leadership Flashcards
The use of influence to direct and coordinate the activities of group members to meet a goal
the ability to affect the attitudes,
perceptions, beliefs, motivation, and/or
behavior of others
Trait Theories of Leadership
Theories that consider personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from non-leaders
Behavioral Theories of Leadership
Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-leaders
Trait theory
leadership is inherent, so we must identify the leader based on his or her traits
Behavioral theory
leadership is a skill set and can be
taught to anyone, so we must identify the proper
behaviors to teach potential leaders
Contingency models
assume that appropriate leader behavior varies from one situation to another
Fiedler Model
Effective group performance depends on the proper match between leadership style and the situation
types of leader path-goal behaviors:
House’s Path-Goal Theory
leaders can adapt to different situations and effective leaders can affect subordinates’ performance
Vroom’s Decision Tree Approach
Attempts to prescribe how much participation leaders
allow subordinates in making decisions
Situational characteristics determine the degree
to which subordinates should be encouraged to
participate in decision making
– manager makes the decision alone.
Consult Individuals
manager presents the problem to group members individually, obtains their suggestions, and then
makes the decision
Consult Group
manager presents the problem during a group
meeting, gets their suggestions, and then makes the decision
Facilitate Group
manager presents the problem to the group, facilitates group discussion and allows members make decision
manager allows the group to define for itself the
exact nature and parameters of the problem and to then
develop a solution
Leader-Member Exchange Model
Suggests that leaders form unique independent
relationships with each of their subordinates
receive less of the
supervisor’s time and attention
in group
a close working relationship with
a small number of trusted subordinates referred to as
The Hersey and Blanchard Model
Suggests that leader behaviors should vary in
response to the “readiness” of followers
the subordinate’s degree of
motivation, competence, experience, and interest in
accepting responsibility
Transactional Leaders
Leaders who guide or motivate their followers by focusing on
organizational structure and authority.
Transformational Leaders
Leaders who have abilities that allows him/her to recognize
the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change,
and to execute the change effectively
Charismatic Leaders
A type of transformational leader who is enthusiastic, self-
confident and whose personalities and actions influence
people to behave in certain ways
characteristics of a transactional leader
contigent reward
management by exception
transformational characteristic
Idealized Influence:
Individualized Consideration:
Intellectual Stimulation:
Idealized Influence:
Communicates high expectations,
uses symbols to focus efforts,
expresses important issues simply
Intellectual Stimulation:
Promotes intelligence, rationality,
and problem solving
Visionary (Transformational)
focused on future, mission
and team commitment
Democratic (Participative)
shared decision making and
Authoritative (Coercive)
authority; rule by fear
relationships, team building, harmony
leadership issues types
Strategic Leadership
Requires that leaders be capable of:
Understanding the complexities of both the organization and its environment in the long term
Leadership Substitute
something that takes the place of
Leadership Neutralizer
something that can cancel out
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