G.O 210 Off-Duty Employment Flashcards
The _____ shall be responsible for maintaining documentation of citizen requests for police –related off duty employment.
Headquarters Division Commander
Employees shall not be permitted to accept employment nor have ownership interests in any establishment that has been issued a liquor permit without the prior approval of the _______.
A .Division Commander
B. Chief of Police
C. Office of the Chief of Police
Citizens requesting information regarding the immediate need for police officers for police related off-duty employment after regular business hours shall be forwarded to an ________ who shall ensure the proper handling of the request.
on-duty Lieutenant
Employees who report “sick leave” for regular duty will not work any outside employment for the following
twenty-four hour period
Employees who are not on full-duty status may be approved for off-duty or extra duty employment
False-will not be approved
C.O.A.T. Officers are permitted to work police related off-duty after being employed for twelve months following their graduation date from the Training Academy.
False -6 months
Officers will be limited to a total of ____work hours during a seven-day week.
Employees will work no more than _____work hours in any 24 hour period.
An employee may be allowed to take leave from their regular work assignment in order to work an overtime assignment in which the City of Little Rock is the funding source or conduit for compensation.
False- at no time will an employee be allowed to take leave
_______________ time may be used to reduce City work hours
Compensatory or Vacation
The officer’s ______________ is responsible for imposing other reasonable limitations upon an officer’s off-duty employment to best meet the needs of the Department and the officer.
Officers or supervisors will not profit by subcontracting police related off-duty work to other officers at a lower rate of pay
Supervisors working off-duty with subordinates will be responsible for the supervision of that job and will complete all Departmental files generated as a result of that job.
The LRPD embroidered button down and polo shirts may not be worn when working an off-duty assignment that does not require a uniform.
False-may be worn
A copy of all approved Off-duty Employment Forms shall be routed to the Office of the Chief of Police for filing
False-Professional Standards