Landlord Tenant Act, Prop Mgmt, Plan Com and HOA's 19 Flashcards
Real Estate that Deals with Leasing**, **Managing**, **Marketing**, and **Maintenance of Property for Others and For a Fee.
Property Management -
Real Estate that Deals with Leasing**, **Managing**, **Marketing**, and **Maintenance of Property for Others and For a Fee
Chap 19
AZ Residential - Landlord and Tenant Act
Applies to Rental Dwelling Units.
* DOES NOT apply to: - C____ Prop____
- H____ and M_____
- Religious Ser___ H_____
- School D_______
- P___ H_______ (Bars)
- Vacation Rental By Owner (VRBO) - “May Apply”
- Air Bed Breakfast (Air B&B) - “May Apply”
- Prohibits Discrimination - Tenant w Child
AZ Residential Landlord and Tenant Act -
Applies to rental dwelling units.
* DOES NOT apply to - Commercial Properties
- Hotels and Motels
- Religious Service Housing
- School Dormitories
- Public Housing (Bars)
- Vacation Rental By Owner (VRBO) - “May Apply”
- Air Bed Breakfast (Air B&B) - “May Apply”
- Prohibits Discrimination - Tenant w Child
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Landlord Obligations -
- Security Deposit - Including Prepaid Rent - (___ Rent Max)
- Refundable (if stated) - Dep___, Cl______, Redec______
- Itemized Stmt - _ _ Days of Termination - To Use Security Deposit for Damages/Rent.
- Landlord Noncompliance - Subject To __x Security Deposit as Damages.
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Landlord Obligations -
- Security Deposit - Including Prepaid Rent - (1 1/2 Rent Max)
- Refundable (if stated) - Deposits, Cleaning, Redecorating
- Itemized Stmt - 14 Days of Termination - To Use Security Deposit for Damages/Rent.
- Landlord Noncompliance - Subject To 2x Decurity Deposit as Damages.
Chap 19
Under Landlord and Tenant Act -
Landlord docs - must give tenant - (3 Items)
- L____ - Signed
- M___ I_ Form - Tenant List Damages
- M__-O__ No___ - Written Notice that Tenant May Be Present at this Final Inspecion
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Landlord docs - must give tenant -
- Lease - Signed
- Move-In Form - Tenant list damages
- Move-Out Notice - Written Notice that Tenant may be Present at this Final Inspecion
Chap 19
Under Landlord and Tenant Act what are Landlord Disclosures?
Landlord Must Disclose -
- Per____ Aut______ to Manage Property
- Owner or O____ Ag_____ - for Service Process
- Land___ Ten___ Act - free copy avail through AZ Dept of Housing.
(Landlord ; Tenant Act)
Landlord Must Disclose -
- Person Authorized to Manage Property
- Owner or Owner’s Agent - for Service Process
- Landlord Tenant Act - free copy avail through AZ Dept of Housing.
Chap 19
Under Landlord and Tenant Act, - Security Deposit Requirements
- Security Deposit - (Including Prepaid Rent) Not Exceed __ of Rent.
- Refundable (if not stated non-refundable) - (3) Dep___, Cl____, Red___
- Itemized Stmt - (to tenant) __ Days from Termination.
- Landlord Noncompliance (Landlord Damages are) ___x Security Deposit
- Non-Refundable Fees - Cl__ning and P____ Fees may be required Above Security Deposit
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Security Deposit Requirements -
- Security Deposit - (Including Prepaid Rent) Not Exceed 1 1/2 rent
- Refundable (if not stated non-refundable) - Deposits, Cleaning, Redecorating
- Itemized Stmt - to tenant 14 Days of Termination - To Use Security Deposit for Damages/ent.
- Landlord Noncompliance - Subject to 2x Security Deposit as Damages.
- Non-refundable Fees - Cleaning/Pet Fee may be required Above Security Deposit
Chap 19
Landlord Tenant Act - Landlord Compliance
- State Codes: H____, S____, Bui_____
- Premises: F___, Hab____ and S____
- Mech Equip: W___ 0rd____
- Trash: Have Dum___ and Remo____
- Water/Air: H___ and C____
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Landlord Compliance (Conditions) -
- Health, Safety and Building Codes
- Premises - Fit, Habitable and Safe
- Mech Equip - Working Order
- Trash Have Dumpsters and Removal
- Water/Air - Hot/Cold
Chap 19
Under Landlord and Tenant Act
Tenant’s Obligations
- Use Premises - S__ Manner
- Keep Premises - Cl_____
- Use Mech Equip - In Reas_____ Man_____
- Not Destroy/Deface - Pre_______
- Rules/Regulations - Fo_______
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Tenant Obligations -
- Use Premises - Safe Manner
- Keep Premises - Clean
- Use Mech Equip - In Reasonable Manner
- Not Destroy/Deface - Premises.
