Involuntary Liens and Homestead 18 Flashcards
Means “According to Value”
Ad Valorem -
Means according to value
Chap 18
A Claim Against Property to Secure a Debt; Money Encumbrance.
Lien -
A Claim Against Property to Secure a Debt; Money Encumbrance..
Chap 18
F___ C___ V____ (Ass_____ V____) -
- Establish (Jan 1st) - For Next Year,
- Owner Notified by Mail - of F__ C___ V___ and Assessed Value (LPV x AV Ratio)
Full Cash Value (FCV/Assessed Value) -
- Establish (Jan 1st) - For Next Year,
- Owner Notified by Mail** - of **Full Cash Value** and **Assessed Value (LPV x AV Ratio)
Chap 18
All Real Estate Taxes are Calculated on this Tax Basis.
- _____ Cannot Exceed FCV
- Any Increase - Limited to 5% of Previous Year’s ____
Limited Property Value (LPV) -
All Real Estate Taxes are Based on this Tax Basis.
- LPV Cannot Exceed FCV (Full Cash Value)
- Any Increase - Limited to 5% of Previous Year’s LPV
Chap 18
This is formula for what?
- Limited Property Value
- x Assessed Value Ratio
- = What
Assessed Value Formula
- Limited Property Value
- x Assessed Value Ratio
- = Assessed Value
- Assessed Value Ratios are
- 18% - Commercial (Class 1)
- 15% - Vacant Land (Class 2)
- 10% - Own Occupied Resiential (Class 3)
- 10% - Residential Income (Class 4)
Assessed Value Ratio (Set by State) -
- Commercial (class 1) - ___%
- Vacant Land (class 2) - ___%
- Res/Own Occ (class 3) - ___%
- Res/Income Prop (class 4 ) - ___%
- Note: Class 4 - Files what?
Assessed Value Ratio (Set by State) -
- Commercial (class 1) - 18%
- Vacant Land (class 2) - 15%
- Res/Own Occ (class 3) - 10%
- Res/Income Prop (class 4 ) - 10%
- Note: Class 4 -
Files “Residential Rental Prop Registration form”
Chap 18
What is “Set by Local Government” as a Portion of Assessed Value?
Usually Stated as Amount per $100 of Assessed Value, also as mills (one thousandth per dollar = .001)
ex: $18 per $100 T___ R___ with limited value of $10,000
- 18/100 = .18 or 180 mills/1000 =.18
- 10,000 x .18 = $1800 Property Taxes
Tax Rate (set by local government) -
Usually Stated as Amount per $100 of Assessed Value, also as mills (one thousandth per dollar = .001)
ex: $18 per $100 Tax Rate with limited value of $10,000
- 18/100 = .18 or 180 mills/1000 =.18
- 10,000 x .18 = $1800 Property Taxes
Chap 18
What Type of Liens have 1st Priority Over All Other Liens.Subordanate LiensincludeForeclosure Cost,Special Assessments, Mechancs Liens, and HOA Assessments
Real Estate Tax Liens -
Have 1st priority over all other liens. Subordanate Liens include Foreclosure Cost, Special Assessments, Mechancs Liens, and HOA Assessments
Chap 18
D______ T___ S___ and F________
Once Property Taxes are Deliquent, a Treasurer’s Sale is conducted, and Owner is given a 3 Year Redemption Period. When No Redemption Takes Place, the Certificate of Puchase holder has Judicial Foreclosure where a Treasurer’s Deed is obtained.
Delinquent Tax Lien Sale and Foreclosure
Once Property Taxes are Deliquent, a Treasurer’s Sale is conducted, and Owner is given a 3 Year Redemption Period. When No Redemption Takes Place, the Certificate of Puchase holder has Judicial Foreclosure where a Treasurer’s Deed is obtained.
Chap 18
Tax Liens - If No Redemption in 3 years -
- If No Redemption -
- Foreclose (Judicial) - Within ___ yrs from Cert of Purchase Issuance
- Can Allow Interest to Accrue on Deliquent Taxes
- Owner Notified - ___ Days “Before Judicial Foreclosure Action” by Certified Mail.
