied with manual compression
no reflexive or voluntary control
detrusor is flaccid (becomes distended and eventually overflows)
bladder may be partially emptied with manual compression
what urinary incontinence
autonomous bladder
where is the lesion for autonous bladder
lesion to sacral segment of spinal cord or caudal equine