- Rules/Regulations - Follow
Chap 19
Under Landlord and Tenant Act
Entering Tenant’s Premises -
- Notice to Tenant - __ Days by Landlord
- Emergency - N_ N______
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Entering Tenant’s Premises -
- Notice to Tenant - 2 days by Landlord
- If Emergency - No Notice
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Non-Compliance of Landlord (Tenant May):
Deliver Notice to Terminated Lease In -
- Breach of Health, Safety Hazard Materials, No Heat, Air, Water - __ days
- Misc Breaches - __ days
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Non-Compliance of Landlord (Tenant May):
Deliver Notice to Terminated Lease In -
- Breach of Health, Safety Hazard Materials, No Heat, Air, Water - 5 Days
- Misc Breaches - 10 Days
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
For Tenant Repairs
S___ H___ for Minor D____
- Written Notice to Landlord - Health/Safety (__ Days)/ Misc (__ Days).
- Hire Licensed Contractor - Reasonable Cost - Greater of $____ max or H___ R____ (If Landlord does not promptly repair)
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Self-Help for Minor Defects -
- Written Notice - to Landlord to remedy (Health Safety: 5days/Misc: 10days)
- Hire Licensed Contractor - Reasonable Cost - Greater of: $300 max or Half/Rent. (if landlord does not promptly repair minor defects)
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Estate for Period (Indefinite- Month to Month) - To Terminate?
- Landlord Notice - ___ Day Notice to Terminate.
- If Tenant Given Notice on March 15 - When must they vacate (With 30 day notice)?
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Estate for Period (Periodic - Indefinite - Mo to Mo)
- Landlord Notice - 30 Day Notice to Terminate
Example: If Month to Month and landlord gives notice on March 15 tenant must vacate by May 1st. So notice starts on next 1st of month April.
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Tenant Fails to Pay Rent, Landlord May Begin Eviction By
- Written Notice T__ P__ - Pay within __ days
- Civil Courts - File a S____ D____ A_____
- Hold P_____ P_____ (Distraint) then S____ - ILLEGAL IN AZ
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Tenant Fails to Pay Rent, Landlord may Begin Eviction By
- Written Notice to Pay - Pay within 5 days
- Civil Courts - Special Detainer Action
- Hold Personal Property (Distraint) and then Sell - ILLEGAL IN AZ
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
If Tenant Abandons Premises what happens?
- N____ of Aba________ - by Cert___ M___ to Tenant and must (“Post on Door” - __ days) before enter.
- P____ Pro____ (Distraint)- held for (___days) After Which Time Landlord May Sell Property and Apply to Unpaid Balance. Distraint - Illegal in Arizona
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
If Tenant Abandons Premises
- Notice of Abandonment - by Certified Mail to Tenant and must (“Post on Door” - 5 days) before enter.
- Personal Property - held for (14 days) After Which Time Landlord May Sell Property and Apply to Unpaid Balance. Distraint - Illegal in Arizona
Chap 19
Tenant (Domestic Violence Victim) -
May Term____ L_____, without Pen____
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Tenant (Domestic Violence Victim) -
May Terminate Lease, without Penalty.
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Holding Tenant’s Personal Property for back rent is abolished in Arizona, but is called?
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Distraint -
Holding Tenant’s Personal Property for back rent is abolished in Arizona
Chapp 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Court System that deal with Disputes of Landlord-Tenant Act?
(Landlord and Tenant Act)
Civil Courts -
Handle Disputes of Landlord-Tenant Act
Chap 19
(Landlord and Tenant Act) These items pertain to what problem?
- Existing Bedbug Infestation - Landlord M__ N__ Enter into Lease with Tenant.
- Bedbug Educational Materials - Must Be Provided by L______
- Materials Infested with Bedbugs - Tenant - Shall Not Move Mat____ into Apt.
- Bedbugs Found - Tenant - Must Notify Landlord by Wr_____ or El_____ Mail
- Landlord/Tenant of SFR are Ex_____ from Provisions of BedBug Laws.
(Landlord and Tenant Act) Bedbug Control -
- Existing Bedbug Infestation - Landlord May Not Enter into Lease with Tenant.
- Bedbug Educational Materials - Provided By Landlord
- Materials infested with bedbugs - Tenant - Shall Not Move Material into Apt.