- Treasurer’s Deed - Acquired at Judicial Foreclosure Action
Tax Liens - If No Redemption in 3 years -
- If No Redemption -
- Foreclose (Judicial) - Within 10 yrs from Cert of Purchase Issuance
- Can Allow Interest to Accrue on Deliquent Taxes
- Owner Notified - 30 days “Before Judicial Foreclosure Action” by Certified Mail.
- Treasurer’s Deed - Acquired at Judicial Foreclosure Action
Chap 18
If No Redemption (Tax Lien) - when can you foreclose?
Foreclosure (If No Redemption)
- Judicial (Foreclosure Action) - Within ___yrs from Cert of Purchase Issuance
- Owner - ___ Day Notice of Forclose Action (By Cert Mail)
- Can Allow Interest to Accrue on deliquent taxes
If No Redemption (Tax Lien) - when can you foreclose?
Foreclosure (If No Redemption)
- Judicial (Foreclosure Action) - Within 10 yrs from Cert of Purchase Issuance
- Owner - 30 Day Notice of Forclose Action (By Cert Mail)
- Can Allow Interest to Accrue on deliquent taxes
Chap 18
Upon Foreclosure of Tax Lien, is owner notified?
- If No Redemption -
- Owner Notified - ____ Days “Before Foreclosure Action” by C_____ M___.
- Treasurer’s Deed - Acquired at Judicial Foreclosure Action Given to Certicate Holder
Foreclosure of Tax Lien - Owner Notification
- If No Redemption -
- Owner Notified - 30 days “Before Foreclosure Action” by Certified Mail.
- Treasurer’s Deed - Acquired at Judicial Foreclosure Action Given to Certicate Holder
Chap 18
Delinquent Tax Lien
- Delinquent Tax Lien - Interest accrues at __% a year
Delinquent Tax Lien Sale and Foreclosure
- Delinquent Tax Lien - Interest accrues at 16% a year
Chap 18
During Redemption period (Tax Liens), What Must Owner Pay and To Whom?
- 3 yrs Redemption - Owner to Pay B_____ Due Plus I_______
- Paid to - C___ of Pur____ Holder
During Redemption Period (Tax Liens),
Owner Must Pay
- 3 yrs Redemption - Owner to Pay Balance Due Plus Interest
- Paid to - Certificate of Purchase Holder
Chap 18
C_________ Fac______ Dis_______
Special Taxing Districts formed to Finance (Through Bonds) the Aquisition, Construction, Operation, Maintenance of Public Infrastructures in Planned Community.
- The Owner is Charged on Property Tax Bill
- (Special Taxing for Public Planned Community Infrastructures):
Community Facilities District (CFD) -
Special Taxing Districts formed to Finance (Through Bonds) the Aquisition, Construction, Operation, Maintenance of Public Infrastructures in Planned Community.
- The Owner is Charged on Property Tax Bill
- (Special Taxing for Public Planned Community Infrastructures):
Chap 18
C_________ Fac______ Dis_______
Special Taxing Districts formed to Finance (Through Bonds) the Aq______, Con______, Oper______, Main______ of Public Infrastructures in Planned Community.
- The Owner is Charged on Property Tax Bill
- (Special Taxing for Public Planned Community Infrastructures):
Community Facilities District (CFD) -
Special Taxing Districts formed to Finance (Through Bonds) the Aquisition, Construction, Operation, Maintenance of Public Infrastructures in Planned Community.
- The Owner is Charged on Property Tax Bill
- (Special Taxing for Planned Community Infrastructures)
Chap 18
How are Taxes Paid (Prepaid or Arrears) and How Often?
