🌆 Late Republic Flashcards
What king of Numidia waged war with Rome from 111-104 BC?
What war did the Romans fight from 111-104 BC?
Jugurthine War
What were the years of the Jugurthine War?
111-104 BC
Who was the famous grandfather of Jugurtha?
What Numidian king fought for Scipio Aemilianus at Numantia?
Where did Jugurtha fight alongside the Romans led by Scipio Aemilianus?
What father-in-law of Jugurtha betrayed him by handing him over to the Romans in 104 BC?
What king of Mauretania betrayed Jugurtha by handing him over to the Romans in 104 BC?
To what Roman general did Bocchus hand over Jugurtha?
What subordinate of Marius received Jugurtha from Bocchus?
Which Roman became consul an unprecedented 7 times?
How many times did Marius serve as consul?
What small town was Marius from?
What novus homo from Arpinum became consul seven times?
Who was the famous nephew of Marius?
Julius Caesar
Which political party appealed to popular interests in Rome?
Which political party appealed to the interests of the Senate and aristocracy?
What chief leader of the Populares was famous for accepting soldiers whether or not they met property qualifications?
Whose military reforms included the reorganization of the Roman legion?
At what battle in 105 BC did the Cimbri & Teutones defeat a Roman army?
What two Gallic tribes defeated a Roman army at Arausio in 105 BC?
Cimbri & Teutones
At what battle in 102 BC did Marius defeat the Teutones?
Aquae Sextiae
Who defeated the Teutones at Aquae Sextiae in 102 BC?
At what battle in 101 BC did Marius defeat the Cimbri?
Who defeated the Cimbri at Vercellae in 101 BC?
What tribune of 100 BC, who supported Marius, was pelted to death with roof tiles from the Curia?
What happened to the tribune Saturninus who was a supporter of Marius?
pelted to death with roof tiles
To whom did Marius lose a struggle for supremacy in Rome?
Who did Sulla defeat in a struggle for supremacy in Rome?
Who contended with Marius for the command in the fight against Mithridates VI?
Who was the first Roman general ever to lead a Roman army to occupy Rome itself?
Why did Sulla lead an army to occupy Rome?
to make sure command against Mithridates VI was not transferred to Marius
What is a proscription list?
a list of enemies to be executed without trial
As dictator in 82 BC who set up the first proscription list?
Who was Sulla’s leading general?
About whom did Sulla remark “I see in him many a Marius” when he met him as a teenager?
Julius Caesar
What did Sulla remark when he met Julius Caesar as a teenager?
I see in him many a Marius
What tribune of 91 BC was killed for trying to promote citizenship for the Latin allies?
Livius Drusus the Younger
Why was the tribune Livius Drusus the Younger killed in 91 BC?
tried to promote citizenship for Latin allies
The assassination of what tribune in 91 BC sparked the Social War?
Livius Drusus the Younger
What war did the Romans fight from 91-88 BC?
Social War
Against whom did Rome fight the Social War?
her Latin allies
What Samnite general was one of Rome’s main antagonists during the Social War?
During what war did Mutilus lead the Samnites against the Romans?
Social War
What law of 90 BC extended many rights to the Latin allies and helped end the Social War?
Lex Julia
What veteran of Marius fled to Spain and led a resistance agaunst the Sullan government from 82-73 BC?
From 82-73 BC who led a resistance against the Sullan government in Spain?
Who was assassinated by his subordinate Perperna after being hunted down by Pompey?
What subordinate of Sertorius assassinated him?
What ruler of Pontus fought three wars intending to overthrow Roman influence in the Eastern Mediterranean?
Mithridates VI
What Roman general campaigned against Mithridates for 8 years before his army mutinied?
When Lucullus’ army mutinied, who received command against Mithridates VI?
Who brought the cherry tree from the East to Italy?
What type of tree did Lucullus bring from the East to Italy?
cherry tree
What slave in a Capua gladiatorial school led a slave revolt against Rome from 73-71 BC?
In what city did Spartacus spark a slave rebellion against Rome?
Who put down the rebellion of Spartacus?
Whose rebellion was put down by Crassus?