- Bedbugs Found - Tenant - must Notify Landlord by Written or Electronic Mail
- Landlord/Tenant of SFR are Excluded from Provisions of BedBug Laws.
Chap 19
Real Estate that Deals with Leasing, Managing, Marketing, and Maintenance of Property For Others For a Fee.
- Broker (Property Manager)
- Broker (G_____ Agent) - of Owner
- Handles More Than One Property - Must be Licensed.
- Broker/Agent - Fiduciary Relationship to Owner (CARLOD - Compentency, Accounting, Reasonable Care, Loyalty, Obedience, Disclosure)
- Agent Represents Broker.
Property Management -
Real Estate that Deals with Leasing, Managing, Marketing, and Maintenance of Property For Others For a Fee.
- Broker (Property Manager)
- Broker (General Agent) - of Owner
- Handles More Than One Property - Must be Licensed.
- Broker/Agent - Fiduciary Relationship to Owner (CARLOD - Compentency, Accounting, Reasonable Care, Loyalty, Obedience, Disclosure)
- Agent Represents Broker.
Chap 19
People are concerned with Getting the Highest Net Return on the Owner’s Investment and Protecting Owner From Foreseeable Risk.
Duties Include:
- Lease Units 6. Advertising
- Vacancies 7. Rpts to Own
- Collect Rents 8. Supplies
- Keep Accounts 9. Hire Emps
- Maintenace 10. Remods
Recommendations for:
- Liability & Fire Insurance
- Workman’s Comp Insurance
Property Managers -
People are concerned with Getting the Highest Net Return on the Owner’s Investment and Protecting Owner From Foreseeable Risk.
Duties Include:
- Lease Units 6. Advertising
- Vacancies 7. Rpt to Own
- Collect Rents 8. Supplies
- Keep Accounts 9. Hire Emps
- Maintenace 10. Remods
Recommendations for:
- Liability & Fire Insurance
- Workman’s Comp Insurance
Chap 19
Property Mgmt Agmts shall state:
- Prop Mgmt Service - Te__ and Con______
- Prop Mgr - Obl____, Dut_____ and Resp________
- Signed By - O____ and Designated Br_____
- Time Frames - B____ and T_____ Dates
- Can________ Prov_________
- Required Disposition - Mon____ Col______.
- Status Reports - Specify Ty__ and Freq_______
- Operating Reserves - State Am____/Purpose held for Emer_____
- T____ Acct - Disposition/Allocation Interest Earned (Remove Every __ Months)
- Com_______ - State Terms/Conditions of Owner
- No Assignment - Without Ow___ Con_____.
Property Management Agreements shall state:
- Property Mgmt Services - Terms/Conditions
- Obligations, Duties and Responsibilities
- Signed: by Owner and Designated Broker
- Begin/Termination Date
- Cancellation Provisions
- Requirement for Disposition of Monies Collected.
- Status Reports - Specify Type and Frequency
- Operating Reserve - State Amount/Purpose held for Emergencies
- Trust Acct - Disposition/Allocation Interest Earned (Remove Every 12 months)
- Compensation - State Terms/Conditions of Owner
- No Assignment - Without Owners Consent.
Chap 19
Property Management Accounts
- All Pro_____ Mgmt Ac______ shall be designated as Trust Accounts.
- Designated Broker, Agents, Employees May Sign Checks, but OWNER M__ N__ S____!
Property Management Accounts
- All Property Management Accounts shall be Designated as Trust Accounts.
- Designated Broker, Agents, Employees may sign checks, but OWNER MAY NOT SIGN!
Chap 19
Property Management (Record Keeping)
- Residential Property:
- Leases/Finder Fee - (_ yr) After Termination
- Financial - (__ yrs)
- Commercial Properties - (__ years)
- Property Mgmt Agmts - Terminated - To Owner in:
- (5 days) - Security Deposit List
- (35 days) - Reimbursement All Monies in Accounts
- (75 days) - Final Accounts Receivable/Payable List
- (75 days) - Final Bank Account Reconciliation
Property Management (Record Keeping)
- Residential Property:
- Leases/Finder Fee - (1 year) After Termination
- Financial - (3 years)
- Commercial Properties - (5 years)
- Property Mgmt Agmts - Terminated - Give owner in;
- (5 days) - Security Deposit List
- (35 days) - Reimbursement All Monies in Accounts
- (75 days) - Final Accounts Receivable/Payable List
- (75 days) - Final Bank Account Reconciliation
Chap 19
Finders Fee Payments may be Paid to an Unlicensed Person who is a Tenant in a Apartment Complex.
