Learning Flashcards
Learning vs. Maturation
change in behavior due to experience vs. due to biological change
Classical Conditioning
take a stimulus and associate it w/ natural reflex.
- Pavlov and his dogs.
- neutral stimulus + unconditioned stimulus —> conditioned stimulus and conditioned response
Acquisition vs. Extinction
learning vs. unlearning the conditioned response
Spontaneous Recovery
Stimulus Discrimination vs. Generalization
distinguishing differences between stimulus vs. react to whole fleet of similar stimulus
Higher Order Conditioning
2nd conditioned stimulus
Contiguity vs. Contingency
2 events were touching in time vs. dependent on the other
Aversion Therapy
breaks habits using classical conditioning
Conditioned Emotional Responses
i.e. mugged by bearded man and now afraid of men with beards
Law of Effect
you will continue behaviors that bring you pleasure and stop doing behaviors you dislike
better to reward good than punish bad
Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement
gives reward vs. takes away (—) to return to normal (i.e. medicine)
stop unwanted behavior w/ bad consequence. Usually doesn’t break bad behavior, teaches to just not get caught. Teaches what NOT to do, not what TO do.
Primary vs. Secondary Reinforcer
do not have to be taught as having value (food) vs. must teach its value (money, grades)
Premack Principle
tailor the reward to the person; works well with small groups