Who crucified 6000 slaves along the Via Appia after the rebellion of Spartacus?
How many slaves did Pompey crucify along the Via Appia after the rebellion of Spartacus?
What Roman, the wealthiest of his day, joined Pompey and Caesar in the First Triumvirate?
Who were the members of the First Triumvirate?
Pompey, Caesar & Crassus
Which triumvir was killed fighting the the Parthians at Carrhae in 53 BC?
In what year was the First Triumvirate formed as de facto rulers of Rome?
60 BC
What Parthian general defeated and killed Crassus?
Where did Surenas defeat and kill the triumvir Crassus in 53 BC?
Who hunted down the pirates harrassing the Mediterranean in only 3 months?
How long did it take Pompey to hunt down the pirates harrassing the Mediterranean?
3 months
Which two men shared the consulship in 70 BC and 55 BC?
Pompey & Crassus
Who built Rome’s first permanent theater in 55 BC?
In what year did Pompey build Rome’s permanent theater?
55 BC
What was Rome’s first permanent theater?
Theater of Pompey
Who was Rome’s sole consul in 52 BC?
Which political party was Sulla a member of?
Which political party was Caesar a member of?
At what battle in 48 BC was Pompey defeated by Caesar and killed after fleeing to Egypt?
Who was defeated at the Pharsalus by Caesar in 48 BC?
What novus homo was born at Arpinum in 106 BC?
Who was the most famous Roman orator?
What was Cicero’s full name?
Marcus Tullius Cicero
What novus homo from Arpinum became consul in 63 BC?
What does “Cicero” mean?
During his consulship, whose conspiracy against Rome did Cicero stop?
Who stopped the Catilinarian conspiracy during his consulship in 63 BC?
After the execution of the Catilinarian conspirators who remarked “vixerunt”?
What did Cicero remark after the Catilinarian conspirators were executed?
Vixerunt (“they have lived”)
What tribune had Cicero exiled for executing the Catilinarian conspirators without a trial?
Clodius Pulcher
Why did Clodius Pulcher have Cicero exiled?
executed Catilinarian conspirators without a trial
After Caesar’s death who delivered speeches against Marc Antony called the Philippics?
What series of speeches did Cicero deliver against Marc Antony after the death of Caesar?
Whose speeches against Philip II of Macedon were Cicero’s Philippics modeled on?
When the Second Triumvirate was formed, who did Marc Antony place first on his proscription list?
Who placed Cicero first on his proscription list when the Second Triumvirate was formed?
Marc Antony
Who was executed at Formiae on December 7, 43 BC?
Where was Cicero executed on December 7, 43 BC?
What is the rostra?
the public speaking platform in the Forum
What is the term for the public speaking platform in the Forum?
Whose hand and head were placed on the rostra after his execution in 43 BC?
What happened to Cicero’s head and hand after he was executed?
placed on the rostra
What does “rostra” mean?
prows of ships
Where did the prows used for the rostra come from?
What statesman was referred to as “the conscience of Rome”?
Cato the Younger
What statesman routinely opposed Julius Caesar and fought for the death penalty for Catiline and his co-conspirators?
Cato the Younger
Who earned the cognomen “Uticensis” for his fair administration in Utica during the Civil Wars?
Cato the Younger
Who committed suicide rather than being pardoned by Caesar after he was defeated at Thapsus?
Cato the Younger
What statesman was suspected of having an affair with Caesar’s second wife Pompeia?
Clodius Pulcher
Who snuck into the Bona Dea festival at Caesar’s house disguised as a woman?
Clodius Pulcher
What festival was Clodius Pulcher caught sneaking into at Caesar’s house in 62 BC?
Bona Dea
Who divorced his second wife Pompeia over the Bona Dea scandal?
Julius Caesar
Who famously said “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion”?
At Caesar’s bidding, who arranged to have Cicero banished from Rome in 58 BC for overstepping his power as consul in 63 BC?
Clodius Pulcher
Who murdered Clodius Pulcher in 52 BC?
Who was murdered by Milo and his gang of thugs in 52 BC?
Clodius Pulcher