Classification and Compensation Flashcards
It is the City’s policy to provide equitable compensation for its employees in the form of
pay and benefits in order to attract and retain qualified individuals for all positions. A
classification and compensation system will be maintained for all classified positions in
the City and as approved by the _______.
A. City Director
B. City Mayor
C. City Manager
City Manager.
The City’s classification system is a systematic approach to _____, _____, and
________ about positions in the City’s work force. Positions are grouped
according to their relative duties and responsibilities to ensure that positions of equal
difficulty and requirements are equitably compensated.
A. Analyzing, collecting, and maintaining information
B. Maintaining information, collecting, and analyzing.
C. collecting, analyzing and maintaining information.
analyzing, and
maintaining information
The entire salary schedule may be adjusted based on increased cost of living or negotiation results. Individual salary ranges may be adjusted based on_________ recommendations or changes in federal or state laws governing wages.
A. Human Resource
B. Human Resource Department
C. Human Resource Personnel
Human Resources personnel
Classification Review:
To ensure the accuracy of the existing title, job description, job specification, and
grade allocation, the Human Resources Department will initiate a maintenance
review for each position on a _____ year cycle
A. Six (6)
B. Four (4)
C. Three (3)
four (4) year cycle
Reviews may also be initiated by an incumbent or his _________on a
Classification Review Request (HR-2A) form available in the Human Resources
Department and on the Human Resources website. A review initiated by an
incumbent must be submitted through the chain of command to his Department
A. Department head director
B. Department Council
C. Department Director
Department Director
Positions will not be subject to the classification review process more frequently
than once per ____________, unless approved by the____________.
A. Twenty-Fourth (24) month period, Director of Human Resources.
B. thirty-six (36) month period, Director of Human Resources.
C. Forty-Eight (48) month period, Director of Human Resources.
thirty-six (36) month period
Director of Human Resources.
A review of a filled position requires the incumbent to have performed new,
significant, and permanent duties for at least ______. Temporary
changes in duties and responsibilities should be evaluated under the
“Alternate Rate” policy.
A. Twelve (12) months period
B. Nine (9) months period
C. six (6) months
six (6) months
The goal of Human Resources personnel is to provide completed documents for
review to the requesting department within ________ of receipt of a
classification review request.
A. Thirty (30) working days
B. sixty (60) working days
C. Ninety (90) working days
sixty (60) working days
The Department Director may, within ______of issuance of the
Classification Report, appeal the decision by Human Resources personnel by
indicating non-concurrence on the form. Such appeal will be reviewed by the
Director of Human Resources.
A. Three (3) weeks
B. Four (4) weeks
Two (2) weeks)
two (2) weeks
If Department Director or Human Resources personnel do not agree with the
classification decision, the decision may be appealed to the ________. The
City Manager’s decision shall be final.
A. City Mayor
B. City Attorney
C. City Manager
City Manager
The City’s definition of salary_______ is that of a less-experienced employee
earning a higher salary than a more-experienced employee. Internal equity
adjustments are required where a hiring decision was made which results in an
individual being hired with less experience than current employees, OR when, over time, there is some shifting of salaries which results in an internal inequity.
Reviews may be initiated by an incumbent or his Department Director. A review
initiated by an incumbent must be submitted through the chain of command to his Department Director
A. “Favoritism”
B. “Unfairness”
C. “Inequity”
After the Department Director and the Director of Human Resources approve the
Classification Report (HR-2) form, the Department Director shall access the
_______system to submit a requisition to the Human Resources Department to
initiate the selection process. The vacancy shall be filled in accordance with
Section I of this manual.
A. BlueTeam
B. Watchguard
C. NeoGov
Overtime and Compensatory Time:
The City will comply with rules governing overtime and compensatory time as established by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Overtime and vacation time for hours worked in excess of the time limits specified by FLSA will be governed as follows: Positions shall be coded as exempt from overtime or non-exempt from overtime.
