Appraisal Approaches and Principles of Approaches 9 Flashcards
Estimate or Opinion of Value and Supported by an Analysis of Facts.
Appraisal -
Estimate or Opinion of Value and Supported by an Analysis of Facts
Chap 9
(AVM) Aut_______ Val______ Mod____
Appraisal made by Placing Data into an Algorithm
(AVM) Automated Valuation Model -
Appraisal made by Placing Data into an Algorithm
Chap 9
Way Building is “Situated on Lot”
Orientation -
Way Building is “Situated on Lot.”
Chap 9
Dir_______nal G______
Way Community is Developing
Directional Growth -
Way Community is Developing
Chap 9
Greater Properties “Positively Effect** **Value“ of Lesser Properties
Principle of Progression -
Greater Properties “Positively Effect Value” of Lesser Properties
Chap 9
F___ C___ V____ aka Ass_____ Val____
Value for Tax Purpose
Full Cash Value; Assessed Value -
Value for Tax Purpose
Limited Prop Value x Assessed Value Ratio = Assessed Value
Chap 9
Ins____ V____
Value when Building Destroyed
Insurance Value -
Value when Building Destroyed
Chap 9
Capacity of Product to “Satisfy Human Need“
Utility -
Capacity of Product to “Satisfy Human Need“
Chap 9
Relative Ease of Transferring Ownership
Transferability -
Relative Ease of Transferring Ownership
Chap 9
Principal of R________
Presence of Lesser Properties “Adversely Affect** **Value” of Greater Properties
Principal of Regression -
Presence of Lesser Properties“Adversely Affect Value” of Greater Properties
Chap 9
Major Elements of Value - DUST:
- Dem___
- U____,
- Sc____
- T__________
Major Elements of Value -
- Demand,
- Utility,
- Scarcity
- Tranferability
Chap 9
Mar___ V____ -
Amount Willing Buyer Will Pay and Seller Will Accept
Note: Market Value - Amount Given and Taken for a Property
Market Value -
Amount Willing Buyer Will Pay and Seller Will Accept
Note: Market Value - Amount Given and Taken for a Property
Chap 9
M____ P______
Amount Given and Taken for a Property
Note: Market Value - What Willing Seller/Buyer Will Pay
Market Price -
Amount Given and Taken for a Property
Arms Length Transaction - One in Which Parties Have Equal Bargaining Positions.
Note: Market Value - What Willing Seller/Buyer Will Pay
Chap 9
Amount of Money to Build Brand New?
Cost -
Amount of Money to Build Brand New
Chap 9
Principle of H_____ and B___ Use - Use of Property that Brings Greatest Net Return
- Only One - Highest Best Use: at Any One Time
- Based On Net Income: Takes Z____, Building Codes and Surrounding Market Into Account.
- Excess Land: Does Not Support Highest and Best Use
Principle of Highest and Best Use - Use of Property that Brings Greatest Net Return
- Only One - Highest and Best: Use at Any One Time
- Based On Net Income: Takes Zoning, Building Codes and Surrounding Market into Account.
- Excess Land: Does Not Support Highest and Best Use
Chap 9
Principle of Sub_________
No Reasonable Person Will Pay More for a Property Than Would Pay For a Duplicate
Will Not Pay More for Duplicate!
Principle of Substitution -
No Reasonable Person Will Pay More for a Property Than Would Pay For a Duplicate
Will Not Pay More for Duplicate!
Chap 9
Principle of Su___ and De____
The Idea that Value is Affected by the Scarcity and Desire.
Principle of Supply and Demand -
The Idea that Value is Affected by the Scarcity and Desire.
Chap 9
Principle of C________
Value will Remain Stable in area with Reasonable Conformity.
Principle of Conformity -
Value will Remain Stable in area with Reasonable Conformity.
