Commissioner Rules, Subs and Timeshares 16 Flashcards
Sub______ O_____ Ex________ -
Allows Buyer/Owner of Subdivision to Use Current Public Report Issued in Past 5 years.
Subsequent Owner Exemption -
Allows Buyer/Owner of Subdivision to Use Current Public Report Issued in Past 5 years.
Chap 16
Real Estate Code/Article 4
Commissioner May “De__, Susp____, Rev____,” Public Report for
- Incompleteness or
- Inability to meet all Statutory Requirements.
Real Estate Code/Article 4
Commissioner may “Deny, Suspend, Revoke,” Public Report for
- Incompleteness or
- Inability to Meet all Statutory Requirements.
Chap 16
Subdivider Must Give to Buyers a Receipt to Sign for Public Report and Retain Receipt for How Long?
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Public Report (Subdivision Disclosure Report) Receipt to Buyer
- Buyer Must Sign
- Subdivider Must Keep Receipts for - 5 years
Chap 16
If there are Material Changes to Original Report, what can Commissioner require?
A______ R________ -
- Commissioner May Require, if there are Material Changes to Original Report.
- Buyer has ___ Days to Review it or Cancel
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Amended Report -
- Commissioner May Require, if there are Material Changes to Original Report.
- Buyer has 10 Days to Review it or Cancel
Chap 16
Exemptions to Public Report - 160 Acres+/1Byr 6 or M ore Lots
- B__k S___/L__se (__ or More Lots) to One Buyer
- Sale/Lease - ___ Acres or More
- C______ and Ind______ Zoned/Restricted Parcels - for Sale/Lease
- Subsequent Owner Exemption - Allows Buyer/Owner of Existing Subdivision to Use Cur___/Accurate Public Report (Issued within __ Years).
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Exemptions to Public Report - 160 Acres+/1Byr 6 or More Lots
- Bulk Sale/Lease (6 or More Lots) to One Buyer
- Sale/Lease - 160 Acres or More
- Commercial and Industrial Zoned/Restricted Parcels - for Sale/Lease
- Subsequent Owner Exemption - Allows Buyer/Owner of Existing Subdivision to Use Current/Accurate Public Report (Issued within 5 Years).
Chap 16
Lot Reservation (Requirements)
- Max $_____ Deposit - for Lot (In Escrow)
- Public Report - Delivered __ Calendar Days of Issuance
- Lot Reservation Terminated - In __ Business Days of Buyer’s Receipt of Public Report unless “Purchase Contract Signed”
- Lot Reserve Cancel - Buyer May Cancel Anytime “Prior to entering P____ C_____.”
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
“Lot Reservations” (Requirements) - $5000-15-7
- Max $5,000 deposit for Lot (In Escrow)
- Public Report - Delivered 15 Calendar Days of Issuance
- Lot Reserve Terminates - In 7 Business Days of Buyer’s Receipt of Public Report unless “Purchase Contract Signed”
- Lot Reserve Cancel - Buyer May Cancel Anytime“Prior to Entering Purchase Contract.”
Chap 16
Lot Reservation - Terminate/Cancel
- Lot Reserve Terminates - In __ Business Days of Buyer’s Receipt of Public Report Unless “Purchase Contract Signed”
- Cancel - Buyer may Cancel Anytime “Prior to Entering P____ C_____.”
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
“Lot Reservations” Terminate/Cancel -
- Lot Reserve Terminates - In 7 Business Days of Buyer’s Receipt of Public Report unless “Purchase Contract Signed”
- Cancel - Buyer may Cancel Anytime“Prior to Entering Purchase Contract.”
Chap 16
If Sale Contract Prior to Public Report Approval or Subdivider Fails to Provide a Public Report to Purchaser:
- Sale is R________ by Buyer (If No Public Rpt)
- Buyer May Take Legal Action within __ Years.
