LEC 1 - Repro I: Males + Intersex Flashcards
What two things does an embryo have before it becomes a determined sex?
Gonadal ridge
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Two duct system
What are the two ducts in an unsexed embryo?
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Which duct system is male?
What are the three levels of differentiation?
What is the default sex?
What occurs for a fetus to become a male?
SRY gene on Y chromosome
Makes testes via TDF
Testes secrete hormones to degrade Mullerian duct
What are the two hormones of a male?
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Where does MIS come from?
Sertoli cells
Where does testosterone come from?
Interstitial cells
What does testosterone do?
Stabilize Wolf ducts
Term: Intersex
Any condition where one level of sexuality does not match the rest
Term: True Hermaphrodites
Gonads of both sex
Term: Pseudo Hermaphrodites
Gonads of one sex, opposite accessories
Term: Sex Reversal
Chromosomal sex does not match gonads
Term: Free martinism
Environmentally determined intersexuality
What animal is most commonly a true hermaphrodite?
Goats + Swine
What is a true hermaphrodite most often genetically?
Where do you normally find the gonads of a true hermaphrodite?
Pelvic cavity
What two things can occur with the gonads of a true hermaphrodite?
One ovary + One Testes
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What part of an ovatestes is the ovary?
What does an animal with two ovatestes look like anatomically?
hypoplastic uterus
Why does the animal with ovatestes have a hypoplastic uterus?
Not enough MIS secreted by the testicular tissue
What are most pseudohermaphrodites genetically?
How does a male become a pseudoheraphrodite?
XY male’s mullerian ducts fail to regress
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Androgen dependent structures fail to develope
How could a female become a pseudohermaphrodite?
XX female develop a male phenotype via a non-gonadal source
What are the two examples of sex reversal in animals?
Cocker spaniels
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Polled goats
When do cocker spaniels have sex reversal?
Genetic females is carrying TDF on her X chromosome
What occurs in polled goats that causes them to have sex reversal?
Sex-linked trait is connected to the polled gene
What genetic goats tend to have sex reversal?
XX karyotype
Homozygous for polled male pseudohermaphrodite
What is dominant, polled or horns?
What occurs with females that are homozygotes for the polled gene?
Polled heads with sex reversal
How does freemartinism occur in twin cattle?
the male and female twin end up having a fusionof the chorioallantoic circulation
The male passes some of its MIS to the female twin
What characteristics are seen in a female that has undergone freemartinism?
Incomplete vaginal development
Prominent seminal vesicles
reduced uterus
Small gonads - Ovatestis
What are some common causes of testicular hypoplasia?
Abnormal germ cells
In utero infections/intoxications
Nutritional deficiencies
Chromoosomal aberrations
What are the positions that a crytorchid teste could be in/
Intra/extra abdominal
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What animals is crytorchism common in?
Pigs + Horses + Dogs
What is different about cryptorchidism in horses?
Dominant, heritable trait
What is bad about cryptorchidism?
Increased chance of primary neoplasm
What are the three most common things that occur in a retained teste?
Sertoli cell tumor
How are the possible causes of testicular degeneration?
Sertoli cell tumors
What vascular problems cause testicular degeneration?
Torsions + Infarctions
Why do sertoli cell tumors cause testicular degeneration?
Production of estrogen
What is grossly evident that tells you the testicles have shrank?
Small, won’t bulge in cross section
Tunica albuginea is wrinkled
What histological changes do you see with testicular degeneration?
Cytoplasmic vaculation Germinal cell desquamation Intratubular multinucleated cells Thick basement membranes Intersitial fibrosis Mineralization
What are the four primary testicular neoplasias?
Interstitial cell tumor
Sertoli Cell Tumor
What is the most common testicular cancer in dogs?
Leydig cell tumor
What is the gross features of a leydig cell tumor?
No overall increase in size
Discrete soft masses
Areas of hemorrhage
What is the biologic behavior of a leydig cell tumor?
Grow slowly
What are leydig cell tumors commonly associated with?
Perianal gland neoplasias + Prostatic disease
In what situation are sertoli cell tumors most common?
What animals are sertoli cell tumors seen most often?
Older dogs
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Bulls + Stallions
Where do sertoli cell tumors tend to metastisize?
