Leaves Section IV Flashcards
Department Directors may advance any combination of up to forty (40) hours of
Leave (Vacation, Sick, PTO or STD) to regular or probationary employees.
Department Directors may advance Vacation Leave, Sick Leave, or Paid Time Off
even if an employee has accumulated leave of another type available. A
memorandum with Department Director approving advancing leave must be
forwarded to the Human Resources Department and must indicate actual dates
and type(s) of leave to be advanced. HR/Payroll system modification required to
advance leave must be entered by the_______________. If advanced leave is outstanding at termination of employment, a dollar amount equal to the advanced leave (hours outstanding multiplied by employee’s hourly
rate) shall be deducted from the employee’s final pay
A. Human Resource Coordinator
B. Human Resources Systems Coordinator
C. Human Resources Director
Human Resources Systems Coordinator
When an employee moves from a uniform classification to a non-uniform
classification and vice versa, Vacation Leave and Paid Time Off balances shall be
processed as though the employee had terminated employment. Accumulated
vacation leave time will be paid at the employee’s hourly rate on the date before
the transfer. The employee will then begin accruing leave at the applicable rate
for the new classification. Sick Leave and Short Term Disability may be carried
over to a maximum of ________ hours, to the new position and used according to City
policy and/or department rules and regulations
A. 500 Hours
B. 1600 Hours
C. 1000 Hours
1,000 hours
In the case of a retiring Police Officer or Firefighter who is entitled to a sick leave payoff, any remaining sick leave will be carried over to the non-uniform position to a maximum of _______hours; but will not be allowed to use the years of service toward the STD payoff.
A. 1,1100
B. 1, 200
c. 1,250
1,250 hour
An employee requiring an indeterminate amount of time off due to a non-job
related illness or injury shall be referred by his supervisor or Department Director
to the ____________________ for counseling regarding entitlements under
the City’s benefits programs.
A. Headquarters’ Wellness Unit
B. Office of the Chief of Police
C. Human Resources Department
Human Resources Department
Employees will be allowed to use up to __________of STD for the birth or adoption
of a child. The six (6) weeks will begin at birth or upon finalization of the
adoption. The six (6) weeks are available for either parent.
Six weeks
The first twenty-four
(24) hours of the absence will be charged to PTO if leave is available or to leave
without pay. This leave can be used in conjunction with PTO leave, or additional
STD if supported by required medical documentation. Adoption of a spouse’s
child will not qualify for leave
True or False
FMLA- Intermittent Leave:
In all cases the leave may not exceed a total of ——-workweeks or ———- workweeks to care for an injured or ill service member over a -2 month period.
A. 12, 36
B. 12, 26
C. 12,24
12,26 workweeks
All medical certifications Forms must be submitted to the Labor and Employee Relations Division at the time the employee returns to work or within—— calendar days after the employee has returned to work.
If the is incomplete, the employee will be notified and given ——- business days to correct the issue.
A. 14, 7
B. 15, 7
C. 14,21
All FMLA forms must be generated from the Labor and Employee Relations Division within—- days after the employee has submitted the completed FMLA Health Care Provider Certification, the Labor and Employee Relations designee will complete and provide the employee’s with a written response to the employee’s request for FMLA leave using the DOL Designation Notice.
A. 10 business days
B. 7 business days
C.5 business days
5 business days
Catastrophic Leave Bank:
Enrollment will be conducted twice each calendar year during the months of ——— and ———-.
A.January, March
B. June, December
C. April, November
June, December
Requesting Reasonable Accommodation
All reassignments must be approved by the ——— and the ———-.
A. City Mayor, Chief of Police
B. City Attorney, Human Resource
C. Chief People Officer, City Manager
Chief People Officer, City Manager
Accommodations which involve an expense of less than than —— may be approved by the ———— after ADA accommodation request have been approved by the Labor and Employee Relations Manager
A. $250, City Manager
B. $250, Department Director
C. $250, Human Resources
$250, Department Director
Accommodations involving an expense greater than $ 250 or an accommodation request beyond the Department’s Director ‘s authority must be submitted by the Labor and Employee Relations Manager with a recommendation to the ———- within —— work days of receipt of the request by the Department Director
A. Chief of Police, 5 days
B. Chief of Police, 10 days
C. Chief People Officer, 10 days
Chief People Officer, 10 days
The Chief People Officer may extend the ten work day time frame, but must provide a written notice to the request or.
True/ False
The Human Resources Department shall maintain files of all religious Accommodation Requests.
How many maximum cumulative hours can a part time employee carry over
A. 240
B. 120
C. 90
D. 140
Shift differential for dispatchers that work 11pm to 7am
A. 1.00
B. 75 cents
C. 80 cents
80 cents
D Days
5 to 15 years of continuous service shall be granted ——- Disrectionary days
A. 7, 40 hours
B. 5, 40 hours
C. none of the above
5 days equivalent to 40 hours per year
D Days
Employees with 15 years or more of continuous service shall be granted ——- discretionary days per year ——-.
A. 10 days equivalent to 56 hours
B. 7 days equivalent to 56 hours
C. None of the above
7 days equivalent to 56 hours per year
Meet and confer between AFSCME, FOP or IAFF and the City will be conducted during normal working hours and
A. Without loss of pay to the employees
B With loss of page to the employees
Without loss of pay to the employ