Learning Flashcards
What is classical conditioning? Examples?
type of learning where a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response originally caused by another stimulus
fears, sexual arousal, etc
How was classical conditioning created?
Ivan Pavlov
experiment with dogs, salivation, food, and a tone
What is UCR, UCS, CS, CR?
unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response
How does classical conditioning work?
a CS and an UCS are paired together which gradually results in a CR
hear tone, get food, eventually starts salivating before food comes out
What is extinction in classical conditioning?
when a CS is repeatedly presented alone and it no longer causes a CR
What is spontaneous recovery in classical conditioning?
reappearance of an extinct response after a period of nonexposure to CS
What is generalization in classical conditioning?
a CR is caused by different stimulus that resembles the original CS (little albert)
What is discrimination in classical conditioning?
when a CR is not caused by a new stimulus that resembles the original CS
What is operant conditioning?
type of learning where responses are controlled by consequences
How was operant conditioning created?
Skinner found that rats and birds repeated responses that were followed by favourable outcomes
What is reinforcement?
occurs after an event following a response that increases an organisms likelihood of doing that response
Responses controlled through operant conditioning are said to be what? What are CR called?
What is extinction in operant conditioning?
when a response gradually slows or stops after reinforcement is stopped
What is intermittent reinforcement?
when a response is only reinforced some of the time
In ratio schedules what happens?
reinforcer is given after a fixed (FR) or variable (VR) number of nonreinforced responses
In interval schedules what happens?
reinforcer is given for first response that occurs after a fixed (FI) or variable (VI) time interval has passed
What is positive reinforcement?
response is followed by the presentation of a rewarding stimulus
What is negative reinforcement?
response if followed by the removal of an unpleasant stimulus
What is punishment?
occurs when an event following a response weakens the tendency to make that response
Is physical punishment useful?
no its associated with negative outcomes
What is preparedness?
explain why people acquire phobias to ancient sources of threat rather than modern sources of threat
What is observational learning?
occurs when an organism’s responding is influenced by the observation of others (models)
What types of conditioning can happen through observational learning?
operant and classical
What are phobias? How are they caused?
Irrational fears of specific objects or sotuations
Classical conditioning
What is the unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response?
USC is a stimulus that causes a response that was not conditioned
UCR is a response that is not learned and occurs without previous conditioning
What is a conditioned stimulus and conditioned response?
CS is a previously neutral stimulus that through conditioning has been able to cause a CR
CR is a learned reaction to a CS that occurs because of conditioning
What is a trial in classical conditioning?
Consists of any presentation of a stimulus or pair of stimuli
What is evaluative conditioning? What is it used for?
Changes in liking of a stimulus that result from pairing that stimulus with other positive or negative stimuli
What is acquisition?
The initial stage of learning something
What is spontaneous recovery?
Reappearance of an extinguished response after a period of not being exposed to the CS
What is the renewal effect?
If response is extinguished in a different environment than where it was learned the response will reappear when our back into that environment
What is higher order conditioning? Example?
Conditioned stimulus functions as an UCS
Two phase process, first time tone makes saliva, second phase light is paired with a tone to make saliva
What is the two process theory of phobias?
Classical conditioning of fear and operant conditioning of avoidance
What are primary vs secondary reinforcers?
Primary directly influence biological needs (warmth, food, removal of pain)
Secondary indirectly influence biological needs (money)