Regional LN
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Spermatic cord
What are the gross features of a sertoli cell tumor?
Enlargement of the testicle
Masses are firm/hard
What are the histological features of a sertoli cell tumor?
Abundant stroma
Intrabular palisades of elongated cells
What is produced that causes biological changes in dogs with sertoli cell tumors?
What happens due to the high estrogen levels that occur with sertoli cell tumors?
Attracted to male dogs Decreased libido Mammary development Perineal hernias Penile atrophy
What is seminoma?
Neoplasm of spermatogonia
What is the female counterpart to seminoma?
When is seminoma most commonly seen?
Cryptorchid testis
What are the gross features of a seminoma?
Enlargement of the testis
Homogenous, soft/pale appearance on cut section
What is the cellular origin of testicular teratoma?
What is epididymitis
Inflammation of the epididymis
What often causes epididmyitis (basic)?
Infection coming from retrograde spread of gentiourinary passages
What is the infectious cause of epididymitis in sheep?
Brucella ovis
What is the appearance of epididymitis in sheep with Burcella Ovis?
Epididymal tail
Leading to sperm statsis + sperm granuloma
What can cause a non-infectious form of epididymitis?
Congenital obstruction in excretory ducts
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By what mechanism does the non-infectious form of epididymitis occur?
Blockage of sperm causes it to extrude from ducts into CT
Leads to granulomatous inflammatory response
What is orchitis?
Inflammation of the testis
What is most common route of infection that causes orchitisis?
Cause of Orchitis: Bulls
Brucella abortus
Cause of Orchitis: Boars
Brucella suis
Cause of Orchitis:Dogs
Canine distemper virus
E. Coli
Brucella Canis
Appearance of Orchitis: Brucella abortus
Fibrino-purulent + necrotizing lesions
Extends from tunic to entire testis
Appearance of Orchitis: Brucella suis
Abscesses in testis proper + epididymis
Appearance of Orchitis: Brucella Canis
Inflammation of:
testis proper + epididymus + prostate + scrotal dermatitis
What animals is seminal vesciulitis most common?
Young bulls
What is the common pathogen that causes seminal vesiculitis?
Truperella pyogenes
What is the route of infection with seminal vesiculitis?
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What is balanitis?
Inflammation fo the foreskin + head of penis
Common cause of Balanitis: Bull
IBR - Bovine herpes virus 1
Common cause of Balanitis: Stallion
Equine coital exanthema (EHV-3)
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Cutaneous habronemiasis
Common cause of Balanitis: Sheep + Pigs
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bacterial infections
Common cause of Balanitis: Rabbits
Treponema cuniculi
What is a penile neoplasia seen in young bulls?
Bovine transmissible fibropapilloma
What is the gross appearance of SCC of the penis/prepuce?
Superfical ulcerations + necrosis
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Papillary appearance
What can SCC look a lot like?
Cutaneous habronemiasis
What is the histological appearance of SCC?
nests of cohesive cells with squamous differentiation
morphologic + nuclear atypia
central keratin pearl formation
What is a transmissable form of neoplasia?
Transmissible Veneral tumor
What is different about the cells involved in transmissible venereal tumor?
59 karotype when normal dog is 78
What is the gross appearance of a transmissible venereal tumor?
Papular to papillary
What is the histopathologic appearance of a transmissible venereal tumor?
Cells are round + oval w/ mitoses frequent
What can cause prostatic hyperplasia?
Endrodrin imbalance or testosterone effect
What can cause prostatic atrophy?
Castration (removal of testosterone)
What can cause prostatic squamous metaplasia?
Estrogenic effect
What pathology causes prostatic squamous metaplasia?
Sertoli Cell tumors
What is prostatitis?
Asymmetrical enlargement of prostate with pain on palpation
What are the symptoms seen with prostatisits?
Blood/exudate in urine
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What animals are most commonly seen with prostatic adenocarcinoma?
Older dogs
What is the gross appearance of prostatic adenocarcinoma?
Asymmetric + Fibrosis
Local invason
Where does prostatic adenocarcinoma tend to metastisize?
Sublumbar LN
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What are the primary differentials for prostatic adenocarcinoma?
Transitional cell carcinoma of bladder/urethra