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
No Public Report -
If Sale Contract made Prior to Public Report Approval or Subdivider Fails to Provide a Public Report to Purchaser:
- Sale is Recindable by Buyer (If No Public Rpt)
- Buyer May Take Legal Action within - 3 years.
Chap 16
Unimproved Lands
- Lands Inspected - Buyer- __ Calendar Days Unilateral Right to Rescind
- Uninspected Land - Buyer - __ Mos to Inspect or may Rescind at Time of Inspection
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Unimproved Lands
- Inspected - Buyer - 7 Calendar Days Unilateral Right to Rescind
- Uninspected Land - Buyer- 6 Mos to Inspect or May Rescind at Time of Inspection
Chap 16
Unimproved Lands - Inspected.
Buyer Unilateral Right Recind - Has __ Calendar Days For “Inspected” Unimproved Lands
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Unimproved Lands (Inspected) -
Buyer Unilateral Right Recind - In 7 Calendar Days For “Inspected” Unimproved Lands
Chap 16
Unimproved Lands - Uninspected - Buyer has __ Mos to Inspect or May Rescind.
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Unimproved Lands (Uninspected) -
Buyer has 6 mos to inspect or May Rescind at Inspection
Chap 16
Property Divided into 6 or More Lots for the Purpose of Sale/Lease , with Lots 36-159 Acres Each are called?
6 or more lots -
- 36 Acres or More Each
- But Less Than 160 Acres each
(Real Estate Code/Article 4) -
Unsubdivided Lands - Lots 36-159 Acres
Property Divided into 6 or More Lots for the Purpose of Sale/Lease , with Lots 36-159 Acres Each
- 36 Acres or More Each
- But Less Than 160 Acres Each
Chap 16
In reference to what concerning lots?
- Orchestrating a Scheme or Acting in Concert to Circumvent Subdivision Laws is Illegal.
- Creation of Five or Fewer Parcels from One Parcel Does Not Create a Subdivision.
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Illegal Lot Splits
- Orchestrating a Scheme or Acting in Concert to Circumvent Subdivision Laws is Illegal.
- Creation of Five or Fewer Parcels from One Parcel Does Not Create a Subdivision.
Chap 16
Lot Reservation (Requirements)
- Max $_____ deposit - for lot (in escrow)
- Public Report - Delivered __ Calendar Days of issuance
- Lot Reserve Termination - In __ Business Days of Buyer’s Receipt of Public Report unless “Purchase Contract Signed”
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
“Lot Reservations” (Required) - $5000/15c/7b
- Max $5,000 deposit for lot (in escrow)
- Public Report - Delivered 15 Calendar Days of issuance
- Lot Reserve Terminates - 7 Business Days of Buyer’s Receipt of Public Report unless “Purchase Contract Signed”
Chap 16
Recorded with Deed for any Improved or Unimproved Property that is In The (Unicorporated Area of a County - Not a Municipality) and Not In a Recorded Subdivision
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Affidavit of Disclosure
Recorded with Deed for any Improved or Unimproved Property that is In The (Unicorporated Area of a County - Not a Municipality) and Not In a Recorded Subdivision
Chap 16
Affidavit of Disclosure (5dev/7rec) - Recorded with Deed - Pertaining to Improved/Unimproved Property this Requires Disclosure of Information Regarding:
- W____ Av_______,
- S____ or S____ T_____,
- Leg___ Ac____,
- Eas_____, etc
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
Affidavit of Disclosure (5dev/7rec) - Recorded with Deed - Pertaining to Improved/Unimproved Property this Requires Disclosure of Information Regarding:
- Water Availability,
- Sewer or Septic Tanks,
- Legal Access,
- Easements, etc
Chap 16
Affidavit of Disclosure (7d/5r) - Pertaining to Improved /Unimproved Properties in Unincorporated Areas and Un-Recorded Subdivisions.
Disclosures Requires Info Regarding W___ A____, S____ or S___ Tanks, Leg__ Access, E______, etc. (No Appraisal required)
- Affidavit of Disclosure - Delivered to Buyer at least - __ days Prior to Close.