Employees in this category are exempt from FLSA coverage and are not eligible
for overtime or compensatory time. These employees fall into the FLSA groups
of _______, _________, _________.
A. Administrative, Professional, and Executive
B. Professional, Executive, and Administrative
C. Executive, Administrative, and Professional
Executive, Administrative, and Professional.
Overtime for firefighters will be paid on the next pay date following the end of
the _____overtime cycle.
a. 31st-day
B. 27-day
C. 10th -day
Employees in this category are in Police Officer and Police Sergeant positions.
These employees will be paid time and one-half for all time worked in excess of
the _______hour workweek. Sick leave shall not be considered as time worked.
A. Eighty (80)
B. Forty (40)
c. Sixty (60)
Forty (40)
Compensatory time may be accrued to a maximum of three hundred (400) hours.
Once four hundred (400) hours of compensatory time have been accrued,
management has the option to either grant compensatory time or dollars for time
worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a workweek.
False-300 hours
Employees in this category are in certain Firefighter, Fire Apparatus Engineer, and
Fire Captain positions. Overtime shall be paid to employees in these positions as
established by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Sick leave shall not count towards
meeting the specified hour requirements within a work period.
Fire Uniform, Union Eligible Position are:
A. (48 hour only)
B. (56 hour only)
C. (72 hour only)
(56 hour only)
Compensatory time may be accrued up to 200 hours. Any time in excess of 2O0 hours must be paid in dollars. Employees should follow their department guidelines for leave requests for the usage of compensatory time.
Compensatory time may be accrued up to 240 hours. Any time in excess of 240hours must be paid in dollars. Employees should follow their department guidelines
for leave requests for the usage of compensatory time.
The Department Director need not adopt the same agreement or understanding with all of the Department non-exempt employees and need not provide compensatory time to all such employees. For employees hired after______, written agreement
shall take the form of an express condition of employment.
A. July, 1972
B. July, 1982
C. July, 1992
July 1992
Employees will be paid for such overtime work either in compensatory time or in overtime, as designated by the _________.
A. Fire Captain
B. Fire Chief
C. Fire Marshall
Fire Chief
A. Fair Labor Standards Admission
B. Fair Labor Standards Act
C. Fair Labor Standards Association
Fair Labor Standards Act
In certain conditions, the _______may authorize overtime pay for employees classified as “exempt” (up to but not including the level of Division Manager) to perform work directly related to the emergency. All time worked in excess of the 40-hour workweek will be considered overtime. Departments must request approval in writing from the City Manager specifying the employees with their position titles and the amount. A copy of the request must be forwarded to the
A. City Mayor, Human Resources Department
B. City Manager, Human Resources Director
C. City Manager, Human Resource Staff
City Manager, Human Resources Director
Longevity payments shall be distributed to employees biweekly. Longevity pay shall be calculated according to the following formula; to determine the weekly amount:
Twelve Months
the number of years of service
the designated longevity dollar amount
the biweekly longevity amount
/ 52 weeks
Longevity pay will be paid at the rate of $3 for each year of service up to and including the fifth (5th) year and $6 per month for each year of service beginning at
six (6) years and for each year of service thereafter.
Other Pay Categories – Full-Time Non-Uniform Employees:
Employees required to stand by for work shall be compensated at their regular hourly rate of pay not to exceed a maximum of ____hours per week.
Standby pay shall be based on the following schedule:
16 hours
An employee who is called to work for an unscheduled period of time shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at the regular rate or shall be paid for the hours actually worked at the regular rate, whichever is greater.
False -(3) hours
The combination of standby and callback pay may not exceed ____ hours on a given day unless the actual hours worked exceeds eight (8).
eight (8) hours
An employee placed in an alternate rate status after three consecutive days shall receive a _________salary adjustment for the duration of the alternate rate
assignment retroactive to the first work day
A. five percent (5%)
B. Six percent (6%)
C. Ten percent (10%)
five percent (5%)
Longevity payments shall be distributed to employees———.