- Jan-June (1st half) -
- Due: _____
- Late: _____ (30 days)
- July-Dec (2nd half) -
- Due: _____ next year
- Late: _____ (60 days)
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
Taxes Paid in “Arrears” (Semi-Annually) -
Jan-June (1st half) - Due: 10-01 current year
* Late: 11-01 (30 days) -
July-Dec (2nd half) - Due: 03-01 next year
* Late: 05-01 (60 days)
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
Chap 18
1st Half of taxes (Jan-June) - Due Dates
- Jan-June (1st half) -
- Due:
- Late:
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
1st Half of taxes (Jan-June) - Due Dates
- Jan-June (1st half) -
- Due: 10-01
- Late: 11-01 (30 days)
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
Chap 18
2nd Half of Taxes Due Dates:
- July-Dec (2nd half) -
- Due (Next Yr):
- Late (Next Yr):
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
2nd Half of Taxes Due Dates:
- July-Dec (2nd half) -
- Due (Next Yr): 03-01 next year
- Late (Next Yr): 05-01 (60 days)
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
Chap 18
Lien Against Property for Specific Public Improvements.
(Paving, sewers, sidewalks, etc)
Special Assessments Lien -
Lien Against Property for Specific Public Improvements. (Paving, Sewers, Sidewalks, etc). Levied on Front Footage Basis.
Chap 18
What Type of Lien is for Labor or Material Supplied to Property?
- Licensed Contractor Only - Records Lien
- Lien Priority - Date Work Begins
Mechanic’s Lien -
Lien for “Labor or Materials” Supplied to Property.
- Licensed Contractor Only - Records Lien
- Lien Priority - Date Work Begins
Chap 18
During the Mechanic’s Lien process…
Contractor/Material Supplier - What Must Be Delivered to Property Owner in 20 days of Work Start Date?
Mechanic’s Lien
- Preliminary Lien Notice - Contractor/Material Supplier Must Deliver to Property Owner in 20 days of Work Start Date.
Chap 18
How Much Time Do You Have to Foreclose on - Mechanics Lien?
Foreclose on Mechanic’s Lien
- Foreclose in 6mos (180dys) - Foreclose from 6 mos (180dys) of Recording Lien.
Chap 18
When must Mechanics Lien be filed upon completion of work?
Mechanic’s Lien
- Mechanic’s Lien - Record 120 days of Completion - both orig/sub-contractor must record
Chap 18
A Mechanic’s Lien Priority is based on what?
Mechanic’s Lien - Lien Priority -
- Lien Priority - Date work begins
Chap 18
If a Lessee orders work to be done in his apartment,the lien belongs to whom?
Work order by Lessee of Apt -
- Lessee Work Order - Lien on Lessee.
Chap 18
These items pertain to what type of lien?
- Has Subordinate Status - to First Mortgage, Deed of Trust, Agreement of Sales Liens
- Foreclose - If unpaid over 1yr /$1200 or more due.
- Foreclosure - Judicially
HOA Assessment Liens -
- Has Subordinate Status - to First Mortgage, Deed of Trust, Agreement of Sales Liens
- Foreclose - If unpaid over 1yr /$1200 or more due.
- Foreclosure - Judicially
Chap 18
These General Liens are called?
- Priority Established When Recorded
- Renewed - Every 10 years
- Writ of Execution - Levy/Attachment
- Revealed by:
- Title Report
- County Recorder’s Records
- Credit Report
Judgements (Court Ordered) General Liens -
- Priority Established When Recorded
- Renewed - Every 10 years
- Writ of Execution - Levy/Attachment
- Revealed by:
- Title Report
- County Recorder’s Records
- Credit Report
Chap 18
General Liens also called?
Claims placed by IRS or AZ Gov on All Property Both Real and Personal
- Priority Established when Recorded.
- No Special Priority over Recorded Liens.
Income - Tax Liens (General Liens) -
Claims placed by IRS or AZ Gov on All Property Both Real and Personal
- Priority Established when Recorded.
- No Special Priority Over Recorded Liens.
Chap 18
Exempts Portion of - Homeowner’s Equity - from Attachment and Execution of a Forced Sale Due To (Non-Payment of Judgment).Max $150,000 - Home, Condo, Mobile Home. In AZ Automatic-No Recording.