- Buyer Can Rescind Transaction - In __ Days from Receipt of Aff_____ of Dis______.
Affidavit of Disclosure (7d/5r) - Pertaining to Improved /Unimproved Properties in Unincorporated Areas and Un-Recorded Subdivisions.
Disclosures Requires Info Regarding Water Availability, Sewer or Septic Tanks, Legal Access, Easements, etc. (No Appraisal required)
- Affidavit of Disclosure - Delivered to Buyer at least - 7 days Prior to Close.
- Buyer Can Rescind Transaction - In 5 Days from Receipt of Affidavit of Disclosure.
Chap 16
Affidavit of Disclosure - Pertaining to Properties Improved or Unimproved In Unincorporated Area of County.
Seller Must Record A_____ of D______ when D____ is Recorded.
(Real Estate Code/Article 4) -
Affidavit of Disclosure - Pertaining to Properties Improved or Unimproved In Unincorporated Area of County.
Seller Must Record Affidavit of Disclosure when Deed is recorded
Chap 16
Lot Reservation & Purchase Contracts
- Lot Reserve Cancelled** - **Anytime“Prior to Entering P____ C_____.”
(Real Estate Code/Article 4)
“Lot Reservations” and Purchase Contracts
- Lot Reserve Cancelled- Anytime“Prior to Entering P____ C_____.”
Chap 16
Share or Interest in Real Property (Usually In A Resort, Condominium or Hotel) with a Right to Use the Facility for a Certain Period of Time.
(Real Estate Code/Article 9) -
Time Share -
Share or Interest in Real Property (Usually In A Resort, Condominium or Hotel) with a Right to Use the Facility for a Certain Period of Time.
Chap 16
Timeshare Reports
__ or More Timeshares Sold, a“Timeshare Report” is Required.
(Real Estate Code/Article 9)
Timeshare Reports
12 or More Timeshares Sold, a “Timeshare Report” is Required.
Chap 16
Timeshare Report (Requirements)
- N___ and Ad____ of Owner and Developer
- “Comp_____ St______” of the Timeshare Program.
- Leg__ Desc______ and Location of Land
- “St_____ of Assurances” for the Installation of All Improvements, including Offsite Improvements.
- “Prov_____” for the Exchange of Occ_____ Rights with Owners of Other Timeshare Projects.
(Real Estate Code/Article 9)
Timeshare Report (Requirements) -
- Name/Address of Owner and Developer
- Comprehensive Statement - of the Timeshare Program.
- Legal Description and Location of Land
- “Statement of Assurances“ - for the Installation of All Improvements, including Offsite Improvements.
- “Provisions” for the Exchange of Occupancy Rights with Owners of Other Timeshare Projects.
Chap 16
Rescinding Timeshare Purchases
- Recind Time Share Purchase Contract - __ Days to “Recind Without Cause” of Date Contract Executed
- Sale Prior to Pub__ R_____ - The S___ is V____ by the Purchaser
- L___ Ac_____ - To Void The Action Must Be Brought Within - __ Years of the Sale.
(Real Estate Code/Article 9)
Rescinding Timeshare Purchases
- Recind Time Share Purchase Contract - 7 Days to “Recind Without Cause” of Date Contract Executed
- Sale Prior to Public Report -The Sale is Voidable by the Purchaser
- Legal Action - To Void The Action Must be Brought Within - 3 Years of the Sale.
Chap 16
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 3 - Licensing)
General Licensing Requirements -
- Requires Licensee Dis______ Q________, F_______ and S____ S______ Number of Applicants
- Broker License Issued after A____ L_____ C_______.