A. Annually
B. Bi-weekly
C. Semi-annually
——-dollars per month for each year of service up to and including the fifteenth (15th) year.
A. Six ($6) dollars
B. Five ($5) dollars
C. Ten ($10) dollars
Five ($5) dollars
——-dollars per month for each year of service from the sixteenth (16th) year through the completed twenty-fifth (25th) year.
A. Six ($6) dollars
B. Five ($5) dollars
C. Ten ($10) dollars
Six $(6) dollars remember from on this one
Other pay categories:
Standby Pay - not to exceed a maximum of 16 hours per week.
Maximum of 2 hours for each 8 hours (Mon- Fri)
Maximum of 1 hour for each 8 hours per normal weekend day. ( Sat and Sun) or designated City Holidays.
Callback Pay- An employee is called back to work for an unscheduled period of time shall receive a minimum of ——hours pay at the regular or shall be paid for the hours actually worked at the regular rate, whichever is greater.
A. 6
B. 8
C. 3
The combination of standby and callback pay may not exceed ——- hours on a given day unless the actual hours worked exceeds 8 hours.
A. 4
B. 3
Alternate rate status shall not exceed—— consecutive calendar day’s without approval by the ——. No overtime will be earned by employees earning alternate rate in exempt positions.
A. 30, City Mayor
B. 60, City Mayor
C. 60, City Manager
60, City Manager
Procedure for requesting Second Language differential has to be approved by
A. Chief of Police
B. City Manager
C. Chief People Officer
Chief People Officers
Second Language
Certified full time employees who have passed the assessment are eligible to receive a differential of ———per week
A. 25.00
B. 58.00
C. 40.00
EIP- Educational Incentive Pay
Eligibility for EIP payments will require the officer to furnish to the ——-, through the ——-, the obtained minimum standards certification and/or documentation of satisfactory completion of accredited college hours
A. Chief of police , Department of Human Resources
B.Department of Human Resources, Chief of Police
Department of Human Resources, Chief of Police
FTO pay will be paid at the rate of —— hours per shift. FTO’s will only receive the additional pay for time actually spent training probationary police officers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
Application for EIP payments must be submitted by the ————- of the month to be counted for eligibility.
A. 6th of the month
B. 9th of the month month
C. 10th of the month
10th of the month
The use of discretionary time for the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve must be requested by ———-
A. November 1
B. November 10
C. November 15
November 15
Regular full time employees shall receive the following number of discretionary days during their first year of employment
If hired Jan1-March 31~3 days 24 hours
If hired April1-June 30~ 2 days 16 hours
If hired July 1-Sept 30~ 1 day 8 hours
Employees with over 10 years of service as of January 1, will receive an additional— days.
Family sick leave:
Sick leave may be used for illness or documented medical treatment, including medical, dental, and optical examinations, of a member of the employees immediate family which is defined as spouse, parent or children only, either natural , adopted or for whom the employee has legal guardianship. Parent is limited to the employee’s own parent, not a spouse’s parent unless the employee has legal guardianship. Such leave shall be limited to ——— hours per year.
A. 30 hours
B. 80 hours
C. 60 hours
80 hours
An employee shall be compensated in cash at his basic rate of hourly pay for any unused sick leave up to ———- hours for union eligible and ———hours for non union eligible upon retirement or death
A. 720,1600
B.360, 1000
C. 720 ,1000
720, 1000
Funeral leave:
Employees will receive —— day off with pay for the death of a grandparent or grandchild of the employee or the employees spouse.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 1
One (1)
Fire Fighter vac union eligible
Maximum of ——- hours for 56 hour employees and —— hours for 40 hour employees may be carried over to the next calendar year except when an employee is unable to take vacation because of departmental needs.
A. 400, 320
B. 448, 320
C. 448, 240
448, 320