G.O 106 Lines Of Authority Flashcards
In normal day-to -day agency operations, the Department will utilize a chain of command for—— of the employees of the Department.
A. Communication
B. Supervision
C. Command
D. Direction
E. All of the above
Civilian employees who are assigned to supervisory positions will not exercise the same authority and responsibility over their work area as that of a sworn supervisor in the same capacity
———are civilian employees and will be assigned to a police officer or sergeant for supervision.
A. Recruits
B. Police Training Interns
C. Volunteers
Police Training Interns
Each employee is accountable to only one supervisor at any given time.
When an employee receives an order that conflicts with federal, State, or local laws or a previously issued order, the employee will Inform the ——-of the conflict
A. Supervisor
B. Immediate Supervisor
C Shift Commander
When responding to emergencies, the first —— on the scene of an emergency will take charge and issue any commands necessary to bring the situation under control or containment as quickly as possible.
It shall be the duty of all ———- to take corrective action and submit a written report to an immediate supervisor whenever they learn through personal observation or report, any violation of these General Orders, the Divisional Operating Procedures, the L.R.P.D Rules and Regulations, the Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations, the Ordinances of the City of Little Rock, and/or laws of the state of Arkansas or the United States by any employee of the Department.
A. Commanders , Sergeants, Officers
B. Commanders, Supervisors, Officers
C. Commanders , Lieutenant’s, Sergeant’s
Supervisors, and
Should the violation involve an incident of a serious nature, the ——detecting or notified of the violations shall relieve the offender from duty and take custody of any credentials and firearms issued by the Department.
A. Supervisor
B. Supervisor or Commanding Officer
C. Shift Lieutenant
The Supervisor or
Commanding Officer
Should the observing officer be of a lesser rank than the offender, he shall notify an on- duty supervisor of equal or Superior rank.
A written report of the incident shall be submitted by the reporting supervisor or commander through the chain of command to the Internal Affairs.
When a violation does not involve gross misconduct but could cause discredit to the Department or any member thereof, a report shall be made in writing setting out the known facts of the case and an investigation initiated to determine the nature and degree of the violation. The —— who first learns of the violation will be responsible to initiate the investigation.
—— which do not involve gross misconduct and which will not reflect discredit upon the Department, but which indicate a need for some form of discipline and/or training, May be handled by the offender’s commander or supervisor.
A. Minor Incidents
B. Minor Violations
C. Minor allegations. None of the above
Minor Violations
Anytime an employee is relieved of duty for any reason, the employee’s official duty hours and days off will be 0800 to 1600 with Saturday and Sundays off.
Volunteers are citizens who offer assistance to the police department. They will be assigned to a _______for supervision.
A. Shift Lieutenant, police officer, sergeant
B. Civilian, Police Officer, Sergeant
C. Civilian, Sergeant, Division Commander
police officer
Reserves are sworn voluntary personnel and will be assigned to a ______for supervision.
Police Officer
Division Commander
Supervision will decrease proportionally up through the chain of command to the chief of police as a pyramid structure . True or False
Police supervisors will: ______, _______, _______employees of lesser rank to ensure the proper and efficient performance of their assigned duties
A. Actively watch, direct , supervise
B. Actively monitor, direct , Supervise
C. Monitor, Keep tabs, direct
Actively monitor
direct and supervise
When a supervisor appoints someone to act in his place he will designate an acting supervisor through a memorandum to his supervisor, for distribution to supervisors and affected employees and the _______________ specifying:
A. Chief of a police, the person acting in his place and duration
B. Office f the Chief of Police, the person acting in his place and duration
C. Office of the Chief of Police , the person in his place and time
.The person acting in his place
and Duration
Supervisory personnel are accountable for the performance of employees under their immediate control. True or False
Anytime an employee is relieved of duty for any reason, the employee’s official duty hours and days off will be 0800 to 1600 with Saturday and Sunday days off. During the time they are relieved of duty, they will answer all calls from the Department and will be available at the Departments convenience for any meeting as directed between the hours of 0800 to 1600 Monday through Friday
Police supervisors will actively monitor, direct, and supervise employees Of lesser rank to ensure the —— and ——— performance of their assigned duties
A. Efficient and Proper
B. Proper and efficient
C. A only
Proper and Efficient