Learning And Conditioning Flashcards
5 major learning theories in psychology
Cognitive learning theory
Expectations, emotions, and what you already know determine learning behaviour
Biological learning theory
Brain, genetics, and hormones determine thoughts moods and actions
Psychodynamic learning theory
Early childhood experiences determine learning behaviour
Humanistic learning theory
Individual desire to discover knowledge and understanding
Behavioural learning theory
Environmental stimuli influence learning behaviour
3 major types of learning
Observational learning
Classical conditioning
Operant conditoning
Observational learning
Learning through watching others, retaining information, and replicating behaviours
Stimulus which increases chance of a specific response
When a subject associated 2 unconnected things
Classical conditioning
Associating an involuntary response and a stimulus
Emotional conditioning
Type of classical conditioning where subject associates perceptual information to an emotional response
Which nervous system is involved in emotion responses
Operant conditioning
If behaviour followed by positive/negative response the behaviour will be repeated or discontinued
Any active behaviour that operates upon the environment to generate consequences
Generalisation and discrimination in operant conditioning
Similar response when responding to a similar stimuli to one conditioned to
Operant conditioning extinction
Learned response disappears when reinforcement removed
Operant conditioning spontaneous recovery
Reappearance of conditioned response after extinction
4 types of operant conditioning
Positive reinforcement - add something to incr behaviour
Negative reinforcement - remove something to incr behaviour
Positive punishment - add something to decr behaviour
Negative punishment - remove something to decr behaviour
Do classical and operant conditioning create voluntary or involuntary responses
Classical - invol
Operant - vol or invol
Does the stimulus or response come first in classical and operant conditioning
Classical - stimulus then response
Operant - response then stimulus
Are classical and operant conditioning active or passive
Classical - passive
Operant - active
Unreasonable fear to non dangerous thing or situation associated with fear
Behavioural Therapies related to classical conditioning
Aversion therapy
Flooding/implosion therapy
Systematic desensitisation
Behavioural therapies relate to operant conditioning
Token economy
Contingency management
Aversion therapy
Pt exposed to stimulus and discomfort simultaneously
Flooding therapy
Pt exposed to stimulus or its image
Implosion therapy
Pt imagines stimulus
Which people is flooding and implosion therapy not suitable for
Ppl w heart conditions
Systematic desensitisation
Associate phobic stimulus with relaxation moving up a fear hierarchy
Token economy
Give tokens for positive behaviour which can be exchanged for reward
Contingency management
Formal written contract between pt and therapist outlining behaviour, reinforcements, rewards,and penalties
Extinction therapy
Produce behaviour change by stopping reinforcing behaviour, eg time out