- Only use L_____ N____ on License
- Bus_____ and Res_____ Addresses - must file
- Notify Commissioner - In __ Days of Any: Mis______ or Fel___ - Adverse J______ in Real Estate Suits and C______ of Address
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 3 - Licensing)
General Licensing Requirements -
- Requires** **Licensee Disclosure Questionaire**, **Fingerprints** and **Social Security Number of Applicants
- Broker license** I_ssued__After Agent License Cancelled_**
- Only use Legal Name on License
- Business and Residential Addresses - must file
- Notify Commissioner - In 10 Days of Any: Misdemeanor or Felony - Adverse Judgement in Real Estate Suits and Change of Address
Chap 16
License Renewing
- Upon Renewing - Exi___ L____ in Effect Until Expires.
- Renewing Late - Specify if A_____ Conducted After Expiration.
- If Renewal Very Late - P__ P_____, Advise if Activities After Expiration
- Sever Form - Ad_______ S________ by Broker Sent to DRE to Sever Licensee from Office.
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 3 - Licensing)
License Renewing -
- Upon renewing - Existing License in Effect Until Expires.
- Renewing Late - Specify if Activities Conducted After Expiration.
- If Renewal Very Late** - **Pay Penalty, Advise if Activities After Expiration
- Sever Form - Administrative Severance by Broker Sent to DRE to Sever Licensee From Office.
Chap 16
Az Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Profesional Conduct - Duties to Client -
- Disclosure - CARLOD, Material Defect. Air____, Mil___Tra___ Area,
- Controversy with Another - Not Jeopardize Delay, or Interfere with Tran_____
- Conflict of Interrest - Written Statement
- Compensation - Ag____ Shall Not Accept Mon___, Reb____ for any Goods/Ser____ Provided and Related to Real Estate Transaction Without Person’s Wr____ Ack________ of Comp_____.
- Services Outside of Agent’s Field - Must Use P____ Competent in those S_____, or Disclose La__ of Kno_____ and then Client Employs the Licensee
- Agent Obtain and Communicate Information - Use R_______ Care to Obtain and Share Info Mat____ to Transaction
- Occupancy - Shall Not Permit Th__ Party or Bu___ Occupancy without W_____ C_____, Before Close of Escrow.
- Occupancy Disclosure - Agent Shall Recommend Client to Seek Appropriate Leg___ C____ of Risk of Pre-Possession or Post-Possession.
Az Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Profesional Conduct Duties to Client -
- Disclosure - CARLOD, Material Defects, Airports, Military Training Areas,
- Controversy with Another - Not Jeopardize Delay, or Innterfere with Transaction
- Conflict of Interrest - Written Statement
- Compensation - Agent shall not accept Monies, Rebates for any Goods/Services Provided and Related to Real Estate Transaction Without Person’s Written Acknowledgment of Compensation.
- Services Outside of Agent’s Field - Must Use Person Competent in Those Services, or Disclose Lack of Knowledge and then Client Employs the Licensee.
- Agent Obtain and Communicate Information - Use Reasonable Care to Obtain and Share Info Material to Transaction.
- Occupancy - Shall Not Permit Third party or Buyers Occupancy without Written Consent, Before Close of Escrow.
- Occupancy Disclosure - Agent Shall Recommend Client to Seek Appropriate Legal Counsel of Risks of Pre-Possession or Post-Possession.
Chap 16
Branch Manager Requirements
- Agent/Assoc Broker - May Act as Br__ Manager
- Designated Broker - May Ask Ass__ Br_____ to Perform Designated B____ Func____.
- Branch Office Onsite - No Sep____ Li____ R______.
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 3 - Licensing)
Branch Manager Requirements -
- Agent/Assoc Broker - May Act as Branch Manager
- Designated Broker - May Ask Assoc Broker to Perform Designated Broker Functions.
- Branch Office Onsite - No Separate License Required
Chap 16
Advertising by a Licensee -
- Agent May Not Imply N_ Ag__ is Involved.
- Agent Owns Property - Dis____ Agent-Owned
- Misl____ Facts - Advertising Shall Not Contain. Shall Contain Accurate Claims Only
- Employing Broker Name - at Top of W__ Pages and On All Adv_______.
- All Advertising - Sup_______ by Designated B____.