Chap 9
Amount of “Desire” to Buy a Product
Demand -
Amount of “Desire” to Buy a Product
Chap 9
Principle of C________-
Idea that Excess Profits can Increase Competition which Destroys Profits
Principle of Competition -
Idea that Excess Profits can Increase Competition which Destroys Profits
Chap 9
Principle of Ch____ -
Appraisal Principle “Values Do Not Remain the Same.” Appraisers Must Consider how Changing Economic and Social Conditions Affect Value
Principle of Change -
Appraisal Principle “Values Do Not Remain the Same.” Appraisers Must Consider how Changing Economic and Social Conditions Affect Value
Chap 9
Principle of Dev______, Equi_____, Disin_______ -
Idea that Property Goes Through Phases of Growth, Stability, and Decline.
Principle of Development, Equilibrium, Disintegration -
Idea that Property Goes Through Phases of Growth (Development), Stability (Equilibrium), and Decline (Disintegration)
Chap 9
Com_______ Approach (Ma____ Da__/ Dir___ Sa____ Approach) -
Appraisals that Uses Similar Comparable and Recent Sales
Comparison Approach (Market Data/ Direct Sales Approach) -
Appraisals that Uses Similar Comparable and Recent Sales
Chap 9
Sq____ F_____ of Liv____ Area -
Measuring “Exterior Dimensions” of Exterior Walls
Note: Not Garage or Patio
Square Footage of Living Area -
Measuring “Exterior Dimensions” of Exterior Walls
Note: Not Garage or Patio
Chap 9
Det________ -
Loss of Value by “Wear and Tear.”
Deterioration -
Loss of Value by “Wear and Tear.”
Chap 9
Principle of An_________ -
Value affected by “Future Events”
Principle of Anticipation -
Value affected by “Future Events”
Chap 9
E_____ In______ -
Appreciation by Owners Efforts
Earned Increments -
Appreciation by Owners Efforts
Chap 9
U________ Increments -
Appreciation by Other Factors, Out of Owners Control
Unearned Increments -
Appreciation by Other Factors, Out of Owners Control
Chap 9
Plot_____ (Assem_______) -
Joining “Smaller Parcels” into one Larger One.
Plottage (Assemblage) -
Joining “Smaller Parcels” into one Larger One.
Chap 9
Principle of Contr_______ -
Value of Component that Adds To or Detracts from Value of Whole.
Principle of Contribution -
Value of Component that Adds To or Detracts from Value of Whole
Chap 9
Def______ M__________ -
Repairs Put Off For Future.
Deferred Maintenance -
Repairs Put Off For Future.
Chap 9
Functional Obsolescence - (Outdated)
- Loss Due To Out____ Features (Curable) ,
- T_______ Advances (Curable), or
- Poor Floor D_____ (**Incurable**).
Functional Obsolescence - (Outdated)
- Loss Due To Outdated Features (Curable),
- Technological Advances (Curable),
- Poor Floor D_____ (**Incurable**)
Chap 9
Deterioration** such as **Termites, Weather Damage, Leaky Roof, Cracked Paint.
Are they Curable or Non-Curable?
Curable -
Deterioration such as Termites, Weather Damage, Leaky Roof, Cracked Paint.
Remember: Floor Plan Design - NOT Curable
Chap 9
C___ Approach (S______ Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Cost Approach Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Cost Approach (Summation Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Cost Approach Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Chap 9
Repl______ Cost -
Cost to build Reasonable Duplicate
Replacement Cost -
Cost to build Reasonable Duplicate
Chap 9
Repro_____ Cost -
Cost to Build “Exact” Duplicate at Today’s Prices.
Reproduction Cost -
Cost to Build “Exact” Duplicate at Today’s Prices.
