learning (test 2) Flashcards
-deals w fundamental responses that increase or decrease particular behaviors (associative learning)
Human responding
- evaluation–>good or bad?
- potency–>how good or how bad?
(bad are more powerful than goods)
Classical Conditioning and what scientist
A type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to bring about a response after it is paired w a stimulus that naturally brings about that response
-ivan pavlov (scientist that studied digestion; discovered that dogs “predicted” the arrival of food, led to salivation
Pavlov’s experiment
- attached a tube to dog’s salivary gland, tone (bell) sounded, then presented food (repeated pairings)
- dogs soon begins to salivate when bell rang-even when food wasn’t presented
Neutral Stimulus and ex
a stimulus that does not naturally bring about the response of interest BEFORE conditioning
(sound of bell)
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) and example
a stimulus that brings about a response without having been learned
(Meat bc dogs like meat)
Unconditioned response (UCR) and ex
a natural response not associated w previous learning
Conditioned Stimulus and ex
a neutral stimulus (NS) that has been paired w a UCS (meat) to bring about a response formerly caused only by the USC
(sound of bell)
Conditioned Response and ex
a response that, after conditioning, follows a previously neutral stimulus
(Salivation when bell sounds)
Little Albert (WATCH VIDEO)
-unconditioned stimulus (UCS)=loud noise
-unconditioned response (UCR)=fear and tears
-Conditioned Stimulus
(CS)= rat
-Conditioned Response
(CR)= fear and tears
story of little Albert and what scientist
- John B. Watson conditioned a small boy to be scared of rats
- fear was generalized to other white, furry objects
- albert was never “fixed”/ went back to normal
- experiment criticized for being unethical
Stimulus Generalization
The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to a conditioned stimulus
-more similarity=increased response
biological Preparedness
some stimuli are naturally more likely to become prepared w a response than others (snakes and spiders duh)
Stimulus Discrimination
The ability to defferentiate between/among stimuli
When a previously conditioned response decreased in frequency and eventually disappears
-typically when a CS has has been experiences subsequent times without UCS
ex of Desensitized
fear of death
Spontaneous Recovery
the reemergence of an extinguished conditioned response after a period of rest
and with no further conditioning
Response Tendencies
-Basic reactions can turn into full blown emotional experiences (fear and anxiety)—> Conditioned emotional response (CER)
Conditioned Emotional Response (CER)
- these responses can correspond with reasonable (snakes) but also curious (goldfish) ((phobias))
- One part extinction, one part emotional regulation (cognitively controlling one’s feelings)
Classical conditioning and drug overdose
- body has a conditioned response to cues, preparing it for intake.
- when cues are absent, the body has not prepared for strong intake
Classical Conditioning and Therapy
-systematic Desensitization=gradually exposing scared person to the CS to decrease CR (habituation)
Sexual Preferences and exs
-can we change a “positive” response to stimuli into a “negative”?
-sexual preferences as positie CR or UCR to CS
-simply pair new negative CR to CS
pedophilia: shock the scrotum when viewing pictures of children
drug addiction: take substance that either removes of makes negative the effects of drugs (alcohol)
Classical conditioning and taste aversion
-one a food has been paired w nausea, we are quick to have a negative CR with that food
(when you smell alcohol after a night out??)
Classical conditioning and Stress response and immunity
- stimuli become associated with stress (CR) and safety.
- the body responds accordingly even after the events have passed
classical conditioning and advertising
- pair products w good things (happy times, sex) and people will have a positive response to those items when they see them in store (evaluative conditioning)
- budweiser
- doritos
- geicko insurance