Language and Situation Language of Interviews. Flashcards
Outline the features of spontaneous speech.
Pauses. Interruptions/overlaps. Incomplete utterances. Hedges. Fillers. Ellipses. Repetition.
Outline pauses.
Silences, indicating thinking time, uncertainty or a change of subject.
Outline interruptions/overlapss.
When one speaker is interrupted by another, sometimes people interrupt because they are excited about what is being said.
Outline hedging.
Ways of making a statement less certain.
E.g. ‘I think’.
Outline fillers.
Words used to fill in pauses whilst the speaker is thinking for example ‘you know’ or ‘um’.
Outline Ellipsis.
Where words are left out often because the meaning is clear.
e.g. ‘I caught the bus but Julie didn’t [catch the bus]’.
Outline turn taking in interviews.
Typically unequal turn taking.
Outline power in an interview.
Power can be distributed. Both interviewer and interviewee can have power. Interview stops if interviewee does not answer.