No Forced Sale Protection -
- Mortgage/Trust Deed
- Land Contract
- Property Taxes
- Assessments
- Mechanic’s liens
Homestead Exemption
Exempts Portion of - Homeowner’s Equity - from Attachment and Execution of a Forced Sale Due To (Non-Payment of Judgment).Max $150,000 - Home, Condo, Mobile Home. In AZ Automatic-No Recording.
No Forced Sale Protection - (May Lord Protect All Matter)
- Mortgage/Trust Deed
- Land Contract
- Property Taxes
- Assessments
- Mechanic’s liens
Chap 18
What has #1 priority over all liens
Real Estate Property Taxes
#1 priority over all liens
Chap 18
A Percentage of the Property’s Fair Market Value - Set by State Law.
Assessed Value Ratios -
A Percentage of the Property’s Fair Market Value - Set by State Law.
- Commercial (Class 1) - 18%
- Vacant (Class 2) - 15%
- Res Own_Occupied (Class 3) - 10%
Res Income (Class 4) - 10%
- Res Rental Prop Registration (Assessors)
Chap 18
At this Sale, Treasurer holds Tax Lien Auction“Live or Online” and issues “Certificate of Purchase” to Highest Bidder. Owner has (3 year Redemption Period).
Treasurer’s Sale -
At this Sale, Treasurer holds Tax Lien Auction“Live or Online” and issues “Certificate of Purchase” to Highest Bidder. Owner has (3 Year Redemption Period).
Chap 18
C_______ of P_______ -
Received by Highest Bidder at Tax Lien Auctions (Treasurer’s Sale).
Certificate of Purchase -
Received by Highest Bidder at Tax Lien Auctions (Treasurer’s Sale).
Chap 18
If No Redemption After 3 year Redemption Period, then A Judicial Foreclosure Action can Take Place Where the Certifcate of Purchase Holder will Obtain Title
How is Title Conveyed to Certifcate of Purchase Holder?
Treasurer’s Deed -
If No Redemption After 3 year Redemption Period, then A Judicial Foreclosure Action can Take Place Where the Certifcate of Purchase Holder will Obtain Title
Chap 18
On Deliquent Tax Liens that Have Gone to Auction (Treasurer’s Sale),
What Is the Redemption Period?
3 Year Redemption Period -
After Treasurer’s Sale and the Cert of Purchase is issued to highest bidder. Owner has 3 years to Redeem by Paying All Due Plus Interest on Rate stated on Certificate to Owner Holder of Certificate
Chap 18
LPV (LImited Prop Value) May Not Increase More that ___% Annually.
LPV (LImited Prop Value) -
Maximum Increase Per year is 5%
Chap 18
To Record a Deed, What is Also Needed that Shows Sales Price Is Called
Affidavit of Value -
Shows Sales Price, and Must be Recorded With Deed
Chap 18
If Owners Full Cash Value is Too High - Appeal Too?
Owners (FCV to High) - Appeals: - the A________; then S___Board of E______ (SBOE); then T__ C______
New Constructions FCV (Mailed in Sept):
- “Supplemental Notice of Value” - to Owner in Sept
- Owner - Appeal - In __ Days - to S____ Board of E______ (SBOE)
- May Be Revalued - As (Partial Complete)
Full Cash Value Appeals Process (25)-
Owners (FCV to High) - Appeals: -Assessor, then State Board of Equalization (SBOE); then Tax Court
New Constructions FCV (Mailed in Sept):
- “Supplemental Notice of Value” - to Owner in Sept
- Owner - Appeal - in 25 days - to State Board of Equalization (SBOE)
- May Be Revalued - As (Partial Complete)
Chap 18
These are due dates for what?
Jan-June (1st half) - Due: 10-01
- Late: 11-01 (30 days)
July-Dec (2nd half) - Due: 03-01 next year
- Late: 05-01 (60 days)
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
Property Taxes - paid in arrears (semi-annually) -
Jan-June (1st half) - Due: 10-01
- Late: 11-01 (30 days)
July-Dec (2nd half) - Due: 03-01 next year
- Late: 05-01 (60 days)
Hint: Owe No More Money (Oct, Nov, Mar, May)
Chap 18