- Acre - Must Represent _______ Square Feet
- Sign on Property - Owner W____ C______.
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 5)
Advertising by a Licensee -
- Agent May Not Imply No Agent is Involved.
- Own Property - Disclosed Agent-Owned
- Misleading Facts - Advertising Shall Not Contain. Shall Contain Accurate Claims Only
- Employing Broker Name - at Top of Web Pages and On All Advertising.
- All Advertising - Supervised by Designated Broker.
- Acre - Must Represent 43,560 Square Feet
- Sign on Property - Owner Written Consent.
Chap 16
Promotional Activities
- Agents Shall Not Describe “Premium Offers” at N_ C___ or Red____ C____ as “Award/Prize.”
- Premium Offer - states T___, Cost, Cond____, Restr_____ in Writing Before Offeree Participates.
- Interest in Development - May Not Soli__, S___, or Of___ by Conducting a Lot____, Con___, Drawing or Ga___ of Ch____ to Influence Purchaser.
- Sub______/Tim____/Cam_____ Memberships: May Conduct Lottery, Contest, Drawing, or Game of Chance.
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 5)
Promotional Activities
- Agents Shall Not Describe “Premium Offered” at No Cost or Reduced Cost as “Award/Prize.”
- Premium Offer - state Terms, Cost, Conditions, Restrictions in Writing Before Offeree Participates.
- Interest in Development - May Not Solicit, Sell, or Offer by Conducting a Lottery, Contest, Drawing or Game of Chance to Influence Purchaser.
- Subdividers/Timeshares/Campground Memberships: May Conduct Lottery, Contest, Drawing, or Game of Chance.
Note: In Marketing, Premiums are Promotional Items — Toys, Collectables, Souvenirs and Household Products
Chap 16
Compensation Sharing Disclosure
- Real Estate Broker - in W____ Before Clo___, Name of Each Employing Broker Representing Parties and Who will Receive Compensation.
- Compensation to Agents/Referral Fees - Given to Other Brokers have (N__ Disc_____ Req______)
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 7 - Compensation)
Compensation Sharing Disclosure
- Real Estate Broker - in Writing Before Closing, Name of Each Employing Broker Representing Parties and Who will Receive Compensation.
- Compensation to Agents/Referral Fees - Given to Other Brokers have (No Disclosure Required)
Chap 16
Documents / Conveyance of Documents (Article 8)
- Executed Docs - Deliver S____ Copies to Parties
Offers -
- List Agmt Terms - Submit all Of___ (Wri___ and Verb___)
- Disclosure to Offerors (Byr) - Receive Owner Perm_____ to Disclose all T___ of Additional Offers
- Prior to Closing - Submit All Offers
- “Cease Offers” (Owner’s Wr____ Con___) - Agent is Released from Duty to Submit All Offers but May Do Voluntary.
- Broker Retains - C____, Esc_____ Ins____ and Rec____, L___ Agmts, Cl___ Sta_____, Emp____ Agr_______, all Dis_______ (Signed and Delivered)
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 8
Documents / Conveyance of Documents
- Executed Docs - Deliver Signed Copies to Parties
Offers -
- List Agmt - Submit all Offers (Written/Verbal)
- Disclosure to Offerors (Byr) - Receive Owner Permission to Disclose all Terms of Additional Offers
- Prior to Closing - Submit All Offers
- “Cease Offers” (Owner Written Consent) - Agent is Released from Duty to Submit All Offers but May Do Voluntary..
- Broker Retains - Contracts, Escrow Instructions and Receipts, List Agmts, Closing Statements, Employment Agreements, all Disclosures (Signed and Delivered).
Chap 16
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules - Article 11
Professional Conduct -Duties of Client - (1 -3 of 6)
- Fiduciary Duties - Licensee Owes to Client CARLOD (Con_____, Acc_____, R_____ Care, Loy____, Ob_____, Dis______)
Disclose - All Mat____ and Adv_____ Fa___ Affecting Consideration Paid, that Agent Knows Be in Writing which Includes:
- Any info Seller/Lessor Un___ to Per____
- Any info Buyer/Lessee Un____ to Per____
- Mat____ Defects - Existing in Property
- L____/Enc________ May Possibly Exist in Property.
