6️⃣ Week 6 Certamen Flashcards
Who allegedly saw a burning cross with the phrase in hoc signo vinces in the sky before attacking Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge?
What praetorian prefect who supplanted Gordian III ruled Rome during Rome’s 1000th anniversary?
Philip the Arab
At what battle in 312 AD did the usurper Constantine defeat Maxentius?
Milvian Bridge / Saxa Rubra
What half-vandal soldier served as magister equitum for Theodosius and regent for his young son Honorius?
What general earned the title “Last of the Romans” after his defeat of Attila in 451 BC?
What emperor issued an edict of maximum prices in 301 AD?
What emperor lived a life of leisure while his father ruled the empire, and continued to do so in Campania after he was deposed by Odoacer?
Romulus Augustulus
Who was the last emperor to rule a united Roman Empire?
Theodosius I
At what battle in 260 AD did Valerian become the first emperor captured alive in battle?
What emperor permanently disbanded the praetorian guard?
Which Tetrarch moved the Eastern capital of the empire to Nicomedia?
What emperor attempted to secure the pax deorum by performing the first systematic prosection of Christians throughout the empire?
After chasing him around the Bosphorus, where in September of 324 A.D. did the forces of Constantine finally defeat Licinius?
Where did Constantine summon an ecumenical council to solve the religious differences in the Christian church?
Who, seventeen or eighteen at the time, obtained control of the East, while his ten-year-old brother became the Western Emperor in 395AD?
What emperor was referred to as the “Apostate” because of his attempt to restore Paganism as the state religion?
What Roman count (comes) checked Atila and the Huns at the Battle of Catalaunian Plain?
After what battle in 324 AD did Constantine emerge as sole emperor?
Who was mercifully apppointed as Corrector Lucaniae after the fall of the Imperium Galliarum in 273 AD?
Where did Constantine and Licinius meet in 313 AD so that Licinius could marry Constantia and the two men could make an agreement on religious toleration?
At what battle of 378 AD was the emperor Valens killed in battle?
Where on August 9, 378 AD was a Roman emperor killed in battle against the gothic chieftan Fritigern?
Who divided the empire into twleve dioceses?
What emperor succeeded an Apostate and restored Christianity as the official state religion?
What event in 325 AD saw 300 bishops gathered to settle a dispute between the Arian Heresy and the Athanasians?
Council of Nicaea
Who was the last Western Roman emperor?
Romulus Augustulus
What emperor was baptized on his deathbed in 337 AD?
What Germanic Chieftan sacked Rome in 476 AD and deposed Romulus Augustulus?
Who was the first emperor from the Equestrian rank?
What mistress of Commodus took part in the plot that ultimately killed him in 192 A.D?
What emperor could allegedly hit an ostrich with a javelin at 50 paces and could frequently be seen in the arena dressed as Hercules?
What two brothers succeeded Septimius Severus?
Caracalla and Geta
What son of Marcus Aurelius ruled from 180-192 A.D?
Who reigned as emperor from 222-235 A.D?
Severus Alexander
What Syrian woman was the wife of Septimius Severus?
Julia Domna
What senator purchased the empire at an auction for 25,000 sesterces?
Didius Julianus
Who ruled from 211 and 217 A.D?
What son of Julia Soaemias ruled from 218-222 A.D. and identified himself with the Syrian sun god Elagabal?
Elagabalus/Heliogabalus/Varius Avitus