Chap 9
Reh_________ -
Curing “Deferred Maintenance”
Rehabilitation -
Curing deferred maintenance
Chap 9
Economic Obsolescence - (Outside)
Loss by Outside Factors:
- Neigh_____ Conditions (Air, Noise, Pollution)
- Over Imp_____,
- Negative Legislation (Z____),
- Change in B______/Mar___ Conditions
Economic Obsolescence - (Outside)
Loss by Outside Factors:
- Neighborhood Conditions (Air, Noise, Pollution),
- Over Improvements,
- Negative Legislation (Zoning),
- Change in Business/Market Conditions
Chap 9
(URAR) Un____ Res______ Appraisal Report -
Standard Appraisal Form for SFR
(URAR) Uniform Residential Appraisal Report -
Standard Appraisal Form for SFR
Chap 9
Sq____ F_____ Under R____ -
Area of Building includes Garages and Patios
Square Footage Under Roof -
Area of Building includes Garages and Patios
Chap 9
De____ Appraisal -
Appraisal from “Internet Information” without Inspecting Property
Desktop Appraisal -
Appraisal from “Internet Information” without Inspecting Property
Chap 9
Principle of Extern_______ -
Principle that Factors “Outside Property” have Positive or Negative Affect on Value.
Principle of Externalities -
Principle that Factors “Outside Property” have Positive or Negative Affect on Value.
Economic Obsolescence - Neighborhood, Air, Noice, Over Improved, Adverse Zoning
Chap i
Salv____ (Resid___) Value -
Value of Buildings at End of Physical Life
Salvage (Residual) Value -
Value of Buildings at End of Physical Life
Chap 9
M_____ Value -
Value for Loan Purposes, using Property as Collateral
Mortgage Value -
Value for Loan Purposes, using Property as Collateral
Chap 9
Mar____ P_____
Money Given/Taken
Note: Market Value - Amount Given and Taken for a Property
Market Price -
Money Given/Taken
Note: Market Value - Amount Given and Taken for a Property
Chap 9
Principle of H____ and B___ U__ -
Use of Property that Brings Greatest Net Return
Principle of Highest and Best Use -
Use of Property that Brings Greatest Net Return
Chap 9
Principle of S____ and D_____ -
Value by Scarcity and Desire of Item
Principle of Supply and Demand -
Value by Scarcity and Desire of Item
Chap 9
C___ Approach (S______ Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Cost Approach (Summation Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Value (Cost Approach)
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Chap 9
A__ L______ Tran______ -
Transaction Where Parties Have Equal Bargaining Positions.
Arm’s-Length Transaction -
Transaction Where Parties Have Equal Bargaining Positions.
Chap 9
Arm’s Length Transactions include?
For_____, Relatives S____, and Condem_____ Proceedings
Arm’s Length Transactions Include?
Foreclosures, Relatives Sales, and Condemnation Proceedings
Chap 9
Principle of H_____ and B___ Use -
Principle Used that Will Generate Greatest Net Return
What is based on “Net Income,” Zoning, Building Codes, and Surrounding Market
Principle of Highest and Best Use -
Principle Used that Will Generate Greatest Net Return
Based on “Net Income,” Zoning, Building Codes, and Surrounding Market
Chap 9
Fu_______ Ob_________ - Outdated
Poor Floor Plans - Form of Depreciation that “Is Not” Curable (Incurable)
Functional Obsolescence - Outdated
Poor Floor Plans - Form of Depreciation that “Is Not” Curable (Incurable)
Economic Obsolescence (External) - Factors Outside of Property that deal with Neighborhood Issues includes?
- A__,
- N____
- Poll_____,
- Traf____
- Adverse Z_____
- Over Improved Property
Economic Obsolescence (External) - Factors Outside of Property that deal with Neighborhood Issues includes?
