Landing Pattern/Break (Contacts) Flashcards
3/4 WTD Reference
Where the orange meets the white on the wing’s leading edge
2/3 WTD Reference
Fuel Cap
1/4 WTD Reference
Where the canopy rail visually biscects the wing
Break Procedure
Entry is according to Local SOP (Airspeed & Altitude)
- Clear direction of turn and then make a 30-60° AOB turn
- Retard PCL to IDLE
- Maintain altitude
- When below 150 KIAS…“Below 150, Gear” and lower the landing gear
- Immediately after dropping landing gear, advance PCL
- Adjust the turn to establish 3/4 WTD to 1 WTD on the Downwind leg
- Slow to 120 KIAS and maintain break altitude
- If descending to pattern altitude…set power to ~20% and capture 120 KIAS
- Level off at pattern altitude with correct flap/power settings combination
- Complete Before Landing Checklist
NF Downwind Configuration
- 120 KIAS
- Gear Down
- ~31% Power
- 4° nose up
T/O Flaps Downwind Configuration
- 120 KIAS
- Gear down
- ~42% Power
- 3° nose up
LDG Flaps Downwind Configuration
- 120 KIAS
- Gear down
- ~52% Power
- 1° nose up
What spacing should you have from the runway on the Downwind Leg?
3/4 WTD to 1 WTD
Abeam Transition Procedure
- Reduce power to ~20%
- Trim left rudder and nose up for deceleration
Where is the 180° Position located?
Opposite the intended rollout position
When you would initiate your Approach Turn
180° Position Procedure
- Lower the nose 2-3° to capture/maintain the airspeed for your current flap settings (120 KIAS for NF|115 KIAS for T/O|110 KIAS for LDG)
- Turn to the 90° Position with a 25-30° AOB turn
- Make the appropriate 180° call
Where is the 90° Position located?
Midpoint of the approach turn to final
What altitude should you be at for the 90° Position?
450’ AGL
What airspeeds should you be at when arriving at the 90° Position?
- 120 KIAS for NF
- 115 KIAS for T/O
- 110 KIAS for LDG
Where is the Final Approach position?
Position & Altitude
- Begins at 1200-1500 ft from the runway
- 150-250’ AGL
Final Approach Procedure
- When intercepting centerline, slowly reduce power to decelerate towards the correct airspeed for your flap setting (NF=110 KIAS|T/O=105 KIAS|LDG=100 KIAS)
- Maintain centerline
- Maintain aimpoint position 1/2 up the windscreen (nose to the numbers)
- Visually check and verbalize if gear is down (“Gear down, lights checked”)
- Make small power and pitch corrections (pitch for airspeed and power for altitude)
What are the three phases of landing?
- Landing transition
- Flare & touchdown
- Landing Roll
Landing Transition to Touchdown Procedure
- Retard the PCL to IDLE when approaching touchdown (5-10’ AGL)
- Set and maintain a slight nose high attitude (7-10° nose high)
“Level, Idle, Settle, Flare”
Roll-out Procedure
- Maintain flared backstick pressure…as nose settles down, relieve backstick pressure
- Maintain centerline with rudders
Touch-and-Go Landing Procedure
- Smoothly advance PCL to MAX without delay
- Keep nose at the take attitude (7-10° nose high)
- Execute a normal takeoff by rotating at 90 knots (raise flaps to T/O after two positive rates and flaps from T/O to UP once above 110…leave gear down)
- As airspeed approaches 120 KIAS, reduce power to ~60-70%
- Make crosswind turn and appropriate call
- Rollout on downwind leg and reduce power to ~31%
“Power up, Spool up, Rudder up”
When (in the pattern) are wave-offs typically executed?
- During the approach turn
- In the straight away
- During the landing transition
Wave-Off Procedure
- Advance PCL as required (MAX power is not always required)
- Simultaneously level the wings and center the ball
- Raise the nose to climbing attitude and climb at 120 KIAS
- If flaps were lowered…raise flaps when airborne w/ two positive rates and accelerate to 120 KIAS
- Adjust flight path to either side of the runway to avoid traffic IAW local SOP
- When number one Upwind with Interval…make a Crosswind turn or departing call
High on Final Approach Correction
Slightly reduce power & lower the nose
Low on Final Approach Correction
Slightly increase power & raise the nose
Fast on Final Approach Correction
Slightly reduce power & apply backstick pressure
Slow on Final Approach Correction
Slightly increase power & apply forward stick pressure