- Pub___/Pri___ Air___, Mil____ Tra___ Facility
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules - Article 11
Professional Conduct -Duties of Client - (1-3 of 6)
- Fiduciary Duties - Licensee Owes to Client CARLOD (Confidentiality, Accounting, Reasonable Care, Loyalty, Obedience, Disclosure)
Disclose - All Materially/Adverse Facts Affecting Consideration Paid that Agent Knows Be in Writing Which Includes:
- Any info Seller/Lessor Unable to Perform
- Any info Buyer/Lessee** **Unable to Perform
- Material Defects - Existing in Property
- Liens/Encumbrances May Possibly Exist in Property
- If in Public/Private Airport, Military Training Facility
Chap 16
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules - Article 11
Professional Conduct - Duties of Client - (3 to 6)
- All Acts - Expedit____ Comp____
- Controversy with Another Agent - shall not Jeo____, Delay or Interf___ with Transaction
Prospective Interest/Conflict -
- Agent - Acting as Pr______
- Seller/Buyer - Mem____ of Agent’s Fam__
- Seller/Buyer - Is Employing B____ or A____
- Agent/Family Member - Fin_____ Int____
- Agent Compensation from Buyer and Seller - Has Wr_____ C_____ of A__ Parties
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules - Article 11
Professional Conduct - Duties of Client - (3 to 6)
- All Acts - Expenditiously completed
- Controversy with another agent - shall not Jeopardize, Delay or Interfere with Transaction
Prospective Interest/Conflict -
- Agent - Acting as Principal
- Seller/Buyer - Member of Agent’s Family
- Seller/Buyer - Is Employing Broker or Agent
- Agent/Family Member - Financial Interest
- Agent Compensation from Buyer and Seller - Has Written Consent of All Parties
Chap 16
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules - Article 11 -
Professional Conduct Duties to client:
Fiduciary Duties owed to client (CARLOD)
- Con______,
- Acc_______,
- R______ Care,
- Loy___,
- Obe_______,
- Dis______
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Prof Conduct)
Duties to Client (Fiduciary Duties) -
- Confidentiality,
- Accounting,
- Reasonable Care,
- Loyalty,
- Obedience,
- Disclosure
Chap 16
Chap 16
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules-Article 11 -
Prof Conduct Duties to Client
Disclosure Includes - All Materially/Adverse Facts Affect Consideration Paid that Agent Knows To Be In Writing which Includes:
- Any Info Seller/Lessor - Un____ to Per____
- Any Info Buyer/Lessee - Un____ to Per____
- Mat_____ Def____ - Existing in Property
- L____/Enc______ Possible Existance in Property.
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules-Article 11 - Prof Conduct) Duties to client:
Disclosure includes - All materially/adverse facts Affect Consideration Paid that Agent Knows To Be In Writing which Includes:
- Any Info Seller/Lessor - Unable to Perform
- Any Info Buyer/Lessee - Unable to Perform
- Material Defects - Existing in Property
- Liens/Encumbrances Possible Existance in Property.