- Air,
- Noise
- Pollution,
- Traffic
- Adverse Zoning
- Over Improved Property
Chap 9
Comparison Approach relies Most “Heavily Relies On -
- Ex____ Res______
- V____ L____
Comparison Approach relies Most “Heavily Relies On -
- Existing Residences
- Vacant Land
Chap 9
Comparison Approach (Market Data/Sales) -
- Many Buyer/Sellers
- Comparable Sales at A___ Length
- 3 Comparables
- Adj______
- Heavily Relies On Existing Residence and Vacant Land
Comparison Approach (Market Data/Sales) -
- Many Buyer/Sellers
- Comparable Sales at Arm’s Length
- 3 Comparables
- Adjustments
- Heavily Relies On Existing Residence and Vacant Land
Chap 9
Comparison Approach - Adjustments
- D___ of Sale
- Loc______
- Fin________
- Condition or Features
- Concessions
- Property with **Fewest Adjustments** ***Most Comparable***
Comparison Approach - Adjustments
- Date of Sale
- Locations
- Financing
- Condition or Features
- Concessions
- Property with **Fewest Adjustments** ***Most Comparable***
Chap 9
C___ Approach (Su______) -
Building Cost - Depreciation + Land Value
= Appraised Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Cost Approach (Summation) -
Building Cost - Depreciation + Land Value
= Appraised Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Chap 9
Cost Approach (Heavily Relies On}:
One of a K___ Properties, such as Churches, Municipal Buildings, New Constructions
Cost Approach (Heavily Relies On):
One of a Kind Properties, such as Churches, Municipal Buildings, New Constructions
Chap 9
Scarcity means
Supply = Scarcity
Chap 9
Desire means
Demand = Desire
Chap 9
Growth means
Development = Growth
Chap 9
Principle of H____ and B___ U__ -
Use of Property that Brings Greatest Net Return
Principle of Highest and Best Use -
Use of Property that Brings Greatest Net Return
Chap 9
C___ Approach (S______ Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Appraised Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Cost Approach (Summation Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Appraised Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Chap 9
Stability (Balance) means
Equilibrium = Stability, Balance
Chap 9
Decline means
Disintegration = Decline
Chap 9
Worth of Property and has for 4 Major Elements such as Demand, Utility, Scarcity, and Transferabilty
Value (Worth) -
Worth of Property and has for 4 Major Elements such as Demand, Utility, Scarcity, and Transferabilty
Chap 9
Land Not Needed to support the Highest and Best Use.
Excess Land -
Land Not Needed to support the Highest and Best Use.
Chap 9
Increase in Value for Any Reason
Appreciation -
Increase in Value for Any Reason.
Chap 9
Loss in Value for Any Reason. In the Cost Approach Most Difficult to Estimate.
Depreciation -
Loss in Value for Any Reason. In the Cost Approach Most Difficult to Estimate.
Cost Approach - One of a Kind Properties, such as Churches, Municipal Buildings, New Constructions
Chap 9
An Exterior Inspection of a Home by a Licensed Appraiser. Lenders Typically Use to Document Comparable Properties.
Drive-By Inspection
An Exterior Inspection of a Home by a Licensed Appraiser. Lenders Typically Use to Document Comparable Properties
C___ Approach (S______ Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Appraised Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Cost Approach (Summation Approach) -
Appraisal that uses Calculated Building Costs, Subtracted Depreciaton and Added Land Values
Bldg Cost - Depreciation + Land = Appraised Value
One of Kind Properties - Church, Municipal Buildings
Chap 9
In Preparing an Estimate of Value for a Thirty Year Old House, an Appraiser will MOST LIKELY Use Which of the Following Approaches to Value?
- Replacement Cost
- Reproduction Cost
- Market Data
- Income
In Preparing an Estimate of Value for a Thirty Year Old House, an Appraiser will MOST LIKELY Use Which of the Following Approaches to Value?
- Replacement Cost
- Reproduction Cost
- Market Data
- Income
Chap 9
When Market Data is lacking and the property has no income, the appraisal approach MOST LIKELY to be used is the:
- Comparison
- Cost
- Capitalization
- Market Data
When Market Data is lacking and the property has no income, the appraisal approach MOST LIKELY to be used is the:
- Comparison
- Cost
- Capitalization
- Market Data
If a property is built usng inferior building materials this would directly result in
- Functional Obsolescence
- Physical Deterioration
- External Obsolescense
- Reproduction Cost
If a property is built usng inferior building materials this would directly result in
- Functional Obsolescence
- Physical Deterioration
- External Obsolescense
- Reproduction Cost
Chap 9
An owner improves a property bringing it up to value commensurate with surrounding properties. This is an example of:
- Conformity
- Contribution
- Competition
- Regression
An owner improves a property bringing it up to value commensurate with surrounding properties. This is an example of:
- Conformity
- Contribution
- Competition
- Regression
Chap 9