Must be:
- R___ Cr_____
- R___ Red_______
- C____t be Ca__
Finders Fee Payments to Tenants
Finders Fee Payments may be Paid to an Unlicensed Person who is a Tenant in a Apartment Complex.
Must be:
- Rent Credit
- Rent Reduction
- Cannot be Cash
Chap 19
These are Property Management Situations that are Legal or Illegal?
- Agent/Associate Broker Acting Outside of Brokerage as Management.
- Unlicensed Person providing Property Management Services, to More that One Property.
Property Management Situations - Both Illegal
- Agent/Associate Broker Acting Outside of Brokerage as Management.
- Unlicensed Person providing Property Management Services, Illegal if handling more than one property.
Chap 19
P_______ C_______
A Real Estate Development which Includes Real Estate 0wned by An Association created for purpose of the following is called?
- Prop____ Du_____ - Managing, Maintaining, and Improving.
- Sep_____Owned Par___ - Owners Manda____ Members and are required to pay Ass______ Assessments.
Resale - __ days Written Notice of Pending Sale and Docs Delivered to Purchaser if:
- 49 Units or Less - S_____ Provides
- 50 units or more - Ass_____ Provides
Planned Community -
A Real Estate Development which Includes Real Estate 0wned by An Association created for purpose of
- Property Duties - Managing, Maintaining, and Improving.
- Separate Owned Parcels - Owners Mandatory Members and are Required to Pay Association Assessments.
Resale - 10 days Written Notice of Pending Sale and Docs Delivered to Purchaser if:
- 49 Units or Less - Seller Provides
- 50 units or more - Association Provides
Chap 19
Resale Units - Planned Community
Written Notice of Pending Sale - (__days) Buyer must receive:
- By-L____ and Ass____ Rules
- Dec_______ - of Planned Community
- Name - Prin_____ Con_____ of Association
- Association Ass_______ - Amount
- Ins______ Stmt - Partial Coverage paid by Assoc
- Res______ - Total Monies Held
- Oper____ Bud_____/Fin_____ Rep___ - Current Copy
- Alt______/Impr______ - In Violation
- Lit_____ Pen____- On Unit to Owner or Association
- 1-49 units - Seller must provide
- 50+ units - Association must provide info. Board meets Annually - Complies with Open Mtg Laws
Resale Units - Planned Community
Written Notice of Pending Sale - (10days) Buyer must receive:
- By-Laws and Association Rules
- Declaration - of Planned Community
- Name - Principal Contact of Association
- Association Assessment - Amount
- Insurance Stmt - Partial Coverage paid by Assoc
- Reserves - Total Monies Held
- Operating Budget/Financial Reports - Current Copy
- Alterations/Improvements - In Violation
- Litigation Pending - On Unit to Owner or Association
- 1-49 units - Seller must provide
- 50+ units - Association must provide info. Board meets Annually - Complies with Open Mtg Laws
Chap 19
This Person concerned with getting Highest Return on Owner’s Investment and Protecting the Owner from Foreseeable Risk.
Property Manager -
This Person concerned with getting Highest Return on Owner’s Investment and Protecting the Owner from Foreseeable Risk.
Chap 19
Property Mgmt Agreement - Must State
- Ser_____, Obligations, and D______.
- Signed by Owner and Broker,
- Begin and End D_____,
- Can_______ Provisions,
- Conditions of Comp_______
- Freq_____ of Status Reports,
- Deposition of all Monies,
- Op_____ Reserves,
- Trust Account - Interest Ea_____
- Not assigned to Another without Consent
Property Mgmt Agreement -
This Document Must State all “Material Terms, regarding
- Services, Obligations, and Duties.
- Signed by Owner and Broker,
- Begin and End dates,
- Cancellations Provisions,
- Conditions of Compensation
- Frequency of Status Reports,
- Deposition of all Monies,
- Operating Reserves,
- Trust Account - Interest Earned
- Not assigned to Another without Consent
Chap 19
Property Management (Record Keeping)
- Property Mgmt Agmts - Terminated - To Owner in:
- (__days) - Security Deposit (List)
- (__ days) - Reimbursement All Monies in Accounts
- (__ days) - Final Accounts Receivable/Payable list
- (__ days) - Final Bank Account Reconciliation
Property Management (Record Keeping)
- Property Mgmt Agmts - Terminated - Give owner in;
- (5 days) - Security Deposit (List)
- (35 days) - Reimbursement All Monies in Accounts
- (75 days) - Final Accounts Receivable/Payable list
- (75 days) - Final Bank Account Reconciliation
Chap 19
What are first 5 material terms of the Property Management Agreement?