Chap 16
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 -
Profesional Conduct Duties to Client - Disclose Properties in these Areas
- Pub___/Pri____ Airport,
- Mil____ Air____ or Ancillary Mil___ Fac_____
- Mil_____ Tr_____ Fac____
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Prof Conduct)
Profesional Conduct Duties to Client - Disclose Properties in these Areas -
- Public/Private Airport,
- Military Airport or Ancillary Military Facility
- Military Training Facility
Chap 16
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 Prof Conduct
Prospective Interest or Conflict - Written (Disclosure) Statement Necessary for:
- Agent - Acting as P_____
- Seller/Buyer - M____ of Agent’s Family
- Seller/Buyer - Is Emp_____ B____ or A_____
- Agent/Family Member - Fin_____ Int______
- Licensee Compensation from Buyer and Seller - W____ C_____ from A__ P_____
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Prof Conduct
Prospective Interest or Conflict - Written (Disclosure) Statement Necessary for:
- Agent - Acting as Principal
- Seller/Buyer - Member of Agent’s Family
- Seller/Buyer - Is Employing Broker or Agent
- Agent/Family Member - Financial Interest
- Licensee Compensation from Buyer and Seller - Written Consent from All Parties
Chap 16
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Professional Conduct (Summary) -
- Disclosure - CARLOD, Air____, Mil___Tra___, Con____ of Int____ to Client
- Compensation - Agent Shall Not Accept Mon___, Reb____ for any G____/Ser____ Provided and Related to Real Estate Transaction without Seller’s W______ Ack________ of Com________.
- Services Outside of Agent’s Field - Must Use Per____ Comp_____ in those Services, or Disclose La__ of Kno_____ and then Client Employs the Licensee
- Agent Obtain and Communicate Information - Use R_______ Care for Info Mat____ to Transaction
- Occupancy - Shall Not Permit T__ Party or B____ without W_____ C_____, Before Close of Escrow.
- Occupancy Disclosure - Agent Shall Recommend Client to Seek Appropriate L____ Cou___ of Ri___ of Pre-Possession or Post-Possession.
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Professional Conduct (Summary) -
- Disclosure - CARLOD, Airports, Military Training, Conflict of Interest to Client
- Compensation - Agent Shall Not Accept Monies, Rebates for any Goods/Services Provided and Related to Real Estate Transaction without Seller’s Written Acknowledgment of Compensation.
- Services Outside of Agent’s Field - Must Use Person Competent in Those Services, or Disclose Lack of Knowledge and then Client Employs the Licensee.
- Agent Obtain and Communicate Information - Use Reasonable Care for Info Material to Transaction.
- Occupancy - Shall Not Permit Third Party or Buyers without Written Consent, Before Close of Escrow.
- Occupancy Disclosure - Agent Shall Recommend Client to Seek Appropriate Legal Counsel of Risks of Pre-Possession or Post-Possession.
Chap 16
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Prof Conduct
Property Negotiations - Shall be Conducted Through Principal’s Broker or Licensed Representative UNLESS:
- FSBO - For Sale By Owner
- Prin____ Waives Requirement in Wr___ or
If No Licensed Representative of Broker - Available in __ hours.
- Get Owner’s Written Consent to Present Offer
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Prof Conduct
Property Negotiations - Shall be Conducted Through Principal’s Broker or Licensed Representative UNLESS:
- FSBO - For Sale By Owner
- Principal Waives Requirement in Writing or
If No Licensed Representative of Broker - Available in 24 hours.
- Get Owner’s Written Consent to Present Offer
Chap 16
AZ Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Prof Conduct
Broker Supervision and Control -
Reasonable Super____ and C_____, and Enforcement of Written Pol____, Rules, Proc_____, and Sy____ over Activities of Associate Brokers and Agents.
(Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 11 - Prof Conduct)
Broker Supervision and Control -
Reasonable Supervision and Control, and Enforcement of Written Policies, Rules, Procedures, and Systems over Activities of Associate Brokers and Agents.
Chap 16
Land which is Divided into 6 or More Lots, Parcels or Fractional Interest created for Sale or Lease.
Subdivision -
Land which is Divided into 6 or More Lots, Parcels or Fractional Interest created for Sale or Lease.
Chap 16
Documents Retained by Broker
- Broker Retains - C____, Esc____ Ins____ and Rec____, Clo___ St_____, List A____, Emp____ Ag_____, all Dis_____ (Si___ and De_____)
Arizona Commissioner’s Rules/Article 8
Documents Retained by Broker
- Broker Retains - Contracts, Escrow Instructions and Receipts, Closing Statements, List Agmts, Employment Agreements, all Disclosures (Signed and Delivered).
