Lecture 1 - Introduction to Immunology Flashcards
Which immunity has no memory?
Which immunity has memory?
Which immunity is non-specific?
Which immunity is specific?
Which immunity is rapid?
Which immunity is slow?
The body’s defenses is a complex interacting network of ______
biochemical and cellular reactions
Which immunity recognizes PAMPs and DAMPs
Which immunity leads to inflammation
Which immunity depends on antigen capture and processing
Which immunity relies on T/B cell activation
List the basic steps of innate immunity
microbial invasion->recognition of PAMPs and DAMPs->inflammation->pathogen elimination
List the basic steps of adaptive immunity
microbial invasion->antigen capture and processing->T/B cell activation->pathogen elimination and immunology memory
Which is the first line of defense and which is the backup?
innate; adaptive
What is tolerance in regards to adaptive defense?
B cells/T cells don’t react to self antigens
Which immunity can enhance the other?
adaptive enhances innate
List the 5 components of the innate immune system?
- Physical/chemical barriers
- phagocytic and sentinel cells
- Complement system
- Innate defense cytokines
- Natural killer cells
List the 2 basic components of adaptive defense.
- humoral immunity (antibodies)
- cell mediated immunity
List the 4 physical/chemical barriers of the innate immune system
- epithelial barriers (skin, mucus membranes)
- normal microflora- natural competition for space and resources
- Acid environment in stomach
- antimicrobial peptides
What do phagocytic cells do?
ingest and kill pathogens
List 2 examples of phagocytic cells
neutrophils and macrophages