Hint: Signed Service Begins or Cancelled Compensation
- Ser____, Ob_____, and Du____.
- Signed by O___ and B_____,
- B____ and E__ dates,
- Can_______ Pro_______,
- Conditions of Com___________
Property Management Agreement (Terms) -
First 5 out of 10
- Services, Obligations, and Duties.
- Signed by Owner and Broker,
- Begin and End dates,
- Cancellations Provisions,
- Conditions of Compensation
Hint: Signed Service Begins or Cancelled Compensation
Chap 19
What are the last 5 conditions of Property Management Agreement?
Hint: Status and Disposition Of Trust &Non Consent
- St___ Rep____ - F______ and Ty_____
- Disp_____ of all M______ C_______,
- Op______ R_______ - For emergencies and other purposes
- Tr_____ Account - Disposition/Allocation of In____ E______
- Not Ass______ - To another Licensee without Consent
Property Management Agreement
Terms 6-10
- Status Reports - Frequency and Type
- Disposition of all Monies Collected,
- Operating Reserves - for emergencies and other purposes,
- Trust Account - Disposition/Allocation of Interest Earned
- Not assigned - To Another Licensee without Consent
Hint: Status and Disposition Of Trust & Non Consent
If a landlord and tenant enter into a lease agreement for a single family residence, what are the bedbug provisions?
SFR Single Family Residence (Bedbugs)
Excluded from Bedbug Laws
Chap 19
What are the Property Managers first 5 of 10 Duties?
- L____ Units 6. Advertising
- V_______ 7. Rpts Owners
- Collect R____ 8. Supplies
- Keep A_______ 9. Hire Emps
- M________ 10. Remodeling
Property Manager (Duties) -
First 5 of 10
- Lease Units 6. Advertising
- Vacancies 7. Rpt to Own
- Collect Rents 8. Supplies
- Keeping Accounts 9. Hire Emps
- Maintenace 10. Remods
Chap 19
What are the Property Managers, last 5 of 10 duties?
- Lease Units 6. Adv________
- Vacancies 7. Rep__ Owners
- Collect Rents 8. Sup_____
- Keeping Accounts 9. H___ E_____
- Maintenace 10. Remo_____
Property Manager (Duties) -
Last 5 of 10
- Lease Units 6. Advertising
- Vacancies 7. Rpt Owners
- Collect Rents 8. Supplies
- Keeping Accounts 9. Hire Emps
- Maintenace 10. Remodeling
Chap 19
Who are the Property Management (Parties)
- Property Owner is an Inv______ who Employs Broker.
- Broker (Prop Mgr) is the G_____ A____ of the Owner
- Broker has F_____ Relationship towards Property Owner
- The Salesperson represents B______.
Property Management (Parties) -
- Property Owner is Investor who Employs Broker.
- Broker (Prop Mgr) is the General Agent of the Owner
- Broker has Fiduciary Relationship towards Property Owner
- The Salesperson represents Broker
Chap 19
Property Management Agrmt (Terminated) -
Brokerage Must Give Owner -
- Security Deposits List - ___ Days
- Prop Mgmt Acct Monies - ___ Days
- Accts Rec/Pay - ___ Days
- Bank Acct Reconciliation ___ Days
Property Management Agrmt (Terminated) -
Brokerage Must Give Owner -
- Security Deposits List - 5 Days
- Prop Mgmt Acct Monies - 35 Days
- Accts Rec/Pay - 75 Days
- Bank Acct Reconciliation - 75 Days
Chap 19
Property Management Records for Leases/Finder Fees and Financials held for how long?
- Leases/Finder Fee - ___year after terminated
- Financial - __ years
Property Management Records for Leases/Finder Fees and Financials -
- Leases/Finder Fee - 1 year after terminated
- Financial - 3 years
Chap 19
P________ C_________
A Real Estate Development - which includes Real Estate Owned by an Association Created for Purpose of “Managing, Maintaining or Improving Property,” and which “Owners of Seperately Owned Parcels” are “Mandatory Members” and “Required to Pay Association Assessments.”
Planned Community -
A Real Estate Development - which includes Real Estate Owned by an Association Created for Purpose of “Managing, Maintaining or Improving Property,” and which “Owners of Seperately Owned Parcels” are “Mandatory Members” and “Required to Pay Association Assessments.”
Chap 19