Chap 16
Affidavit of Disclosure (7d/5r) - Pertaining to “Improved /Unimproved Properties” in Unincorporated Areas and Un-Recorded Subdivisions.
- Affidavit of Disclosure - Delivered to Buyer at Least - __ Days Prior to Close.
- Buyer Can Rescind - In __ Days the Transaction from Receipt of Aff_____ of Dis______.
Affidavit of Disclosure (7d/5r) - Pertaining to “Improved /Unimproved Properties” in Unincorporated Areas and Un-Recorded Subdivisions.
- Affidavit of Disclosure - Delivered to Buyer at Least - 7 Days Prior to Close.
- Buyer Can Rescind - In 5 Days the Transaction from Receipt of Affidavit of Disclosure.
Chap 16
The Purchaser of Unimproved Land in AZ Subdivision Can Void the Purchase Contract if the Subdivider DOES NOT Provide:
- Title Insurance
- Water Rights
- Permanent Access
- Warranty Deed
The Purchaser of Unimproved Land in AZ Subdivision Can Void the Purchase Contract if the Subdivider DOES NOT Provide::
- Title Insurance
- Water Rights
- Permanent Access
- Warranty Deed
Chap 16
Salesperson Receives Offer to Purchase from Buyer, But is Unable to Contact Anyone in Listing Office for 24 Hours. Salesperson May:
- Present offer to seller
- Hold the offer until the listing agency can be contacted
- Request written permission from the seller to submit the offer
- Send the offer to lisitng agency by certified mail
Salesperson Receives Offer to Purchase from Buyer, But is Unable to Contact Anyone in Listing Office for 24 Hours. Salesperson May:
- Present offer to seller
- Hold the offer until the listing agency can be contacted
- Request written permission from the seller to submit the offer
- Send the offer to lisitng agency by certified mail
Chap 16
Real Estate Commissioner Can Deny the Issuance of a Public Report on a Subdivision Because the Subdivider’s Inability to:
- Provide Buyers with Comparable Sales Prices
- Provide Paved Roads to the Property
- Deliver Clear Title or Equitable Interest Promised
- Provide Elevations and Floor Plans
Real Estate Commissioner Can Deny the Issuance of a Public Report on a Subdivision Because the Subdivider’s Inability to:
- Provide Buyers with Comparable Sales Prices
- Provide Paved Roads to the Property
- Deliver Clear Title or Equitable Interest Promised
- Provide Elevations and Floor Plans
Chap 16
An AZ Real Estate Broker is Required to Perform All of the Following Procedures EXCEPT:
- Obtain the Seller’s Permission to Place a Sign on the Property
- Keep Records for 5 years from the Termination of a Transaction
- Maintain Trust Account
- Obtain the Written Consent of All Parties when Evaluating a Property in Which the Broker Has An Interest
An AZ Real Estate Broker is Required to Perform All of the Following Procedures EXCEPT:
- Obtain the Seller’s Permission to Place a Sign on the Property
- Keep Records for 5 years from the Termination of a Transaction
- Maintain Trust Account
- Obtain the Written Consent of All Parties when Evaluating a Property in Which the Broker Has An Interest
Chap 16
Subdivision Requirements - Must Submit Public Report to RE Commissioner with:
- Name and A_____ - Owner and Developer
- Liens and T___ Condition - To Land
- Terms and Conditions - Of Sale
- M__ of Subdivision
- Restrictive Cov_____
- Perm____ Access Provisions - To Each Parcel
- If AMA - Cert of Assured W___ S____ - from ADWR
Subdivision Requirements - Must Submit Public Report to RE Commissioner with:
- Name and Address - Owner and Developer
- Liens and Title Condition - To Land
- Terms and Conditions - Of Sale
- Map of Subdivision
- Restrictive Covenants
- Permanent Access Provisions - To Each Parcel
- If AMA - Cert of Assured Water Supply - from ADWR
Chap 16